
Until I took Dr. Offutt’s class in DeMatha High school, I was an underachieving student, but I left that class determined never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by example as words that it was my duty to achieve and to serve others.

Neither of us could know how our relationship would develop over the years. When I came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair. My discussions with him were like graduate seminars(研究生讨论课) in adolescent development, classroom management and school leadership.

After several years, I was named department chair, and our relationship shifted(变化) again. I thought that it might be terrible chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr. Offutt supported me through. He knew when to give me advice about curriculum(课程), texts and personnel(人事), and when to let me plan my own course.

In 1997, I needed his opinion about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. Instead, he encouraged me to catch the chance.

Five years ago, I became the principal(校长) of DeMatha. Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could depend on him. I have learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach.

1.After graduating from DeMatha, the writer was _____.

A.quite confident     B.rather unconfident  C.really famous       D.very infamous

2.When the writer first taught in DeMatha, Dr. Offutt was _____.

A.a post-graduate                         B.the school principal

C.a professor in university                  D.the department chair

3.In 1997, _____ to become principal at another school.

A.the writer encouraged Dr. Offutt            B.Dr. Offutt encouraged the writer

C.Dr. Offutt won the competition             D.the writer won the competition

4.The word which is similar to “inexhaustible” in meaning can be _____.

A.unselfish          B.endless           C.unfair            D.unusual

5.The best title for this passage can be _____.

A.My ambition       B.My duty           C.My teacher        D.My schooling









试题分析:本文主要讲述的就是我的老师Dr. Offutt从我读书到工作以及最后的事业成功方面给我的巨大的影响。告诉我们伟大的老师是取之不尽的财富。

1.A 细节题。根据第一段2,3,4行I left that class determined never to underachieve again. He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by example as words that it was my duty to achieve and to serve others.说明他对于自己取得成就很有信心,故A正确。

2.D 细节题。根据第二段第2行I worked for Dr. Offutt, the department chair说明D正确。

3.B 细节题。根据文章第四段In 1997, I needed his opinion about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. Instead, he encouraged me to catch the chance.说明他鼓励我抓住这个机会,故B正确。

4.B 推理题。根据本句I have learned from him that great teachers have an inexhaustible wealth of lessons to teach.说明我理解到伟大的老师是取之不尽的财富,故B正确。

5.C 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的就是我的老师Dr. Offutt从我读书到工作以及最后的事业成功方面给我的巨大的影响,故C正确。






It was very fine when I got up early last Sunday morning. 

So I         (决定) to go for a walk and take some                                                 81. ________

p      in the beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried                                           82. ________

my camera with me and set off. E      went smoothly.                                      83. ________

I enjoyed my trip so much that I didn’t        (意识到)                                           84. ________

The w     had turned bad. I began to run but it was                                                  85. ________

too        . I was caught in the rain and was wet through.                                 86. ________

I kept on running until I        to a bus stop. I stood there                                87. ________

(等待) a long time for the bus, shivering with cold.                               88. ________

Shortly a        I got home, I had a high fever,                                                89. ________

made me stay in bed for a whole week!                                                   90. ________



It was very fine when I got up early last Sunday morning. 

So I         (决定) to go for a walk and take some                                                 81. ________

p      in the beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried                                           82. ________

my camera with me and set off. E      went smoothly.                                      83. ________

I enjoyed my trip so much that I didn’t        (意识到)                                           84. ________

The w     had turned bad. I began to run but it was                                                  85. ________

too        . I was caught in the rain and was wet through.                                 86. ________

I kept on running until I        to a bus stop. I stood there                                87. ________

        (等待) a long time for the bus, shivering with cold.                               88. ________

Shortly a        I got home, I had a high fever,                                                89. ________

       made me stay in bed for a whole week!                                                   90. ________

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