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·ÖÎö ÎÒ¼Ò°áµ½Ò»¸öз¿×ÓÀÕûÀí·¿¼äÕæ²»ÈÝÒ×£¬ÒòΪÎÒÓкܶàÊ飮·¿¼ä̫С£¬ÎÒÖ»ºÃ°ÑÊé·ÅÔڵذåÉÏ£®×òÌìÎÒÃÃÃðïÎÒ°áÊé³÷£¬¿´µ½µØ°åÉϵÄÊ飬ËýºÜ¾ªÑÈ£¬ËµÕâÊÇËý¿´¹ýµÄ×îƯÁÁµÄµØ̺£®
½â´ð My family have just moved into a new house£®That is not easy to get my room in order because I own over a thousand book£®Because the room is rather small£¬and I have to put my books in the floor£®They covers every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out¡Äthe room£®Yesterday morning£¬my sister helps me to carry one of my old bookcases upstairs£®Saw all those books on the floor£¬she got the big surprise£®"This is the pretty carpet I have ever seen£¬"she said£®
1£®That¸ÄΪIt£»´ú´Ê´íÎó£®it is not easy to do sth×öijʲ»ÈÝÒ×£»it×÷ÐÎʽÖ÷Ó
4£®in¸ÄΪon£»½é´Ê´íÎó£®on the floorÔڵذåÉÏ£®
6£®¼Óof£»¶ÌÓï´îÅä´íÎó£®out of the room³ö·¿¼ä£®
7£®helps¸ÄΪhelped£»Ê±Ì¬´íÎó£®¾äÖÐyesterday morning±íʾ¹ýÈ¥µÄʱ¼ä£¬ÒªÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ̬£®
9£®the¸ÄΪa£»¹Ú´Ê´íÎó£®get a big surprise´ó³ÔÒ»¾ª£®
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A£® | have the soldiers | B£® | the soldiers | ||
C£® | the soldiers did | D£® | did the soldiers |
A£® | that | B£® | where | C£® | which | D£® | when |
A£® | that | B£® | when | C£® | at that time | D£® | just then |
A£® | that | B£® | which | C£® | how | D£® | what |
Let me take you£¨21£©A a couple of years£®Come with me as we relearn a lesson£¬one that has stuck with me£¬in my present memory£¬and £¨22£©D me yet£®
We walked into Elida Road Hardware£¬an old-fashioned hardware store£®No automatic door£¬not a computer in the building£®It was one that I went to fairly often£®As we entered the door£¬two sounds £¨23£©A us£®The sleigh bells of last year made that sweet£¬peaceful tinkle as we opened the door£®The other sound was the electronic beeper that reminded Andy of our£¨24£©D£®
"Good afternoon£¬Ryan£¬"£¨25£©C the cheerful greeting£®Andy was a very £¨26£©B sort of owner£®He was of medium build and height£¬and the smile on his face welcomed us£®
We walked across the old wood floor£®Andy asked us what he could help us with£®I told him we were £¨27£©B a spring£®He very patiently replied£¬"I have lots of springs£®You're going to need to be more£¨28£©A£®"
"Just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door£®"
"That's it£®A screen door spring£®Right down there£®"We £¨29£©B where he was pointing£¬and sure enough£¬there they were£®Andy knew his store£¬and his products£®That was why I came here instead of Meijer£®The service couldn't be beaten£®The price-Yes£®But service and £¨30£©C
I picked up one and followed him to the £¨31£©C£®
He £¨32£©A the price£¬doing the math in his head£®"1.88£¬withtax£ºcomesto 1.99£®"
"Put it on my dad's account£®"
He nodded and smiled£¬"Good dad's account£®"He laughed£®"I don't know what you boys would do £¨33£©B dad's account!"
He handed me the ticket and as I £¨34£©B it I asked£¬"You really trust my signature£¿"
His reply surprised£¬£¨35£©A delighted me£®"When I can't trust Jerry Hoover's boys I can trust nobody!"
We left£¬and the brain £¨36£©A started to forget things£¬in order of importance£®But what Andy said that day rang in my ears£®And it rings in my ears today£®That's a tall order to live up to£®It's a high standard of £¨37£©D£®My father made a fame for that name£¬and I get to £¨38£©D the benefits£®But on account of this£¬I must £¨39£©A that fame£®And that's £¨40£©C business£®
21£®A£®back | B£®away | C£®on | D£®in |
22£®A£®excites | B£®shocks | C£®amazes | D£®inspires |
23£®A£®greeted | B£®hugged | C£®heard | D£®sensed |
24£®A£®absence | B£®guests | C£®shopping | D£®presence |
25£®A£®replied | B£®said | C£®came | D£®cried |
26£®A£®special | B£®friendly | C£®ordinary | D£®appropriate |
27£®A£®looking up | B£®looking for | C£®looking into | D£®looking at |
28£®A£®specific | B£®special | C£®particular | D£®practical |
29£®A£®got to | B£®turned to | C£®stuck to | D£®referred to |
30£®A£®description | B£®determination | C£®satisfaction | D£®imagination |
31£®A£®comer | B£®cashier | C£®counter | D£®door |
32£®A£®figured up | B£®made up | C£®took up | D£®put up |
33£®A£®with | B£®without | C£®by | D£®for |
34£®A£®received | B£®signed | C£®wrote | D£®touched |
35£®A£®yet | B£®still | C£®even | D£®also |
36£®A£®immediately | B£®eventually | C£®merely | D£®possibly |
37£®A£®devotion | B£®fortune | C£®consideration | D£®honesty |
38£®A£®realize | B£®believe | C£®use | D£®enjoy |
39£®A£®maintain | B£®obtain | C£®contain | D£®entertain |
40£®A£®wonderful | B£®optimistic | C£®serious | D£®successful£® |
A£® | why it does | B£® | what he does | C£® | how it is | D£® | what it is |