

Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables.

1. Make a study time and have it at the same time every day.This will help your kids to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time.

Allow them to study in blocks of time,such as for half an hour with a five?minute break in the middle.2. Ideal(理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner.

Never allow your children to study in front of the television,as that will encourage passive activity.3.

You'll also need to help your kids find the right place to study.After you've set up a good study time for little learners,set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing.

4. Make sure there is a table or a desk and a comfortable chair.

5. This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions.The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable.



Many years ago, I went through a tough time. One afternoon, I picked my girls up. It was late when we returned home. I went to unlock the door and found my key wouldn’t go in. I kept trying while my daughter went to get a flashlight. When she returned with it we found somehow the lock had been “stuffed” with sunflower seed shells. Thinking that one of the neighborhood children had been up to no good, I really didn’t give it much consideration.

I found all windows were locked up tight. So I returned to the back door. Oh my God, I will never forget the shock of that moment. The house was empty! Other than a few things remaining on the back porch, everything was gone! Then I heard a car pull into the driveway and found two policemen walking up. They inquired why I had broken into the house. They then asked me for proof that I lived at that address, so I asked them to wait a minute while I went to get my rent receipt and identification from inside the house. I explained the matter to them and showed them the door lock.

At this point they were not buying any of my story. I could tell from their actions and tone of voice that they thought I was breaking into an empty house for somewhere to sleep.

I asked a neighbor for the phone number of house owner and the officer made a call. The owner was quite shocked to hear my story. She said that my roommate had been going through an eviction(驱逐) process with the court when I moved in with her and had lost the case. She had been ordered to move by 10 am on that date. The court order had been issued the same day I had paid her 1/2 of the rent and a deposit of $300,000.

The owner was very kind and understanding but there was nothing she could do. The house had been rented already and the people were to move in the following weekend.

The officers let me go and I went to gather my girls into the car. They were both exhausted and old. Also very frightened, because they thought their mamma was going to jail. I had to pull over because the tears took control. I couldn’t believe it! Everything we owned was gone, I had used up all our money moving in and paying my “friend” our share of costs. I knew very few people in town, as we had just moved there recently.

I went to sit back in the car with the girls, I talked to the girls, explaining our situation to them so that they wouldn’t be afraid. During this time there was a “street person” with a bag, looking in the garbage for cans, bottles, and anything that might bring him some cash. But I didn’t pay much attention to him. I decided to get the girls something to eat for breakfast. We grabbed some bread, and chips and returned for a “picnic”. When we got there, I noticed that the man was not alone. He was with a small group of others like him and they were passing a hat amongst themselves.

I was busy setting up our little “picnic” when I heard a voice saying, “MaAm, please excuse… but…well…I overheard the situation you are in, and well… I and the fellows took up a collection for you and your little girls. It’s not very much, but maybe it’ll help a little.” I looked up at this man---dirty, needing a shave ----and saw the face of an angel. I started crying. The man tried to hand me $30. I folded his hand back over the money and just hugged him as tight as I could. I told him, “Thank you for your more than generous offer, but we are going to be just fine.” He didn’t believe me at first, but I convinced him that it was okay.

Later that afternoon I went to the market and bought the making for a barbecue and off to that little park. It didn’t take us very long to find those gentlemen and invite them to join us for lunch. I had a wonderful afternoon that day, sitting there with those old guys, singing songs. They had some of the most entertaining stories and they shared the dreams they once had. They shared themselves… from the heart.

1.The writer couldn’t open the door because ________

A. she didn’t have the right key

B. there was something else in the lock

C. someone had changed the lock

D. the owner of the house refused her living there

2.How did the writer come into the house?

A. She came in with the help of the policemen.

B. She came in by breaking the glass.

C. She came in with the help of a flashlight.

D. She came in from the back door.

3.When the writer came into her house, she must feel _____

A. excited B. confused

C. shocked D. frustrated

4.The writer was not allowed to stay at the house because ____

A. she was cheated by her roommate and the house had been rented to others

B. the house owner was angry about her breaking the glass of the house.

C. she hadn’t paid her share of rent.

D. she was ordered to move out by the court

5.The underlined sentence “At this point they were not buying any of my story” may mean

A. the policemen didn’t have enough money

B. the policemen didn’t believe the writer’s words

C. the policemen helped the writer to break the window

D. the policemen wanted to get rent receipt

6.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. The street person was poor and didn’t dress well

B. The writer accepted the money the street person gave her

C. The street person didn’t know the writer before

D. The writer got along well with the street person and his fellows


Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we come to realize that those challenges are the very things that shape us and make us who we are,it is the same with the challenges that come withfriendship.When we are faced with a challenge,we usually have two choices. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge isn’t worth the trouble and call it quits.Although there are certainly times when calling it quits is the right thing to do,in most cases all that is needed is commitment(承诺)and communication.

When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how painful or how uncomfortable something is,we will always choose to face it through instead of running away from it.Communication is making a space for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. If you can say to a friend,“I got my feelings hurt.” rather than“You hurt my feelings.”you are going to be able to solve the problem much faster.

In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are:small hurdles you need to jump or get through on your way through life.Nothing is so big that it is impossible to get over, and hurt only serves to make us stronger.It is all part of growing up,it happens to everyone,and some day you will look back on all of this and say,“Hard as it was,it made me who I am today.And that is a good thing.”

1.What is the underlined word“committed”can be replaced by ____________.

A.devoted B. satisfied

C.smpdsed D.interested

2.It can be inferred from the text that _____________.

A. friendship needs challenges

B.challenges shape our character

C.small hurdles aren’t worth the trouble

D. commitment promotes friendship

3.The writer suggests that _____________ when faced with a challenge.

A. one should call it quits

B. one should temporarily run away from it

C. one should be committed and communicable

D.one should lay it a side for a while

4.According to the passage,if your friend hurts your feelings,you are well advised to _______________.

A.forget it

B.talk to him/her about it directly

C.communicate properly with him/her

D.run away from it

5.The whole passage is centered on the relationship between _____________.

A.friendship and challenges

B.commitment and communication

C.communication and friendship

D.challenges and the ways to get through


The drug store was closing for the night. Young Alfred Higgins, the shop-assistant, was ready to go home. Mr. Carr, the boss, stared at him and said “Hold on, Alfred. Maybe you'd be good enough to take the things out of your pockets and leave them here before you go.” Alfred's face got red. After a little hesitation, he took out what he had stolen. Mr. Carr said, “Maybe I should call your mother and let her know I'm going to have to put you in prison.”

Alfred thought his mother would come rushing in, eyes burning with anger. But, to his surprise, she arrived wearing a smile. “Hello, I'm Alfred's mother. Is he in trouble?” she said. Mr. Carr was surprised, too. He had expected Alfred's mother to come in nervously, shaking with fear, asking with wet eyes for a mercy for her son. But no, she was most calm, quiet and pleasant and was making Mr. Carr feel guilty…. Soon Mr. Carr was shaking his head in agreement with what she was saying. “Of course”, he said, “I don't want to be cruel. You are right. Sometimes, a little good advice is the best thing for a boy at certain times in his life and it often takes the youths long time to get sense into their heads.” And he warmly shook Mrs. Higgins's hand.

Back home, without even looking at Alfred, she said, “You are a bad luck. It is one thing after another, always has been. Why do you stand there so stupidly? Go to bed.” In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. There was no shame in him, just pride in his mother's strength. He felt he must tell her how great she was. As he got to the kitchen, he saw his mother drinking a cup of tea. He was shocked by what he saw. His mother's face was a frightened, broken one. It was not the same cool, bright face he saw earlier in the drug store. As she lifted the tea cup, her hand shook. And some of the tea splashed on the table. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. He watched his mother without making a sound. The picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth coming to an end. He saw all the troubles he brought his mother in her shaking hand and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. It seemed to him for the first time he had ever really seen his mother.

1. Which of the following is probably said by Mrs. Higgins while talking to Mr. Carr?

A. “Please, for God's sake, you know, he is just a kid.”

B. “I can't believe it! You are treating my son like that!”

C. “You know, it takes time for a youth to truly grow up.”

D. “Punishment makes sense because it teaches about the law.”

2. What does the underlined phrase "his mother's strength"(Para. 3) refer to?

A. Mrs. Higgins's calmness and communicating skills.

B. Mrs. Higgins's attitude towards parental sufferings.

C. Mrs. Higgins's love and care for her son Alfred.

D. Mrs. Higgins's greatness as a woman.

3. After the incident, young Alfred would probably ________.

A. feel ashamed of her mother B. change his attitudes towards life

C. learn to live an independent life D. hate Mr. Carr for hurting her mother

Wanted, Someone for a Kiss

We’re looking for producers to join us in the second of London 100FM. You’ll work on the station’s music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss100.

Father Christmas

We’re looking for a very special person preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit.

Working days: Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December17 to December24 except Sunday, 10:30—16:00

Excellent pay.

Please contact(联系)the Enterprise Shopping Center, Station Parade, Eastbourne.

Accountants Assistant

When you join the team in our Revenue Administration Unit, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Division, dealing with post and other general duties. If you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.

Wealden District Council

Software Trainer

If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make your own decision, and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of £15,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV (简历) to Mrs R. Oglivie, Palmlace Limited.

1.which position is open to recent school graduates?

A. Producer, London Kiss.

B .Father Christmas.

C. Accountants Assistant

D. Software Trainer

2.Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?

A. Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100

B. Mrs R. Oglivie, Palmlace Limited.

C. The Enterprise Shopping Centre

D. Wealden District Council.

3.We learn from the ads that the Enterprise Shopping Centre needs a person who __________________.

A. is aged between 24 and 40

B. may do some training work

C. should deal with general duties

D. can work for about a month

4.What kind of person would probably apply to Palmace Limited?

A. One with GCSE grade C level.

B. One with some office experience.

C. One having good computer knowledge

D. One trained in producing music programmes.

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