
[自我归纳]aware是形容词,意为“知道的,意识到的, 察觉到的”。常用于以下搭配:(句l) ;be aware of sb. doing sth.(句2) ; be aware that / (of) how …(句3、句4) 。

[自我归纳]be aware of sth.


          I'm glad I got to attend PRSSA's (Public Relations Student Society of America) National Conference in Philadelphia this year because it gave me the opportunity to get advice and insight (见解) from industry professionals. Newhouse (American publisher) brings in great speakers,but I don't always get the chance to go to the ones I want because of classes and other schedule conflicts. Having five days to focus only on developing my public relations knowledge base was great.

           One of the sessions(会议) I enjoyed the most was about food PR. The speaker was very enthusiastic and gave helpful information on her day-to-day responsibilities and on the importance of choosing the person you want to work for,not just the job position.

           Attending the different sessions also gave me insight on areas that I might not want to work in. The session on entertainment and public relations showed me that I do not have enough interest in the latest television shows and pop culture to work in the entertainment industry. All of the reality stars and movies everyone was talking about were beyond me.

           Attending conferences also allowed our own PRSSA members to get to know each other better and become friends outside of meetings and work. We have a sort of PRSSA family environment where we always try to help each other.

           To sum up,if you ever get the chance to attend a PR conference,whether regional or national,be sure to take the opportunity to do so. Conveniently,Syracuse University will be hosting a regional PRSSA conference on March 1-2 this coming spring. Don’t miss it!

24. The author sometimes can't go to the meetings he wants because .

   A. he is not invited

   B. he has to do part-time jobs

   C. he doesnt like the speakers

   D. he has classes or other plans

25. The author's attitude towards PRSSA’s sessions can be described as.

   A. unfavorable   B. enthusiastic

   C. doubtful   D. unconcerned

26. It can be learned that PRSSA members .

   A. can benefit a lot from the sessions

   B. have to work out solutions to public issues

   C. compete with each other for good opportuni?ties

   D. can know their shortcomings from the meetings

27. The last paragraph is intended to .

   A. explain how PRSSA works

   B. show readers how to join PRSSA

   C. describe the future development of PRSSA

   D. encourage readers to attend PRSSA meetings


             Scientists have long known that turtles,like many animals,find their way and direction at sea by sensing the invisible(无形的) lines of Earth's magnetic field(磁场) similar to how sailors use latitude(纬度)and longitude. But they didnt know

how turtles were able to return to the very spot where they were born.

              Now a study has the answer: Turtles also rely on Earths magnetic field to find their way home. That's because each part of the coastline has its own magnetic signature,which the animals remember and later use as an internal compass. It's not an easy way,though — the magnetic field turns slowly,and turtles have to change their nesting sites in response's pretty amazing how these creatures can find their way through this vast expanse of nothing/' said study co-author J. Roger Brothers.

              Turtles have a great range that surrounds all but the coldest waters of the world's oceans. Though they travel hundreds of miles out to sea,turtles seem to prefer coastal areas.

              Every year,thousands of volunteers walk along Florida's sandy beaches to count turtle's nesting sites,which provides scientists with a rich population data set. At the same time,researchers have been studying slight changes in Earths magnetic field along Florida's coasts to measure how the fields strength and other characters change over time. Brothers and his colleagues combined the citizen-science data on turtle nests and official data about the magnetic field to find how everything changed over time.

              Nathan Putman,a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Southeast Fisheries Science Center,added,“Its really creative work,the type that makes you think, ‘Why didn’11 think of that?’ ”

              The results could also influence conservation ways for these endangered animals,said Brothers. The population of the animals has fallen due to pollution,and development in their nesting areas. Many conservationists surround turtles' nests with wire cages. Since these cages are usually metallic,the practice could affect the turtles,ability to find their way home.

32. Why does the author say “It's not an easy way”?

   A. Turtles always travel far away from home.

   B. Earth's magnetic field changes constantly.

   C. It's hard for turtles to feel the invisible lines.

   D. It takes turtles too much time to plan their route.

33. What is the main idea of Paragraph 4 ?

   A. How the data was collected.

   B. How important the research was.

   C. How the research was carried out.

   D. How meaningful the data is in modem life.

34. What does Nathan Putman think of the findings of Brothers and his team?

   A. There is still a long way to go.

   B. Their efforts are worthwhile and inspiring.

   C. They are the most important findings on turtles.

   D. The results may cause doubts from other scientists.

35. According to the last paragraph,why are some cages put around turtles’ nests?

   A. To expand their nesting areas.

   B. To help them rest comfortably.

   C. To guide them to their home.

   D. To prevent them from leaving.

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