Dear Sir£¬
I am writing to tell you what has happened to me recently£®
Dear Sir£¬
I am writing to tell you what has happened to me recently.
Three weeks ago I bought an MP4 at an e£market in our city¡£But I hadn¡¯t used it for several days when something went wrong with it.¡£So I went to the e£market£¬only to be told that the problem couldn¡¯t be solved until it was sent to its factory¡£Then I sent it there without any delay¡£Fortunately£¬the factory promised to get it repaired and sent it back in a week¡£Two weeks has passed£¬however£¬I haven¡¯t received it up till now¡£I have no idea why things are like this¡£I¡¯m expecting to receive my player as soon as possible¡£
Thank you for taking trouble to solve this matter¡£
Yours faithfully£¬
Li Dong