
15.A:Please look at this picture,Maria.(36)D
B:Oh,it was taken 11years ago.
B:Yes,I have longer hair and bigger eyes now.(38)G
A:Almost the same as what you looked like at that time.
B:Short hair,small eyes and a little fat?
B:We have no classes today.Let's go and take some photos together.
A:(40)B Let's go.

A.You have changed a lot during these years.
B.Good idea!
C.It was taken when I was five years old.
D.When did you take it?
E.It would take a long time.
F.Yes,that's right.
G.What did you look like when you were five years old?

分析 本文是一段A和B 的对话,对话内容是十一年前和现在的容貌变化.B十一年前和现在比,变化挺大的;而A没有什么变化.最后她俩约定一起出去拍照.

解答 36---40 DAGFB
36.D句型对应题.根据B的回答:Oh,it was taken 11years ago.这张照片是十一年前照的.由此可知,A问B:这张照片是什么时候照的?故选D.
37.A联系下文题.根据后文B的回答:Yes,I have longer hair and bigger eyes now.是的,现在我是长头发,眼睛也变大了.A项:You have changed a lot during these years.这些年你改变了很多.符合文意.故选A.
38.G语境辨析题.根据下文A的回答:Almost the same as what you looked like at that time.几乎和你现在看的差不多.G项:What did you look like when you were five years old?在你5岁时,长什么样?符合语境.故选G.
39.F联系上文题.根据B的回答:Short hair,small eyes and a little fat?短头发、小眼睛、微胖?F项:Yes,that's right.是的,就是这样.符合文意.故选F.
40.B承接上文题.根据B说的话:We have no classes today.Let's go and take some photos together.今天我们没课,让我们一起出去拍照吧.B项:Good idea!好主意.符合文意.故选B.

点评 做此类题之前,应先把七个答案仔细读一遍,通过它们来猜测文章大意,然后进入文章进行一个一个地填写,若中间有些不会填写,可以先放下,最后再去处理它.做这类题,在理解的基础上,要讲一些技巧.做完后,千万不要忘记检查,上下文是否通顺.平时学生在阅读一定要注意文章上下文联系等.

6.When you need a job very much,you may end up taking one for which you are over qualified.Although you were initially grateful just to have the work,you now feel bored and depressed.Is there any way to change that?
Start by changing your opinion,says Caitlin Kelly,the author of Malled,a book based on her experience as a sales clerk after losing her job in journalism."Don't focus on what you're not getting but what you are getting,"she says."Be patient and work attentively with a wide range of people.It doesn't matter what the job is-there are always things you can learn and skills you can develop."
Hilary Pearl,the founder of a coaching firm,says,"Tell yourself the current situation isn't the end of your career.Don't overdramatize(过分夸大)the negative aspects but try to view the situation more philosophically:life has a series of stages,and this is one of them.Don't forget to study even in the worst stage."
Consider that because you're overqualified,you may be able to learn or do things on the job that might not have been possible in a more demanding position,says Sarah Hathorn,the chief executive of Illustra Consulting."You could spend your extra time in learning different aspects of the business and teaching others in the organization,"she says.
Is it possible to make your work more challenging,even if your job responsibilities aren't likely to change?
Of course,you may seek tasks and responsibilities that force you to learn something new or to work harder."You may be operating on autopilot(习惯性地)right now,but chances are that people above you are stressed,"Sarah Hathorn says."Take things off your boss's plate and let him know which projects or tasks you want to learn more about."
Always express your request positively,saying that you love new challenges,rather than complaining that you're bored and underused,says Ethun,the president of the Park Avenue Group.In your down time,educate yourself about the company and its industry."Read corporate information,analyst reports and related news articles,"she says."If your boss accepts your suggestions,it will make you a more valuable employee."
65.According to Caitlin Kelly,C.
A.one should be willing to do some small things
B.being a salesman is not as important as being a journalist
C.performing your regular duties well is important
D.doing a simple job well will bring you a sense of success
66.What Hilary Pearl intends to express is thatD.
A.work is just a stage of our whole life
B.the present job doesn't matter to us in a long run
C.one should be satisfied with his present situation
D.one should look forward instead of complaining about the present situation
67.The underlined words"take things off your boss's plate"meanB.
A.draw your boss's attention             
B.share your boss's burdens
C.give your boss useful advice        
D.ask your boss for a better position
68.What is the common view about careers of the people mentioned in this passage?C
A.One should start his career from doing a simple job.
B.One should improve himself and help others as well.
C.One should keep learning new things to improve himself.
D.One should pay much attention to the relationship with the boss.
3.My heart sank when the man at the immigration(移民)counter gestured to the back room.I was born and raised in America,and this was Miami,where I live,but they weren't quite ready to let me in yet.
"Please wait in here,Ms.Abujaber,"the immigration officer said.My husband,with his very American last name,accompanied me.He was getting used to this.The same thing had happened recently in Canada when I'd flown to Montreal to speak at a book event.That time they held me for 45minutes.Today we were returning from a literary festival in Jamaica,and I was shocked
That I was being sent"in back"once again.
The officer behind the counter called me up and said,"Miss,your name looks like the name of someone who's on our wanted list.We're going to have to check you out with Washington."
"How long will it take?"
"Hard to say…a few minutes,"he said,"We'll call you when we're ready for you."After an hour,Washington still hadn't decided anything about me.
"Isn't this computerized?"I asked at the counter,"Can't you just look me up?"
"Just a few more minutes,"they assured me.
After an hour and a half,I pulled my cell phone out to call the friends I was supposed to meet that evening.An officer rushed over."No phones!"he said,"For all we know you could be calling a terrorist cell and giving them information."
"I'm just a university professor,"I said.My voice came out in a squeak.
"Of course you are.And we take people like you out of here in leg irons every day."
I put my phone away.
My husband and I were getting hungry and tired.Whole families had been brought into the waiting room,and the place was packed with excitable children,exhausted parents,and even a flight attendant.
I wanted to scream,to jump on a chair and shout:"I'm an American citizen; a novelist; I probably teach English literature to your children."
After two hours in detention (扣押),I was approached by one of the officers."You're free to go,"he said.No explanation or apologies.For a moment,neither of us moved.We were still in shock.Then we leaped to our feet.
"Oh,one more thing,"he handed me a tattered photocopy(破烂的复印件) with an address on it,"If you aren't happy with your treatment,you can write to this agency."
"Will they respond?"I asked.
"I don't know-I don't know of anyone who's ever written to them before."Then he added,"By the way,this will probably keep happening each time you travel internationally."
"What can I do to keep it from happening again?"
He smiled the empty smile we'd seen all day,"Absolutely nothing."
After telling several friends about our ordeal,probably the most frequent advice I've heard in response is to change my name.Twenty years ago,my own graduate school writing professor advised me to write under a pen name so that publishers wouldn't stick me in what he called"the ethnic ghetto"-a separate,secondary shelf in the bookstore.But a name is an integral part of anyone's personal and professional identity-just like the town you're born in and the place where you're raised.
Like my father,I'll keep the name,but my airport experience has given me a whole new perspective on what diversity and tolerance are supposed to mean.I had no idea that being an American would ever be this hard.

66.The author was held at the airport becauseD.
A.she had been held in Montreal               B.she had spoken at a book event
C.she and her husband returned from Jamaica   D.her name was similar to a terrorist's
67.She was not allowed to call her friends becauseA.
A.her identity hadn't been confirmed yet
B.she had been held for only one hour and a half
C.there were other families in the waiting room
D.she couldn't use her own cell phone
68.We learn from the passage that the author wouldB to prevent similar experience from happening again.
A.change her name                B.do nothing
C.write to the agency            D.avoid traveling abroad
69.Her experiences indicate that there still existsC in the US.
A.tolerance         B.diversity(差异)  C.discrimination(歧视) D.hatred
70.The author soundsA in the last paragraph.
A.ironic (具有讽刺意味的)  B.impatient     C.worried       D.bitter.
10.Before fridges,homes usually had ice boxes.But another way to keep food cool without electricity is to use an evaporative (蒸气) cooler.It is easy to make and does not even use ice.
A common design is a tall box with several shelves inside.The shelves are pieces of metal with many small holes through them.The sides of the box are covered with pieces of thick cloth.Containers of water are placed at the top and bottom of the cooler.The ends of each piece of cloth lie in the water so the cloth stays wet.
Put the cooler in the open air but not in the sun.Air will pass through while the inside of the box will stay several degrees cooler than the outside.This can keep foods fresh for a short time.
The best way to prepare foods for storage (储存) is at harvest time.Place the harvested items on a clean surface,but not on the ground.Fruits and vegetables must be cool from field heat before they are stored.A good idea is to harvest foods either early or late in the day,then leave them to cool naturally.Do not remove outer leaves from fruits and vegetables before storage.
Some fruits and vegetables must be stored at zero to four degrees Celsius.Any colder,and they might be damaged.Others need four to eight degrees,and still others above eight degrees.Cover the items in plastic once they reach the right"critical temperature"for storage.

28.What is an evaporative cooler?D
A.An ice box used to contain things.
B.An electrical container to hold things.
C.A small box made of cloth to contain food.
D.A tall box used to cool food without ice or electricity.
29.The second paragraph is mainly aboutC.
A.the several uses of an evaporative cooler   
B.the working principle of an evaporative cooler
C.the way an evaporative cooler is made     
D.ways on how to use an evaporative cooler
30.Which of the following is NOT a step in storing foods according to the passage?B
A.Put the harvested items on a clean surface.
B.Remove outer leaves from vegetables and fruits.
C.Harvest foods either early or late in the day.
D.Cool fruits and vegetables before storage.
31.The underlined"critical temperature"in the last paragraph refers to a temperature ofD.
A.zero to four degrees             
B.four to eight degrees
C.at least eight degrees            
D.the suitable degrees.
4.Scientists have discovered that  (61)staying (stay) in the cold could help us lose weight.Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat-the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy,(62)which helps us lose weight.White fat stores extra energy,which results (63)in weight gain.The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant,  (64)comfortable (comfort) temperatures,our body's need for brown fat has decreased.They found that:"Outdoor workers in northern Finland who (65)areexposed (expose) to cold temperature have (66)asignificant amount of brown fat when (67)compared(compare) to same-aged indoor workers."
The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice.(68)One group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat.This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed high-fat diets.The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity.People who are obese have  (69)lower(low) levels of brown fat than thinner people.Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said:"This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and prevention of obesity and obesity-related diseases."She added:"If you can somehow increase levels of this protein,you could (70)possibly (possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food."

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