
When you’re faced with failure, you need is to take courage and try again.

A.that B.all C.which D.it




试题分析: 考查定语从句。句意:当你面对失败时,你所需要的就是鼓起勇气再试一次。All 是主语,主句是All is to take courage and try again,而you need 是all 的定语从句 ,省略的关系代词that,在定语从句做need 的宾语,可以省略,故选B项。

考点 : 考查定语从句。



Lightning flashed through the darkness over Donald Lubeck’s bedroom skylight.The 80-year-old retired worker was shaken by a blast of thunder.It was 11 p.m.The storm had moved directly over his two-story wood home in the rural town of Belchertown, Massachusetts.Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.Lubeck padded down the stairs barefoot and opened the door to the basement, and flames exploded out.

Lubeck fled back upstairs to call 119 from his bedroom ,but the phone didn’t work.Lubeck realized he was trapped.“I started panicking,” he says.

His daughter and young granddaughters ,who lived with him ,were away for the night.No one will even know I’m home, he thought.His house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be fruitless.

Up a hill about a third of a mile away lived Lubeck’s closest neighbors, Jeremie Wentworth and his wife.Wentworth had been lying down, listening to the radio when it occurred to him that the sound was more like a smoke detector.He jumped out of bed ,grabbed a cordless phone and a flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the noise.

He dialed 119“Is anyone there?” he called out as he approached the house.Wentworth knew that Lubeck lived in the house.

Then he heard ,“Help me! I’m trapped!” coming from the balcony off Lubeck’s bedroom.

“I ran in and yelled, ‘Don, where are you ?’Then I had to run outside to catch my breath.”

After one more attempt inside the house, he gave up and circled around back.But there was no way to get to him.“I shined the flashlight into the woods next to an old shed and noticed a adder,” says Wentworth.He dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down just as the second floor of the house collapsed.

Wentworth and Lubeck don’t run into each other regularly, but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help ,Wentworth will be there.

Lubeck still chokes up when he tells the story.“I was alone,”he says.“Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life.It was Jeremie.”

1.According to the text ,Lubeck .

A.stayed calm in the fire B.couldn’t find a safe way out

C.lived on the first floor D.called for help in the fire

2.How did Wentworth help Lubeck escape?

A.He called 911.

B.He went upstairs and took Lubeck out.

C.He put out the fire

D.He used a ladder and pulled lubeck down

3.Which of the following factors was not mentioned in the text that almost caused Lubeck’s life?

A.He was living in his wood home alone that night.

B.The storm was too heavy and the fire was too fierce.

C.He lived far from the main road and was surrounded by pines.

D.He was too frightened to escape from the danger.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.A near neighbour is better than a distant cousin.

B.A good way to get a narrow escape.

C.God helps those who help themselves.

D.Blood is thicker than water.


At a local bakery I gave the cashier some money.“Please surprise someone by their meal with this today,”I said.

Her dropped open.“Why are you doing this?”she asked.

“To spread a little bit of ,”I said,“It feels like a good day to share love.”

“This is so nice!” she smiled,I smiled too and thinking about how she was going to the rest of the day looking for that “perfect” person.

A little while later I stood,looking , on a subway platform in Times Square.A passer-by his earphones and gently asked,“Where do you need to go?”Then he gave me directions.

Soon afterwards I found myself struggling with a heavy through a downtown subway station.I'd already dragged it up and down a great many staircases. As I in front of a final flight of steps, a young man turned around the corner and without hesitation,said,"Carl I help you with the suitcase?”Before I'd even managed a(n) he lifted my suitcase up.It was a love-filled moment that me how much I love this city-with quiet kindness!

1.A.paying for B.eating up C.taking away D.clearing up

2.A.eyes B.mouth C.hands D.face

3.A.humor B.joke C.kindness D.fun

4.A.spend B.1ive C.wander D.work

5.A.satisfied B.lost C.sad D.tired

6.A.brought up B.got back C.gave away D.pulled out

7.A.1uggage B.handbag C.umbrella D.suitcase

8.A.paused B.exercised C.watched D.failed

9.A.decision B.action C.reply D.support

10.A.taught B.reminded C.warned D.praised


San Francisco,unofficially regarded as one of the homeless capitals of the US,counts nearly 6,500 homeless people, with 4,300 living on the street.

Among the many problems that the homeless face is little or no access to showers.San Francisco only has about 16 to 20 shower stations to accommodate them.But Doniece Sandoval has made it her task to change that.

“Homelessness is something you can’t really miss,”the 51-year-old woman said.She started Lava Mae,a sort of showers on wheels, a new project that aims to turn old city buses into shower stations for the homeless.

“One day I passed a woman in the street and she was very dirty and basically crying,and I heard her say that she would never be clean.But I was wondering what her opportunities were to actually get clean,” Sandoval said.

Sandoval was inspired to start Lava Mae. The project has already been welcomed with open arms in the city.The Transportation Agency has donated one bus for the cause and is willing to donate three more if the project succeeds.Sandoval hopes the first bus will be able to hit the road in May this year.The Public Commission has also agreed to let the buses plug into fire hydrants(消防龙头)around the city if Lava Mae pays for the water.

One of Lava Mae’s biggest supporters is Bevan Dufty, the director of Housing Opportunity, Partnerships & Engagement under the mayor of San Francisco.“For people who are unhoused,access to showers is very difficult.Shower buses are something that could potentially be deployed (部署)in response to an emergency,so it is relevant to all San Franciscans," Dufty said.“Doniece has done an incredible job as a citizen who cares about helping the poor.We are very excited to see Lava Mae become real soon.”

Each bus will have two shower stations and Sandoval expects that by 2015,they’ll be able to provide 2000 showers a week.

1.What problem does San Francisco face according to the text?

A.The city has the most homeless people in the USA.

B.There are no shower stations for the homeless in the city.

C.It’s hard for homeless people in the city to take showers.

D.Few citizens in the city care about the homeless.

2.What does the underlined word ''them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.City problems. B.Shower stations. C.Old buses. D.The homeless.

3.Which of the following best describes Doniece Sandoval?

A.Brave and independent. B.Caring and responsible.

C.Honest and determined. D.Friendly and humorous.

4.What can we learn from Dufty’s words?

A.All San Franciscans are excited to use Lava Mae.

B.Emergencies in San Francisco will be prevented by Lava Mae.

C.Dufty thinks highly of Doniece's way of helping the poor.

D.The mayor of San Francisco will support Doniece financially.

5.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A newly invented way of shower

B.Showers on Wheels for the Homeless

C.The health problem of the homeless

D.Lave Mae-a new name for old city buses


Most city parks are places where you can escape from big,ugly structures of metal and stone.The Manhattan High Line is different.Raised 25 feet above the ground,this massive metal structure once supported a rail line.The line opened in 1934 but it was hardly used after the 1960s,and much of it was torn down.However,one stretch remained in a region of Manhattan.The railway structure was ugly and everyone knew that at some time,it would have to be removed.

But the High Line was not destroyed.In fact.now the old rail line serves as one of the most peaceful places in the city.The idea to change the rail line into a park came from Joshua David and Robert Hammond.In 1999,they attended a community meeting to decide the fate of the High Line.David and Hammond were the only people at the meeting interested in saving the historical structure. Later on,when they asked railway officials to take them up to look at the High Line,they saw a mile and a half of wild flowers growing in the middle of the city,and they realized that the High Line had potential to become a park.There was growing interest in improving urban centers,and so the project quickly gathered funds for construction.

The first section of the High Line opened in 2009 and immediately became popular with tourists and locals alike.Each part of the park has a different atmosphere.Some areas are like balconies with wonderful city views.Other sections have wide lawns and walkways planted with wild flowers.Only the final section remains the way it has been for the last fifty years—a railway line overgrown with weeds.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.A park. B.A train line.

C.City transport.D.A historical monument.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the High Line?

A.It is above ground level. B.Only part of the line remains.

C.It is now a popular park.D.Trains still use the line.

3.Why did David and Hammond want to save the High Line at first?

A.They thought it would make a good park.

B.They wanted to reopen the train line.

C.They thought it had historical value.

D.They were interested in improving the city.

4.Why were people easily persuaded by David and Hammond’s idea?

A.They wanted to make cities nicer places.

B.They wanted to see the wild flowers too.

C.They realized the High Line was important.

D.They knew that funds were available.

5.We can infer from the last paragraph that the park is ______________.

A.popular with tourists B.similar to what it used to be

C.various in its design D.1ike natural countryside


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