
11.[1988全国] Two ________ died of cold last winter.

A. hundreds old people

B. hundred old people

C. hundreds old peoples

D. hundred old peoples






Douglas Adams was born in Cambridge in March 1952, educated at Brentwood School, Essex and St John's College, Cambridge where, in 1974 he gained a BA (and later an MA) in English literature.
He was the creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy(《银河系漫游指南》), which started life as a BBC Radio 4 series in March 1978. Since then it has been transformed into a series of best-selling novels, a TV series, a record album, a computer game and several stage adaptations.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's success sent the book straight to Number One in the UK Bestseller List and in 1984 Douglas Adams became the youngest author to be awarded a Golden Pan. He won a further two (a rare feat), and was nominated—though not selected - for the first Best of Young British Novelists awards.
He followed this success with The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980); Life, The Universe and Everything (1982); So Long and Thanks for all the Fish (1984); and Mostly Harmless (1992). The first two books in the Hitchhiker series were adapted into a 6-part television series, which was an immediate success when first showed in 1982. Other publications include Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (1987) and Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul (1988). In 1984 Douglas teamed up with John Lloyd and wrote The Meaning of Life and their second huge success, The Deeper Meaning of Life followed in 1990. One of Douglas’s personal favorites was written in 1990 when he teamed up with zoologist Mark Carwardine and wrote Last Chance to See an account of a world-wide search for rare and endangered species of animals.
Douglas sold over 15 million books in the UK, the US and Australia. He was also a best seller in German, Swedish and many other languages.
Douglas Adams died on Friday, May 11, 2001, in Santa Barbara, CA. He will be greatly missed by fans worldwide.
【小题1】The main idea of this passage is           .

A.Douglas Adams, always loved by fans
B.Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
C.Douglas Adams and his works
D.Douglas Adams’s personal lives
【小题2】The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was first shown to the public as           .
A.a radio series B.a movie C.a TV series D.a computer game
【小题3】Which two books were adapted into a six-part TV series?
A.Life, The Universe and Everything and Mostly Harmless
B.The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and Life, The Universe and Everything
C.The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and So Long and Thanks for all the Fish
D.So Long and Thanks for all the Fish and Mostly Harmless
【小题4】 Last Chance to See is a book about          .
A.Some stories happening in a Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
B.the author’s personal favorites
C.a zoologist and his worldwide experiences
D.searching for rare and endangered species of animals
【小题5】Which of the following statement is not true?
A.Douglas Adams died at the age of 49 and he was memorized by his fans.
B.Douglas Adams was the youngest author to be selected as one of the first Best of Young British Novelists.
C.John Lloyd was one of the authors of the two books, The Meaning of Lifeand The Deeper Meaning of Life.
D.Douglas graduated from Essex and St John's College and gained a Master’s Degree.

Dr. Glenn Tisman, a cancer specialist, knew his young neighbor, Ray Bateman, had an unusual mind. But he had no idea at the time that 12 - year – old Ray had the ability to become his partner in cancer research.
Ray’s parents remembered that at age four, Ray surprised them by fixing a broken vacuum cleaner(吸尘器). When he was ten, he speedily constructed the family color television from a kit. Later, he succeeded in assembling(组装) a complex stereo system after two experts had failed to do the job.
When Ray was ten, he convinced his parents to buy him a computer. In a short time, Ray was able to do amazing things with the computer. Ray shared his enthusiasm for computers with Dr. Tisman, who used a computer for his research. The two discussed computers and medicine frequently. Amazingly, Ray understood the biology and chemistry related to Dr. Tisman’s medical research without any previous instruction.
Ray then worked with Dr. Tisman after school. He helped conduct research with the equipment and kept it in working order. The purpose of the research was to test the effectiveness of mixing an old cancer drug with certain vitamins. Ray analyzed patient test results by computer, while Dr. Tisman handled all patient contact. Together, they came up with solid research that helped advance cancer treatment.
In 1988, 14 - year - old Ray went with Dr. Tisman to a meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research(AFCR), where Ray presented their initial research findings. Using terminology(术语) beyond the grasp of most kids his age, Ray told the scientists how the new drug mixture caused fewer and milder side effects for cancer patients.
A year later, Ray returned to the meeting to update the findings of his and Dr. Tisman’s research. By then, he had become well - known for his devotion to finding cures for sick patients. Stories about him appeared in hundred of newspapers around the world. He appeared on television newscasts and talk shows.
Ray continued to spend most free hours working with Dr. Tisman. The two began studying the effects of vitamins on babies inside the womb(子宫). However, Ray’s main interest remained cancer treatment, and he continues his research today.
【小题1】According to the passage, Ray______.

A.is a boy of many gifts
B.is very helpful to his parents
C.learned fast under Dr. Tisman’s instruction
D.stopped working with Dr. Tisman after his success
【小题2】What do we know about Dr. Tisman?
A.He succeeded in finding cures for cancer.
B.He made a new discovery in cancer treatment.
C.He convinced Ray to become a partner of him.
D.He taught Ray knowledge related to his research.
【小题3】What made Ray first known to the medical world?
A.His presentation at AFCR. B.His great skills in computer.
C.His devotion to cancer research. D.His appearance on television newscasts.
【小题4】Dr. Tisman’s research is aimed at ______.
A.providing different cancer treatments
B.proving the effects of vitamins on babies
C.finding the side effects of a cancer drug
D.testing the effectiveness of a new drug mixture

Twenty-six years after a terrible bicycle accident left her comatose(昏迷) for two months and with permanent brain injuries, Barbara Buchan, performs many actions more slowly than others. But on September 10 in Beijing, Buchan, at 52, the oldest member of the United States Paralympic team, broke the record and won the gold medal for her disability class in the individual 3,000-meter cycling pursuit.

“You can be very upset at the world and have everyone take care of you,” Buchan said by telephone from Beijing, “or get back on your feet again.”

Buchan first dreamed of Olympic gold at age 15 while watching the 1972 Munich Games. She became a top American cyclist by July 1982, when a terrible road-race crash injured her brain and left doctors doubtful about whether she would survive. She was wearing only a soft leather helmet at the time; her accident made the rule put into practice that cyclists wear the hard-shell helmets that are now common.

Buchan recovered enough of her athletic ability to run track in the 1988 Paralympics in Seoul, where she won a silver medal in the 800 meters. Women’s cycling was not included in the Paralympics yet, so Buchan trained to the point where she raced against men in the 2000 Paralympics in Sydney, Australia — she finished 9th and 10th in two races — and then successfully fought for a separate women’s cycling program beginning in 2004 in Athens, where she did not get a medal.

Even though she was approaching her 50s, Buchan kept racing and again made the United States Paralympic team for Beijing — where she is twice the age of most of her teammates and competitors.

“Barbara’s almost the leader of our team — she’s been through it all,” said Craig Griffin, the United States cycling coach. “She’s never retired. She’s never let her body go and then come back. I don’t think age is as big of a deal as people make it out to be.”

1.According to the passage, after the accident,  ____________.

A.Buchan asked her friends to take care of her

B.cyclists started to wear helmets in competition

C.Buchan could not answer questions correctly

D.doctors doubted whether Buchan could come back to life

2.What’s the right order of the events related to Buchan?

a. She won a gold medal in Beijing.

b. She became a top American cyclist.

c. She won a silver medal in the 800 meters.

d. She suffered a terrible bicycle accident.

e. She took part in a cycling program in Athens.

A.c-d-b-a-e          B.b-c-d-a-e          C.b-d-c-e-a          D.c-b-d-e-a

3.What does the underlined phrase “get back on your feet” in the second paragraph mean?

A.rise to your feet                        B.walk on your way

C.go beyond yourself                      D.depend on yourself

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.The Making of a Hero                    B.From a Loser to a Winner

C.All Roads Lead to Rome                   D.Health is Better than Wealth


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