
【题目】 Good education is expensive. Some countries today have proven that belief to be wrong, though. If you're dreaming of having your university education in a country outside your motherland, do not be afraid to apply to study in the below-listed countries as everything about your education can be achieved with little or nothing.



All the public universities in Germany do not ask for any education fees except administration fees which are quite affordable, no matter what your status. The English language is common in Germany and most of these universities teach with English so it will be easier to get along as an international student.



Want to achieve your post-graduate degrees? Even if you aim to achieve an undergraduate, Norway is a good option because you will not have to send a penny to anyone. This is possible because of the government's financing of the education from tax income. The only problem is that most of the top universities in the country teach with their mother tongue and as a foreigner, you have to familiarize with the language enough to pass a required test.



Public universities, called 'Devlet Universiteleri' in Turkish, are totally free of tuition costs. After payment of an affordable basic fee, the rest is free absolutely. Some of these institutions teach in English while some in French and German.



Italy offers almost free education to international students. When you have to pay as little as&850 per year for quality education, then it is quite cheap. Besides, Italy has so much cultural heritage and history that students can learn about.

1Which website can you visit if you tend to apply for a country free of charge?


2Which country could be suitable for a Chinese student skilled in French?


3Whom is the passage intended for?

A.International students on tight budget.B.Teachers encouraged to study abroad.

C.Parents with adequate education funds.D.Native students with good performances.







1细节理解题。根据Norway部分中Even if you aim to achieve an undergraduate, Norway is a good option because you will not have to send a penny to anyone.可知即使你的目标是获得本科学位,挪威也是一个不错的选择,因为你不需要给任何人寄一分钱。由此可知,申请挪威大学的学生不必支付费用。而其它国家都收取少量费用。故如果你想免费申请一个国家,你可以访问Wikipedia.org。故选B

2细节理解题。根据Turkey部分中Some of these institutions teach in English while some in French and German.可知这些机构有的用英语教学,有的用法语和德语教学。由此可知,土耳其适合法语熟练的中国学生故选C

3推理判断题。根据第一段中If you're dreaming of having your university education in a country outside your motherland, do not be afraid to apply to study in the below-listed countries as everything about your education can be achieved with little or nothing.可知如果你梦想在祖国以外的国家接受大学教育,不要害怕申请去以下列出的国家学习,因为你所受教育的一切都可以用很少的钱或什么都不需要就能实现。以及结合主要介绍了四个大学学费低的国家,由此可推知,本文是写给想要预算紧张的国际学生的。故选A


【题目】 While you are heating your food, you may wonder how close you can safely stand next to a microwave, and whether any radiation could escape from the device and potentially harm you.

In theory, microwaves can heat body tissues in the same way they heat food, and at high levels, microwaves can cause burns and cataracts. 1 They will generally occur when people are exposed to large amounts of radiation escaping through openings in the oven. As a result, there is little cause for concern about using microwaves ovens, unless there is damage to the door.

Still, the FDA (美国食品和药物管理局) recommends that you check your microwave oven carefully and do not use it if the door doesn't close properly, or if it is "bent, warped, or otherwise damaged." 2

As far as injuries from microwave ovens go, the most common way people are injured is via heat-related burns from touching hot containers or overheated foods, or being exposed to exploding liquids. 3

The agency also warns that, when you use a microwave to heat water in a cup, there's a risk of the water becoming "superheated," which means it has heated past its boiling point. 4But just a slight disturbance to the water — which can occur when touching or picking up the cup — can cause an eruption of boiling water. This can lead to skin burns or scalding injuries, particularly on the face and hands. To prevent superheated water from forming, the FDA says people should not exceed the recommended heating time for water, as indicated in the oven's instruction book.


A.But these types of injuries are very rare.

B.When this happens, the water does not appear to be boiling.

C.However, injuries from microwave radiation are unavoidable sometimes.

D.Though microwaves don't affect health as X-rays do, that doesn't mean they are risk-free.

E.People should use common-sense precautions when handling hot foods in microwaves.

F.Indeed, it's a good idea to follow the instruction book to help keep yourself safe when using it.

G.Besides, it is suggested that you don't lean against a microwave for too long during operation.

【题目】 Stories are shared in many ways. They are described in books and magazines. They are read around the campfire at night. They are randomly distributed from stand-alone booths. But what else?

To revive (复兴)literature in the era of fast news and smartphone addiction, Short Edition, a French publisher of short-form literature, has set up more than 30 story dispensers (分发机)in the USA in the past years to deliver fiction at the push of a button at restaurants, universities and government offices.

Francis Ford Coppola, the film director and winemaker, liked the idea so much that he invested in the company and placed a dispenser at his Cafe Zoetrope in San Francisco. Last month public libraries in some other cities announced they would be setting them up, too. There is one on the campus at Penn State. A few can be found in downtown West Palm Beach, Fla. And Short Edition plans to announce more, including at the Los Angeles International Airport.

“Everything old is new again," said Andrew Nurkin, the director of the Free Library of Philadelphia, which is one of the libraries that set up the dispensers. “We want people to be easily exposed to literature. We want to advance literacy among children and inspire their creativity.

Here's how a dispenser works It has three buttons on top indicating choices for stories that can be read in one minute, three minutes or five minutes. When a button is pushed, a short story is printed. The stories are free. They are chosen from a computer category of more than 100,000 original submissions by writers whose works have been evaluated by Short Edition's judges, and transmitted over a mobile network. Offerings can be tailored to specific interests, like children's fiction or romance. Short Edition gets stories for its category by holding writing contests.

Short Edition set up its first booth in 2016 and has 150 machines worldwide. “The idea is to make people happy," said Kristan Leroy, director of Short Edition, “There is too much unhappiness today. ”

1What do we know about the stories sent by dispensers?

A.They are expensive.

B.They are short in form.

C.They can be read on smartphones.

D.They are mainly taken from magazine literature.

2Where can you find the popularity of story dispensers in America?

A.In paragraph 3.

B.In paragraph 4.

C.In paragraph 5.

D.In paragraph 6.

3Which is the main purpose of setting up the dispensers according to Andrew Nurkin?

A.To get rid of people's smartphone addiction.

B.To reduce the financial stress of libraries.

C.To make people have access to literature.

D.To advertise the network literature.

4What is the best title for the text?

A.Online Reading: a Virtual Tour

B.Short Edition, a French Publisher

C.Everything Old Will Be Popular Again

D.Taste of Literature, at the Push of a Button

【题目】 Are visible tattoos an invitation to stare at a person? A blog post on LinkedIn titled “But You Asked Me to Stare At Your Tattoos” is causing debate after its author declared that if someone has a visible tattoo, they are inviting attention on themselves.

The magazine columnist Jeff Haden writes that while in a meeting recently, he met a man with a full sleeve tattoo. After looking at his body art for “a couple of seconds”, the man asked Haden, “Would it be easier if you just took a picture?” Haden goes on to write, “You have this huge, colorful, incredibly eye-catching tattoo. And you’re wearing a shirt with unusually short sleeves. It’s like you’re paraphrasing Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men: ‘You want me to see your tattoo. You need me to see your tattoo.’”

But not everyone who has a visible tattoo thinks about it when getting dressed in the morning, replied some commenters. For those with tattoos, they often become a part of the person. “For most people who have had their tattoos, it isn’t something that you think about with any frequency. I don’t even notice it as ‘different’. It’s just a part of you - like grey hair or a large nose.” Writes Kristen Stine. “People say to me ‘What’s that?’, pointing at my arm. I often get flustered expecting to see a bug when I look down. However, I just see my arm.”

Still others agree with Haden and say that visible tattoos have no place in the workplace. “If you don’t want people to stare, wear a long sleeve shirt in this air-conditioned office. Clearly you want people to stare,” writes Mike Avelar.

Haden closes his piece with the following: “Make a statement with your apparel, your tattoos, your piercings or your actions. I think it’s great. Just don’t get mad when people look for a bit longer than usual… and occasionally even stare. That must be your intention. After all - you invited us to.”

1What is the text mainly about?

A.The introduction of a magazine.

B.A hot debate about tattoos.

C.The bad effects of tattoos.

D.The blog of Jeff Haden.

2Jeff Haden thinks that ______.

A.more discussion should be made about tattoos

B.people with tattoos hope to attract attention

C.people with tattoos shouldn’t take pictures

D.it’s improper for people to get tattoos

3According to Kristen Stine, ________.

A.people needn’t worry about tattoos

B.people with tattoos should cover them

C.tattoos have become important for him

D.he didn’t pay much attention to tattoos

4What is Mike Avelar’s idea about tattoos?

A.Air-conditioned offices are fit for people with tattoos.

B.People shouldn’t show tattoos in the workplace.

C.It’s reasonable for people to have tattoos.

D.People with tattoos should be blamed.

【题目】 Ne Zha, the first Chinese 3D animated film released on July 26th, sweeps the Chinese box office.1Please read more to find out.


Although Ne Zha’s appearance in this film first makes a strange impression on audience, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining.

The creative adaptation is not limited to Ne Zha’s appearance.3 Yang Yu, Ne Zha’s director, characterizes the role as a rebellious youth who tries his best to fight against prejudice and change his fate. Born as a ball of flesh, Ne Zha is hated, but he believes he can choose to be a monster or a god.

So this fresh reproduction of the ancient legendary figure pulls at the hearts of the young for they can see themselves in Ne Zha.

Contemporary values

The fact that the film can touch the audience comes down to the contemporary values presented in the film.

Ne Zha’s fight against prejudice mentioned above is the major value advocated by the film. Meanwhile his parents’ parenting style is another aspect.4 The importance of parents’ company during children’s growth is also discussed in the film through Ne Zha’s mother.

Fine production

In addition to the rich content, Ne Zha’s fine production, is another aspect that makes Chinese cartoon lovers proud. 5 As the most complex animated production ever made in China, Ne Zha has 1,318 special effects shots. To realize the film’s fairy tale setting, more than 1,600 people worked around the clock for three years.

Rich content, correct values and spectacular production. Cartoon fans cheered as they have every reason to be proud of Ne Zha.

A.Creative adaptation

B.Household legendary figure

C.Why does Ne Zha make such a huge success?

D.It makes people think about this question again.

E.It took the director two years to polish the script.

F.People can also see a major change in his character.

G.Many people consider it inspiring for contemporary parents.

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