
Sharks have gained unfair reputation for being large fierce sea animals. That humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures are leading to a worldwide slaughter (大屠杀) may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped (有偏见的) attitude of wildlife protection; we strive (努力) only to protect the beautiful, non-threatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only non-threat parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.

A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the United States objected to the practice of hunting tuna (金枪鱼) in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in drift nets. In contrast to this effort, the populations of sharks in the Pacific Ocean have decreased to the point of extinction and there has been very little effort by the same environmentalism to save this important species of wildlife in water. Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more than 350 million years. They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an important role in nature of knocking out the weaker animals in a species. Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environment. It is time for humans, who may not survive another 1,000 years at the rate they are damaging the planet, to cast away their fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as creatures that may provide us with an insight into our own survival.

The best summary of the passage is __________.

   A. sharks have such a bad reputation

   B. how sharks become some of the oldest creatures on earth

   C. sharks should be put under wildlife protection

   D. the campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks

How long have sharks been living on the planet?

   A. More than 25 million years.

   B. More than 150 million years.

   C. More than 350 million years.

   D. More than 500 million years.

Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?

   A. Specific(细节) to general.                B. Cause and effect.

   C. Statement and example.                  D. Time order.

How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins?

   A. They prevented fishermen from selling them for meat.

   B. They pressured fishermen into protecting dolphins by law.

   C. They created shelters where dolphin fishing was not allowed.

   D. They brought political pressure against tuna companies.




Pretoria, South Africa – Hundreds of swimmers play in the water along a South Africa beach. Suddenly a huge shark appears off shore and heads for the bathers. Before it can get close to the swimmers, the shark, for some mysterious reason, starts swimming parallel to the beach. Then it turns away from the shore and heads out to sea, leaving the swimmers untouched.
Such a scene will soon become common along shark-in-fasted (鲨鱼成群的) shores. An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed an electrical system that repels (击退) sharks by controlling their movements. Confused by this action, the sharks end up turning away from the beach.
In this unusual shark-repellent method, an insulated (绝缘的) cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim. When an electric current is sent through the cable, an electric field is produced in the water above the cable.
When shark swims into the electric field, nerve cells just below the shark' s skin will sense the field. The electricity produces a reflex (反射作用) action in the shark' s muscles, causing the dangerous animal to swim parallel to the cable. Confused by increasing loss of control of its muscles, the shark suddenly changes its direction and heads seaward, away from the electric field.
In a test of the invisible new shark-repellent system, a cable was placed around a beach in St. Lucia, an island around the beach a long time ago to keep sharks away from swimmers, and a net was left in place during the experiment.
When the electric field was left on for more than a year and a half, no sharks were found in the net. However, when the power was turned off,89 sharks ended up in the net.
Using the electric-wall method instead of net to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks, said biologists. Currently, thousands of sharks die each year when they become trapped in protective nets that surround holiday resorts in Africa and Australia.  About 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks annually.
1.Why doesn' t the shark attack the swimmers according to the passage?
A.Because there are so many swimmers in the water.
B.Because the shark isn’t so hungry as to eat the swimmers.
C.Because of some mysterious power from the heaven.
D.Because there is an invisible electric field confusing the shark.
2.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed __      .
A.a protective net   
B.a new shark-repellent system
C.the electric field        
D.an insulated cable
3.An electric field is produced in the water above the cable         .
A.only when a shark swims into the electric field
B.only when an insulated cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim
C.only when an electric current is sent through the cable
D.only when the sharks are trapped in protective nets
4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Protective nets had been fixed earlier than the new shark-repellent system.
B.The new shark – repellent system will probably replace the protective nets.
C.Thousands of sharks have died each year since this new system was put into use.
D.Using the electric-wall instead of nets would avoid the needless death of many sharks.

Sharks have gained unfair reputation for being large fierce sea animals. That humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures are leading to a worldwide slaughter (大屠杀) may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped (有偏见的) attitude of wildlife protection; we strive (努力) only to protect the beautiful, non-threatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only non-threat parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.
A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the United States objected to the practice of hunting tuna (金枪鱼) in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in drift nets. In contrast to this effort, the populations of sharks in the Pacific Ocean have decreased to the point of extinction and there has been very little effort by the same environmentalism to save this important species of wildlife in water. Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more than 350 million years. They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an important role in nature of knocking out the weaker animals in a species. Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environment. It is time for humans, who may not survive another 1,000 years at the rate they are damaging the planet, to cast away their fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as creatures that may provide us with an insight into our own survival.
【小题1】 The best summary of the passage is __________.

A.sharks have such a bad reputation
B.how sharks become some of the oldest creatures on earth
C.sharks should be put under wildlife protection
D.the campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks
【小题2】 How long have sharks been living on the planet?
A.More than 25 million years.
B.More than 150 million years.
C.More than 350 million years.
D.More than 500 million years.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
A.Specific(细节) to general.B.Cause and effect.
C.Statement and example.D.Time order.
【小题4】 How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins?
A.They prevented fishermen from selling them for meat.
B.They pressured fishermen into protecting dolphins by law.
C.They created shelters where dolphin fishing was not allowed.
D.They brought political pressure against tuna companies.

Sharks have lived in the oceans for over 450 million years, long before dinosaurs appeared. There are now about 360 species of sharks, whose size, behavior, and other characteristics differ widely.

Every year, we catch and kill over 100 million sharks, mostly for food and for their fins. Dried shark fins are used to make shark fin soup, which sells for as much as $50 a bowl in fine Hong Kong restaurants. Other sharks are killed for sport and out of fear. Sharks are vulnerable(易受伤的) to overfishing because it takes most species 10 to 15 years to begin reproducing and they produce only a few offspring(后代).

Influenced by movies and popular novels, most people see sharks as people-eating monsters. This is far from the truth. Every year, a few types of shark injure about 100 people worldwide and kill about 25. Most attacks are by great white sharks, which often feed on sea lions and other marine(海洋的) mammals. They sometimes mistake human swimmers for their normal prey, especially if they are wearing black wet suits.

If you are a typical ocean-goer, your chances of being killed by an unprovoked(非受挑衅而发生的)attack by a shark are about 1 in 100 million. You are more likely to be killed by a pig than a shark and thousands of times more likely to get killed when you drive a car.

Sharks help save human lives. In addition to providing people with food, they are helping us learn how to fight cancer, bacteria, and viruses. Sharks are very healthy and have aging processes similar to ours. Their highly effective immune system allows wounds to heal quickly without becoming infected, and their blood is being studied in connection with AIDS research.

Sharks are among the few animals in the world that almost never get cancer and eye cataracts(白内障). Understanding why can help us improve human health. Chemicals taken from shark cartilage(软骨)have killed cancerous tumors in laboratory animals, research that someday could help prolong your life.

Sharks are needed in the world’s ocean ecosystems. Although they don’t need us, we need them. We are much more dangerous to sharks than they are to us. For every shark that bites a person, we kill one million sharks.

1.Which of the following is NOT a reason why people kill sharks?

A.People kill sharks for food.

B.People kill sharks for sport.

C.People kill sharks out of fear.

D.People kill sharks because they often attack swimmers.

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.There are many different species of sharks, but only a few of them are dangerous to humans.

B.Sharks never get ill.

C.Sharks are a valuable resource for human.

D.Sharks play an important role in the ocean ecosystem.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.movies have given people the wrong impression of sharks

B.most sharks are dangerous to humans

C.sharks will attack anyone who is wearing black

D.it is dangerous to swim in the ocean

4.The underlined word “prolong” in the last but one paragraph means ______.

A.save             B.protect           C.lengthen          D.improve

5.The best title for the passage would be _______.

A.Are Sharks Dangerous?                   B.Sharks And Humans

C.Sharks: Humans’ Friends                D.Sharks Help Save Human Lives


It looks like a scene from the thriller movie Jaws,but these photos of a huge shark swimming with swimmers were in fact taken in Britain. The amazing pictures,which showed that the basking shark (姥鲨) was swimming friendly with swimmers,were taken at Porthcurno beach,Cornwall,where the basking shark was swimming just yards off shore.

The single 14?foot giant was feeding in the shallow waters off the scenic area,and quickly became curious about the swimmers and surfers sharing the water. Though it came within touching distance,the swimmers and surfers were in no danger. The large sharks are plankton (浮游生物) feeders-unlike the man-eating Great White from Jaws.

Beach-goer Rachel Hosken,who took the pictures,said that several basking sharks had been seen in the area.“It is one of the few I have ever seen around this year and it was great to see,” she said excitedly.“There are usually more of them by now,but for some reason there are fewer around than normal at this time of year. I think more have been spotted in deeper waters,but the particular one in the pictures seems to have taken a liking to this spot. I have seen it a few times.”

Known as the gentle giant of the sea,the basking shark is the second largest fish in the sea,only weighing lighter than the whale shark. They can grow to over 36 feet (11 meters) and weigh up to seven tons (7,000 kilograms) and feed on a diet of plankton and small fish. Basking sharks normally begin to appear in May and June.

1.In the pictures taken by Rachel Hosken,we can infer that ________.

A.swimmers and surfers were escaping

B.surfers were trying to frighten the basking shark

C.the basking shark was swimming far from swimmers

D.swimmers were not frightened by the basking shark

2.Why didn’t the basking shark attack the swimmers or surfers?

A.Because it was not hungry.

B.Because it was too far from them.

C.Because it isn’t a man-eating shark.

D.Because it enjoyed swimming with them.

3.From what Rachel Hosken said we know that ________.

A.most basking sharks swim deep in the sea

B.this basking shark has often appeared in that area

C.many basking sharks have been killed in that area

D.the basking shark doesn’t like being with other basking sharks

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A giant basking shark appeared in Cornwall,Britain.

B.A giant basking shark tried to please the British people.

C.Swimmers and surfers were frightened by a giant basking shark.

D.Brave swimmers swam together with a giant basking shark.


Sharks have gained unfair reputation for being large fierce sea animals. That humanity’s unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures are leading to a worldwide slaughter (大屠杀) may result in the extinction of many larger, coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped (有偏见的) attitude of wildlife protection; we strive (努力) only to protect the beautiful, non-threatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only non-threat parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts.

A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude towards another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the United States objected to the practice of hunting tuna (金枪鱼) in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in drift nets. In contrast to this effort, the populations of sharks in the Pacific Ocean have decreased to the point of extinction and there has been very little effort by the same environmentalism to save this important species of wildlife in water. Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more than 350 million years. They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an important role in nature of knocking out the weaker animals in a species. Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environment. It is time for humans, who may not survive another 1,000 years at the rate they are damaging the planet, to cast away their fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as creatures that may provide us with an insight into our own survival.

1. The best summary of the passage is __________.

   A. sharks have such a bad reputation

   B. how sharks become some of the oldest creatures on earth

   C. sharks should be put under wildlife protection

   D. the campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks

2. How long have sharks been living on the planet?

   A. More than 25 million years.

   B. More than 150 million years.

   C. More than 350 million years.

   D. More than 500 million years.

3.Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?

   A. Specific(细节) to general.                B. Cause and effect.

   C. Statement and example.                  D. Time order.

4. How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins?

   A. They prevented fishermen from selling them for meat.

   B. They pressured fishermen into protecting dolphins by law.

   C. They created shelters where dolphin fishing was not allowed.

   D. They brought political pressure against tuna companies.


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