
One spring afternoon five years ago,Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipei's Sherwood Hotel. Life seemed1   . The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their 2    for granted, just as he 3    himself. Now,however, he felt 4   and he couldn't even show his disappointment in his 5    .

Seeking more personally satisfying 6   ,he had just left a successful job as a commercial artist when it seemed that fate(命运)played a cruel 7    on him. It was at this time that he developed cancer and was 8    to work. But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy. He began to 9    the fact that there is no such a thing as fate,only 10    . Since then,he has published several imaginative, illustrated(带插图的)books.

According to Jimmy,you are11.   you choose to be. You can give up or you can work to be a happier person. Jimmy realized that,while the world 12    seems unfair,your choice can change your life.

This idea can be 13    in Jimmy' s books,where his characters show the powerlessness they feel 14    making their choices. The message that goes with Jimmy, s drawings,however,is 15   . Though the world may make us feel small,we must be 16   . Everything will be all right for us―as it is for the "small people" in Jimmy,s books if we make choices that are 17   for us.

In spite of his new 18   and wealth, Jimmy prefers working 19   at home with his wife and daughter. He spends his mornings drawing. To Jimmy, living a life as he chooses means much

more than money and fame could 20   .

(   ) 1. A. unhappy    B. unusual C. unfair    D. uneasy

(   ) 2.A. health    B. wealth C. happiness    D. illness

(   ) 3. A. ought to    B. had to C. needed to    D. used to

(   ) 4. A. ashamed    B. disappointed C. helpless    D. endless

(   ) 5. A. crying    B. painting C. imagination    D. consideration

(   ) 6. A. home    B. condition C. situation    D. work

(   ) 7. A. game    B. trick C. role    D. part

(   ) 8. A. unable    B. impossible C. unfit    D. difficult

(   ) 9. A. understand    B. face C. refuse    D. recognize

(   ) 10. A. failures    B. efforts C. choices    D. interests

(   ) 11. A. that    B. what C. which    D. whoever

(   ) 12. A. always    B. seldom C. sometimes    D. usually

(   ) 13. A. found    B. drawn C. written    D. accepted

(   ) 14. A. after    B. about C. with    D. before

(   ) 15. A. powerful    B. hopeful C. useful    D. successful

(   ) 16. A.-great B. strong    C. brave D. equal

(   ) 17. A. scientific    B. basic C. right    D. simple

(   ) 18. A. product    B. fame C. name    D. job

(   ) 19. A. rapidly    B. separately C. slowly    D. quietly

(   ) 20. A. offer    B. gain C. gather    D. earn


1. C根据下一段内容可知,幾米这位著名的画家哭泣的原因是他得了癌症,生命似乎对他不公平。

2. A此处是拿平常人对待健康的态度与幾米现在的情况形成对比。take... for granted认为……是理所当然的。

3. D本句为一个省略句,used to do...过去常常……。其后省略了take his health for granted,意为"就像他过去认为健康是理所当然的事情那样"。

4. C根据后面的一句解释可知答案。

5. B下文提到幾米是一位画家,画家能通过自己的绘画来表达自己的思想。

6. D work著作,作品。

7. B play a trick on somebody捉弄,戏弄某人。

8. A根据句意可知,幾米这时得了癌症,不能继续工作

9. A本句为一个同位语从句,结合前面一句可知,幾米得了癌症,但他在宾馆里哭泣的一刻也明白了人生并没有命运,而是看你如何做出选择。

10. C下文提到虽然生命对你不公,但你的选择可以改变你的生活。因此,人生没有命运,只看你如何选择。

11. B本句为表语从句,从从句中所缺成分可排除A项;才艮据后一句话,你可以放弃,也可以继续工作成为一个快乐的人可知本句意思是,你选择什么样的生活,你就能成为什么样的人。

12. C尽管这个世界有时看起来不公平,但你的选择可以改变你的生活。

13. A根据幾米在书中所表达的观点可知他的这种看法可以在他的书中找到。

14. D人遇到困难,在做出选择前都会感到茫然无助。

15. B幾米对待癌症,选择了继续工作来充实自己。因此,他对生命充满了希望,这一点在他的绘画中也可表现出来。

16. C尽管世界让我们感到自己很渺小,但我们也应该勇敢,坚强.,幾米在面对疾病时所表现出的正是这个特征。

17. C上文提到在面对疾病时,你可以放弃也可以继续工作,关键看你选择什么。本句是回答这个问题:只要你做出正确的选择,生命就会充满希望。

18. B幾米原本是一名成功的画家,得病之后继续工作,又赢得了新的名誉和财富。

19. D根据幾來所患疾病可排除A项;slowly只强调动作,不符合语意;separately与下文with his wife and daughter矛盾。

20. A过自己想过的生活比金钱和荣耀所能提供的东西有意义得多。


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