Dear Robert,
Thank for your letter of May 12th. How glad I was when I get it. I¡¯d
be very happy to be your pen friends. Now allow me introduce myself to
you. I¡¯m a boy student aging seventeen, study in Senior Three of Hongqi
High School. I¡¯m a monitor of my class. I am about to take National
Matriculation Entrance Examination after twenty days, that is,
between June 7 and 8£®You know. I want very much to be a doctor working
for poor peasants that I try to make fully use of every hour
and study far into the night every day.
Best wishes£¡
Yours truly
Dear Robert,
Thank for your letter of May 12th. How glad I was when I get it. I¡¯d
Thanks »òfor Ç°¼Óyou got
be very happy to be your pen friends. Now allow me ¡Äintroduce myself to
friend to
you. I¡¯m a boy student aging seventeen, study in Senior Three of Hongqi
aged studying
High School. I¡¯m a monitor of my class. I am about to take National
Matriculation Entrance Examination after twenty days, that is,
between June 7 and 8£®You know. I want very much to be a doctor working
for poor peasants that I try to make fully use of every hour
and study far into the night every day.