
  It has shined and steamed at the lowest point on Earth since the ancient time.Its silence and curing powers have attracted people from biblical(圣经的)mystics to modern tourists.But the Dead Sea has been quietly dying for years.

  And the two states next to its shrinking shoreline, Israel and Jordan, face serious economic and ecological challenges in considering how to save a unique natural wonder of the world.

  They have begun to consider a“Red-Dead”solution-a canal to pump water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.But huge costs, and the risk both of damaging the Red's famous coral reefs and weakening the Dead's medicinal minerals, stand in the way.

  Known as the Dead Sea because nothing can live in it, the world's saltiest body of water has fallen from 390 metres to 417 metres below sea level in the last 50 years.The drop has sped up to a metre a year recently, making a third of its ancient 950 square km size lost.Modern economics are to blame-taking too much Jordan River water that feeds the Dead Sea to rain-starved farmland.

  Hotels and health spas(旅游胜地)built along the beach below desert cliffs, as well as sites holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims, are now a kilometre or more from the water's edge.Retired Swiss couple Jean and Esther Haensenberger have been spending their yearly“Kur”-a Central European tradition of taking medicinal baths to treat skin illness and stress-at Israel's flagship Dead Sea resort of Ein Gedi since the 1980s.At first, they could walk a few paces from the Ein Gedi Spa to the beach for a float in windless waters so floating that one can read a book while lying on one's back.Now visitors board a tractor-drawn trolley that takes them a kilometre to the water.

  “It's over twice the distance out today.It's sad that another rare preserve of nature is disappearing.”said Jean Haensenberger as he and his wife rode to the shore,“If the sea keeps going down, will people like us keep coming?”


What's the risk the“Red-Dead”solution may have?

[  ]


It may change the nature of the Dead Sea.


It may destroy the famous coral.


It may make the medicinal materials disappear.


It may cost too much money.


The main problem the Dead Sea faces is ________.

[  ]


it steams too fast


it is getting smaller and smaller


more and more visitors visit it


it is getting dirtier and dirtier


One of the causes that makes the Dead Sea smaller is ________.

[  ]


hotels built along the beach


the growing tourism


less and less rainfall


too much water was taken to farmland


What disadvantage has the disappearing Dead Sea brought to the tourists?

[  ]


Tourists won't come to the Dead Sea.


Its nature is changing.


Tourists have to go much farther to the water.


The water in the Dead Sea is becoming saltier and saltier.



1.What is the woman doing?

A.Asking for information.

B.Asking for an apology.

C.Asking for help.

2.At what time will the speakers probably reach the stadium?




3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.Outside a bank.

B.In the school cafe.

C.Near a post office.

4.What does the woman actually mean?

A.The man is so forgetful.

B.The man is too careless.

C.The man is too confident.

5.Where did the speakers plan to go?

A.A shopping center.

B.An opera house.

C.The parking lot.



6.How does the woman think about her work?

A.It is not so good.

B.It is hard to say now.

C.It keeps her very busy.

7.Where does the woman live now?

A.In her workplace.

B.In the city center.

C.In a big apartment.

8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The woman's life in a new city.

B.The woman's travel experience.

C.The woman's co-workers.


9.What is not mentioned about the woman's work?

A.Visiting friends.

B.Walking a dog.

C.Bathing the baby.

10.What does the dialogue mainly express?

A.Housewives' need for a change in their life.

B.Housewives' need for well-paid jobs.

C.Men's dissatisfaction with their wives.

11.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The woman does not want her husband to go out and work.

B.The husband does not understand his wife's feelings.

C.The woman feels pity for her husband.


12.Who is the woman?

A.A reporter.

B.A book seller.

C.A policewoman.

13.What is the main character of the man's latest book?

A.A spy.

B.A murderer.

C.A policeman.

14.What does the man usually base his characters on?

A.People in real life.

B.People in Florida.

C.People in fiction.


15.What is the woman's problem?

A.She is too fat.

B.She is in bad health.

C.She needs to relax.

16.What is Spa Heaven?

A.It's a swimming pool.

B.It's a recreation center.

C.It's a place for swimming classes.

17.What can we know from the conversation?

A.Swim for members costs less than for non-members.

B.Non-members can use the facilities free.

C.The special offer period ends at the end of this year.


18.What's the problem of some of the university students?

A.They don't spend all their time on studies.

B.They don't know what to do with their free time.

C.They don't have choices for outside class activities.

19.According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university?

A.To make students healthier.

B.To improve students' test scores.

C.To enrich students' experience.

20.What does the speaker advise his students to do?

A.Learn to enjoy themselves.

B.Learn to be their own masters.

C.Learn to develop their potential.

       Ten Romantic New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Relationship.

RomanceStuck.com, an online resource for romance and relationships, offers 10 New Year’s resolutions for improving your relationship in 2008. Resolutions are usually about improving yourself as an individual. They're not often geared towards improving your relationship. This year, why not set a few romantic resolutions?

10 Romantic New Year's Resolutions to Improve your Relationship:

1. Set a monthly 'date night' and stick to it. Even if it's just dinner and a movie or a candle-lit dinner together at home, resolve to make time for each other this year.

2. Say "I Love You" every single day. These three small words carry so much meaning, yet they're never said often enough. Make sure that your partner knows you love and appreciate them every single day.

3. Put your love in writing. Nothing makes you feel warm like receiving a simple love note or a passionate love letter. Vow this year to put pen to paper and write your sweetie love notes, love poems, and love letters.

4. Bring back the spontaneity(惊喜)in your relationship! Try sending her flowers "just because". Buy him 2 tickets to a game of his favorite sport -- and go with him! Vow to surprise your partner at least once a month.

5. Get away from it all with a weekend get-away. Head to a cabin in the mountains or a relaxing SPA. It doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you go together and leave the interruptions behind.

6. Show your love each and every day. Give your partner compliments, hold hands, open doors, and engage in public displays of affection. It's the little things you do to show your love that always mean the most.

7. Shake up your romantic life with a little creativity. Create your own love coupon book with one coupon for your partner to redeem each week of the year. These little coupons can be as romantic, sexy, or practical as you want.

8. Have fun together! Take up a new hobby together this year. Join a softball team together, take cooking lessons, golf lessons, or dancing lessons. You'll not only learn something new, but you'll have fun with your partner at the same time!

9. Don't forget the little things. Make him lunch. Paint her toenails. Wash and wax his car. Do her weekly chores. It's the most practical way to show your love!

10. Get to know your partner better. Whether you're dating, just married, or celebrating your 25th anniversary, there is always more to learn about your partner -- and you can have fun doing it!

10.If you want to express your love in words, you’d better ________.

       A. say “I love you”.                                                 B. have a candle-dinner.

       C. give him/her a coupon.                                 D. put pen to paper.

11.How many the most practical ways are there to show your love?

       A. 4.                                   B. 6.       全品高考网                      C. 8.                                   D. 10.

12.Why had the lovers better have a weekend get-away?

       A. They lover nature.                                        B. Fresh air is good for their health.

       C. They have to get away.                                 D. They need relax and romance.

13.What do you think the purpose is that the Romance stuck..com gave the advice?

       A. To have fun.                                                B. To be creative.

       C. To improve relationships.         全品高考网               D. To encourage people date.

Need a room close to the US embassy for a week in early February

I need a room close to the US embassy for a week in early February. My parents are going to the US embassy for visa interview on February 7th. I am looking for a place for them to stay around this date. Hotels are too expensive for them since they retired long ago. They speak Chinese only .Rent can be made through Paypal in USD or cash in CNY , if the price is right .

Reply to : house—510574487 @ craigslist.org

Expo housing

Looking for 5 bedrooms from May 17-24 for the World Landscape Art Exposition Jinzhou China. Can be one large apartment or 2 smaller ones, but they must be close to each other. Please email me at jcshap @yahoo.com if you have a nice place with air conditioning, high speed Internet.

Expo swap or share

I have beautiful 3-bedroom home with pool and spa in Las Vegas, the USA, 10 minutes from the strip. I am willing to share or swap my house for yours (house or apartment) during the World Landscape Art Exposition Jinzhou China. I need a place for 2 or 3 people in Jinzhou from May 19—25. In exchange, you can have my house for any week either during the Expo, or any other time as long as I have a one-month advance notice to set up for you so you can have my house all to yourself. If interested, please email me at sdiem@ cox. net and I will send photos of my house.

Apartment or house wanted May 8—28 , 2013

My daughter is working in the Bermuda Pavilion at the Jinzhou Expo and my family wants to be there to stay with her for some time. We are looking for a 2-3 room apartment or house to rent from 8 through May 28 in Longqiwan , the new district . Need air conditioning.


Reply to :wcondon7@ msn. com

60.Which advertisement pays special attention to housing location and price?_________

A. Advertisement One     B. Advertisement Two  

C. Advertisement Three    D. Advertisement Four

61. If your family leave Jinzhou for American for a seven—day trip next month, you will

probably contact__________.

A. house -510574487@ craigslist. org         B. sdiem@ cox.net

C. jcshap@yahoo.com                      D. wcondon7@msn.com

62. The four advertisements all need a place_______.

A. with access to the Internet     B. with air conditioning

C. for at least three people       D. for at least seven days

63. Who will have a good chance to know much about the Bermuda Pavilion?

A. Mr. Wang, renting his house to the third advertiser.

B. Mr. Yang, renting his apartment to the first advertiser.

C. Mrs. Sun, renting her house to the fourth advertiser.

D. Mrs. Liu, renting her apartment to the second advertiser.                  

Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. Fathers are easier to satisfy on their special date.

B. Greeting cards are the most popular gifts for Dads.

C. People traced the origin oi Father's Day.

D. Fathers have higher expectations for their special date.

E. New neckties are popular presents on Father's Day.

F. People tend to spend more on Mother's Day than on Father's Day.


On Father's Day 2009, which falls on Sunday, June 21, millions of dads across the US will open boxes, peel back tissue paper, and break into a smile as they admire their new necktie 一 still among the most popular Father's Day gifts.


That smile is almost certainly genuine, according to psychology lecturer Nicole Gilbert Cote at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Her research shows that even though dads get less attention on father's day than moms do on Mother's Day, dads are more likely to be satisfied on their special date. Part of the reason seems to be that moms expect to be relieved of stereotypical chores such as cooking and cleaning up on Mother's Day, but that doesn't always happen. Dads didn't have that role in the family. “The bar is low, and dad is OK with that,” Gilbert Cote said, adding that the way families — even those that espouse egalitarian ideal — celebrate the two holidays reinforces such stereotypes.

78. _________________________

Fathers' low expectation means that shoppers spend less money on them than they do on moms, according to the National Retail Federation, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group. The stumbling global economy, however, does mean shoppers are cutting back. In 2008, Father's Day cost individual consumers $94.54, and Mother's Day cost $138.36. But this year, the retail group experts gift givers to spend an average of US$90, on Father's Day. For moms, shoppers shelled out “dad an average of US$123.89. “Dad is a little more laid-back and easier to shop for,” said federation spokesperson Kathy Grannis. “His gifts usually range from a simple tie for work to a new spatula for the grill, all of which can make dad very happy.” Mother's Day gifts tend to be more luxurious — jewels, flowers, a trip to the spa, and dinner at a restaurant, for example.

79. _________________________

The most popular gift for Dads — and often the only one he'll got — is a greeting card. All told, an estimated 110 million cards are sent on Father's Day, according to the greeting card company Hallmark. This makes Father's Day the fourth largest card ——sending holiday in the US, behind Mother's Day (162 million), Valentine's Day (192 million), and Christmas (2.1 billion). Fifty percent of Father's Day cards are purchased for dads and another 20 percent for husbands. The remaining 30 percent fall into a broad “other” category, according to Deidre Mize, a Hallmark spokesperson. “It might be someone who served as a father role. Or it could be a stepdad,” she said. The Father's Day card business, according to the retail federation, will ring up about $780 million this year.


Despite all the cards given on father's day, hallmark didn't invent the holiday, Mize said. Rather, father's day traced its origins to Spokane, Washington, where Sonora Smart-Dodd was one of six children being raised by a single dad. Inspired by a mother's day sermon she heard at church, she wanted to honor her father. So, she encouraged local churches to institute the first father's day observance in 1909. The idea caught on, and hallmark started printing father's day cards in 1920s, Mize said. In 1972, us president Richard Nixon formally declared father's day as the third Sunday in June.


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