
7.Last night,I was about to pull out of the parking lot when I noticed a hitchhiker (搭便车的人).I know that picking up a hitchhiker can be (36)C,but I want a try,as they may have a sincere need to reach their (37)B.I rolled down my window and called the man to my car.I asked him where he was(38)D and he told me that he needed a ride to his doctor's office which would  (39)A in 15minutes.
(40)A he got in he told me that the person who was supposed to drive him there didn't appear.He continued to tell me that he is a (41)C and goes out to sea for weeks at a time.He needs to take(42)Bfor his nerves,(43)A which,he told me,it would be impossible for him to work.
With some (44)C driving we managed to get there in about ten minutes.I told him I would wait and bring him back.He (45)Bme and said he should be back only in fifteen minutes.
Shortly after,he came back to tell me that the doctor was still with other (46)Band it was going to take a while (47)D.I told him that I was going to grab a coffee while I (48)A.But it ended up taking about forty-five minutes,(49)Dwe had a bit more time than (50)D.
Afterwards he got back in my car and  tried his hardest to (51)C for keeping me waiting so long.I tried my best to make him feel at (52)C and drove him back to where I had picked him up.Again he (53)Ahis thanks and we said our good-byes.
I feel that the universe or God always (54)B us with what we need.Maybe God did put him in my path.In his case it was a(55)D,in mine the opportunity to help someone else.

49.A.turning upB.taking outC.making upD.turning out

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了他的一次载人搭便车的经历,作者开始时认为搭便车是危险的,但是在经过交谈之后作者相信了这个人,因此载着他去看医生,并且等待着他并将他送了回去,作者通过这篇文章告诉我们要乐于助人.

解答 36-40 CBDAA   41-45 CBACB 46-50 BDADD  51-55 CCABD
36.C  考查形容词的应用,根据后文but I want a try,as they may have a sincere 可知作者明知道带一个搭便车的人是危险的但是他还是想尝试一下,故选C.
37.B  考查名词的应用,根据前文可知作者想要载那个想要搭便车的人,因此需要知道他们的目的地,故选B.
38.D  考查语意的理解,根据后文he told me that he needed a ride to his doctor's office 他告诉作者他要去看医生,因此可知此处作者询问他要去哪.故选D.
39.A  考查形容词的应用,根据后文in 15minutes只需要十五分钟可知距离很近,故选A.
40.A  考查连词的应用,根据后文he got in he told me that the person who was supposed to drive him there didn't appear他告诉我本应该去接他的人并没有到,故选A.
41.C  考查名词的应用,根据后文goes out to sea for weeks at a time他一次出海几周可知他是一个渔夫,故选C.
42.B  考查语意理解,根据前文可知他要去看医生,因此需要去拿药,故选B.
43.A   考查介词的应用,根据后文he told me,it would be impossible for him to work他接着告诉我的事情可知这句话是对前文的补充,故选A.
44.C  考查形容词的应用,根据后文we managed to get there in about ten minutes可知我们十分钟就到了,但是前文说要十五分钟,因此可知作者开车很快,故选C.
45.B  考查语意理解,根据前文I told him I would wait and bring him back.我告诉他会在这里等他可知此处应为表示感谢,故选B.
46.B  考查名词的应用,根据后文it was going to take a while这会花费很长时间可知他的医生仍在看其他病人,故选B.
47.D  考查语意理解,根据前文可知医生仍然有其他病人,因此等待的时间会更长一点,故选D.
48.A  考查名词的应用,根据前文I told him that I was going to grab a coffee 可知我告诉他我会去一个咖啡厅等待,故选A.
49.D  考查短语的应用,根据前文But it ended up taking about forty-five minutes可知这个人看病用了45分钟,比预期的时间要长,故选D.
50.D  考查名词的应用,根据前文可知我们本以为十五分钟就会结束,但事实上我等待了四十五分钟,因此比预期的时间要长,故选D.
51.C  考查名词的应用,根据后文for keeping me waiting so long可知他因为让我等了这么长时间而道歉,故选C.
52.C  考查语意的理解,根据前文可知这个人因为让我等待的时间久而道歉,因此我尽力使他感到放松,不因为这个而感到紧张,故选C.
53.A  考查名词的应用,根据后文his thanks and we said our good-byes可知他再次向我表达了他的感谢,故选A.
54.B  考查语意理解,这句话说明作者认为上帝总是向我们提供我们需要的东西,故选B.
55.D  考查名词的应用,根据前文Maybe God did put him in my path可知上帝把他放在我的路上是为了让我载着他看医生,故选D.

点评 本题主要考查了单词的应用,主要考察介词动词名词等.做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识.本题考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等.因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识.并且联系上下文,选出合适的单词.

17.A A Spelling Test
If you want to be a good English writer,you have to be a good speller.This spelling test is easy to take,but some of the words may be difficult.These are the 50 words that are the most difficult for native speakers.To take the test,just click on the correct spelling.For example,which is correct:*brocolli*or*broccoli*?
After you finish the test,check out the tips on how to improve your spelling.
The Open Diary
A diary is a journal that you write in every day.You can write about what you did that day,or you can write about your thoughts and feelings.It's even a great place to write down new vocabulary or notes from class!At this site,you can make your own diary,and write in it whenever you want.You can make a private (only you can read it) or a public (anybody can read it) diary.Your identity will always be completely anonymous (nobody will know who you are).You can even make your own special design for your diary!
Are you planning to have a party or some kind of special event?This is a fun site where you can send out very nice online invitations to your friends or colleagues.This site is easy to use.Just choose the kind of party or event that you're having,and write what you want to say.You can choose from their designs or put your own picture or graphic on the invitation.Click on VIEW SAMPLE to see what you can do.If you want to use this free site,you must register first.
The Unofficial Smiley Dictionary
What's a smiley?A smiley is something you can type in your email or a chat room to show what your feeling is.
You've probably seen this smiley before:-) It means I'm happy.And of course,:-( means I'm sad.But do you know what 8-) means?How about:-&?
At this site,you'll find lots of different smiley.Some are useful,and some are a bit silly.
The Electric Postcard
Email is great,but sometimes it's fun to send a special postcard to someone.This site has lots of cool postcards to choose from.To send an Electric Postcard,first choose a category.Then choose the postcard you want to send.Fill in the information and write your message.Choose Preview the Postcard if you want to see what it will look like before you send it.If you want to change anything,just go back and make your changes.Then send your postcard.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
It's true that sometimes pictures can communicate more than words!Here's a fun site where you can show everyone your sense of humor!

46.Nick wants to read some of the public diaries to get some ideas for his diary.(If he finds something interesting,he can leave a message in that diary.) If he doesn't want to write a diary on the Internet,he can try writing in an old-fashioned paper diary.He finds it a really fun way to practice his English every day!B
47.Jack wants to show his feelings.He tries to make some of his own smiley,then shows them to a friend or classmate and asks them to guess the meaning.D
48.Laura wants to challenge her teacher to see if he/she is a good speller.She makes a bet that her teacher will make AT LEAST 5mistakes on the test.If she wins the bet,the teacher has to buy ice creams for the whole class!A
49.Donald tries designing his own paper invitations for his next party.He is trying to decide what the most important information is,and what kind of graphics or pictures he wants to use.C
50.Lynn will find a lot of funny pictures at this site.It's her job to write a funny caption for the picture.She will,first,get some ideas by taking a look at past photos to see what other people have written and which ones she thinks funny.Then she looks at the new photos and tries to think of a funny caption.When she has one that she likes,she can send it in an email with her name and country.F.
18.Traditional fairytales are being abandoned by parents because they are too scary for their young children,a study found.
    Research revealed one in five parents has ditched old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rapunzel in favour of more modern books.One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the horrible details of Little Red Riding Hood.And nearly half of mothers and fathers refuse to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids as the themes of the story are kidnapping and execution.Similarly,Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it forgives stealing.
    The survey of 2,000 adults was conducted to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM,which starts tonight at 9pm on Watch,and sees six episodes based on traditional fairytales.The poll found a quarter of parents polled wouldn't consider reading a fairytale to their child until they had reached the age of five,as they prompt too many awkward questions from their offspring.
Steve Hornsey,General Manager of Watch,said:"Bedtime stories are supposed to soothe children and send them off to sleep soundly.But as we see in GRIMM,fairytales can be dark and dramatic tales so it's understandable that parents worry about reading them to young children."
"As adults we can see the innocence in fairytales,but a five year old with an over active imagination could take things too seriously.Despite the dark nature of classic fairytales,as we see in GRIMM,good will triumph over evil and there is always a moral to the story."
   The study also found two thirds of mums and dads try to avoid stories which might give their children nightmares.
   However,half of parents said traditional tales are more likely to have a strong moral message than a lot of modern kids'books,such as The Gruffalo,The Hungary Caterpillar and the Mr.Men books.
36.Why some parents don't want to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids?D
A.Rumplestiltskin is too long
B.Rumplestiltskin is too difficult
C.Rumplestiltskin forgives stealing
D.Rumplestiltskin may have bad influence on Children
37.We can learn from paragraph 3 that Grimm isD
A.a fairytales book          
B.a movie for children
C.a play loved by children    
D.a drama based on traditional fairytales
38.The underlined word"soothe"in paragraph4 can be replaced byB
A.put down   B.calm down  C.take down  D.come down
39.Which of the following may Steve Hornsey agree to?A
A.There is a moral to a classic fairytale
B.Fairytales are dark
C.Adults take fairytales too seriously
D.Fairytales are not good for children's sleep
40.What's the author's attitude towards traditional fairytales?B
A.Optimistic    B.Not mentioned     C.Casual     D.Disapproving.
12.Most book reviews start with a heading that includes all the basic information about the book,like:
Place of publication; publisher,date of publication.
Number of pages.
Like most pieces of writing,the review usually begins with an introduction that lets your readers know what the review will say.The first paragraph usually includes the author and title again,so your readers don't have to look up to find this information.You should also include a very brief description of the contents of the book,the purpose or audience for the book,and your reaction and evaluation.
Then you move into a section of background information that helps place the book in context and discusses criteria for judging the book.Next,the review gives a summary of the main points of the book,quoting(引用) and explaining key phrases from the author.Finally,you get to the heart of your review-your evaluation of the book.In this section,you might discuss some of the following issues:
how well the book has achieved its goal
what possibilities are suggested by the book
what the book has left out
how the book compares with others on the subject
what specific points are not convincing
what personal experiences you've had related to the subject.
It is important to use labels to carefully distinguish your views from the author's,so that you don't confuse your reader.
Then,like other essays,you can end with a direct comment on the book,and tie together issues raised in the review in a conclusion.
There is,of course,no set form,but a general rule is that the first one-half to two-thirds of the review should summarize the author's main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the book.

56.What is the most important part of a book review?B
A.The heading.      B.The evaluation.
C.The conclusion.   D.The introduction.
57.It can be confusing to readers ifC.
A.there is no heading in a book review
B.the book has achieved its goal
C.the viewer's point of view is not distinguished from the author's
D.the book is compared with others on the same subject
58.What is NOT suggested for a book review in this passage?C
A.Quoting from the author of the book.
B.Providing some book information.
C.Analyzing only the author of the book.
D.Comparing the book with others of a similar subject.
59.The best title for this passage is"B".
A.Steps to follow
B.Tips for writing a book review
C.The way to develop your idea
D.Things not to be avoided in a book review.

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