
动词填空  (用动词的正确形式填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1.Fear prevented him from moving when he heard the sound of footsteps _______(approach).

2.Both the driver’s carelessness and the bad condition of the road that day _______(lead) to the accident.

3.The housing price ______(rise) in the past several months.

4.Those of poor immunity(免疫力), especially children and old people, should go to public places less to avoid _______ (affect) by the bird flu.

5.I hope that you will keep us ______(inform) how you are getting on with the work.

6.No wonder she looked so tired today. She _______ (surf) the Internet at 11 o’clock last night.

7.The box which ______(weigh) as much as 20 kilos is too heavy for the little boy to carry.

8.______(reduce) the risk of getting burnt, you should stay away from fire.

9.By the time the soldiers arrived at the airport, their enemies _______(take) control of it


10.The child slipped(滑倒) and fell, _______ (hit) his head against the door.




2. led

3. has been rising / has risen

4. being affected

5. informed

6.was surfing


8.To reduce

9.had taken

10. hitting



1.考查现在分词做宾语补足语:hear +宾语+doing,听到…正在做…,填approaching

2.考查时态;时间是that day用lead的过去时 led

3.考查时态:时间是 in the past several months.用现在完成时或现在完成进行时:has been rising / has risen

4.avoid后面接动名词做宾语,children and old people,和affect是被动关系,用动名词的被动 being affected


6.考查时态;时间是at 11 o’clock last night.用过去将来时 was surfing

7.考查时态语态:weigh做重达…的时候,不能用被动式,用主动,而且主语是The box ,定语从句的谓语用单数weighs

8.考查不定式做目的状语:To reduce,为了减少被烧伤的危险,你最好避开火。

9.考查时态:时间是By the time 谓语是过去完成时had taken

10.考查现在分词做伴随状语:男孩跌倒了,头撞在门上: hitting






1.To everyone`s _______________ (satisfy), he was admitted into Beijing University.

2.John had an ________________ (enjoy) time when he was in the village.

3.She is a strong and _________________ (depend) woman who needs no help from others.

4.The job isn`t ____________ (challenge) enough for me . I want to do something more difficult.

5.He practises playing football everyday in ____________ (prepare) for the coming examination.

6.Mother`s ________________ (encourage) drove him to write better poems.

7.What are you going to do after _________________  (graduate)?

8.He has been teaching for twenty years.He is an ________________ (experience) teacher.

9.Excuse me ,where is the ______________ (enter) to the exhibition hall?

10.He gave me some _________________  (explain)of what he had seen .