

Once a farmer's donkey (驴) fell into a deep well. The animal cried loudly for hours, but the farmer couldn't figure out how to deal 1.________it. Finally, he decided that the animal was old and that the well needed to be covered anyway, so he 2.________ (think) the donkey wasn't worth saving. Then, he invited some of his neighbors to come over and help 3.________ . They all took a shovel (铁铲) and began to put dirt into the well.

At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried 4.________ (sad). Then, to everyone's surprise, the donkey became quiet. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down into the well and was astonished at 5.________ he saw.

Each shovel of dirt hit its back, but the donkey was doing something 6.________ (amaze). It was shaking the dirt off and taking a step up. 7.________ the neighbors continued to put more dirt on top of the animal, it would shake the dirt off and take one more step up.

Pretty soon everyone was surprised as the donkey stepped up over the edge of 8.________ well and ran off happily!

When life sometimes 9.________ (put) dirt on you, the best way of getting out of the well is to shake the dirt off and take a step up. Each of your troubles is a stepping stone. You can get out of die deepest well just 10.________ never giving up!



Ad No.90374

Posted July 12, 2015 by Amanda

Expire Date August 12, 2015

Tag:Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for Teachers, whose Native Language is English, willing to teach in China. Mostly schools are in South of China.

The Benefit package for ESL Teachers includes:

One-year Contract:1st September 2015 to 1st August 2016

Salary 4,000 RMB to 5,000 RMB/Month

Teaching load & schedule:20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free, fully furnished apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom

Kitchen facilities provided, other electric appliances will be supplied, water, heater, microwave etc.

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in doc or JPEG format).The subject to be mentioned, as “teach in China”


2).A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

3).A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

4).A recent color photo

5).A letter of recommendation or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

6).Any other relevant information that you think might help your application

1.This advertisement is about_______.

A. introducing a school

B. seeking a teaching position

C. taking on English teachers

D. attracting foreign students

2.If you are employed, you will_______.

A. work full time

B. not have to pay the apartment rent

C. prepare furniture yourself

D. work four months for two years

3.Where can you mostly probably read the advertisement?

A. In a telephone book. B. In a paper.

C. In a travel guide. D. In a textbook


With the development of the information technology, we are stepping into the new century. People’s topics, especially the young people’ s , are becoming more and more _________, which older men never understand: the Internet and __________life.

Just a few years ago, people ___________ talked about what a computer could do to help their daily life. They considered it as a high - tech ________ for programming, to design machines, to control robots, ________ to make A-bombs ! At that time, PCs were very expensive and it was too dear to _________ one’ s computer to the web. What’ s more, it was too slow. So _________ people knew what the Internet really meant.

But today, things have changed greatly. The Internet times are coming__________, if you like to have a shot at succeeding in business today, you will have to succeed ____________ the web. ___________ around and it seems as if about every company out there is in E-business

For ordinary persons, E-mail is taking the place of traditional ways of __________ letters. And young people keep in touch with each other by connecting their ___________ to the web. They can express their __________ , either happiness or anger, sorrow or loneliness, to their web mates in chat rooms. Some ____________ have found their “true love” on the Internet!

I cannot ____________ the Internet’s great devotions to our daily life in the world of tomorrow. The Internet can do ____________many things for us that we almost cannot live without it. Everything is ___________ in the future, and no one can _________ what will exactly happen in years to come. But one thing is __________ : more and more people will come to know the Internet and will surely __________themselves in his or her daily life.

1.A. modern B. advanced C. strange D. interesting

2.A. ordinary B. everyday C. school D. working

3.A. often B. usually C. sometimes D. seldom

4.A. tool B. machine C. computer D. line.

5.A. still B. yet C. even D. except

6.A. put B. link C. fit D. tie

7.A. a few B. some C. few D. no

8.A. For some reason B. For some time C. For sure D. For example

9.A. through B. with C. on D. by

10.A. Turn B. Look C. Travel D. Go

11.A. sending B. receiving C. writing D. reading

12.A. E- mails B. names C. computers D. addresses

13.A. thought B. idea C. opinion D. feelings

14.A. youths B. men C. boys D. girls

15.A. believe B. imagine C. think D. make

16.A. far too B. quite C. almost D. so

17.A. true B. real C. possible D. changing

18.A. tell B. decide C. guess D. question

19.A. sure B. certain C. thoughtful D. considerable

20.A. tire B. love C. help D. enjoy

In 1990,22-year-old Christopher McCandless gave up his career plans,left behind everyone he knew,donated all his savings to charity,and went off on an adventure,hiking his way through America to Alaska.

Of course,this is an unusual story most college graduates would not do so. However,studies show that in teenage years, people are more likely to try out new experiences.For example,instead of working his way up the same organization like his grandfather did,a 15-year-old may dream about becoming a traveller一only to find in his early 20s that this attraction of new places is fading and change is less attractive.

The reason why people become less keen to change as they get older may be that people

generally have similar life patterns and demands.Most people aim to find a job and a partner. As they get older,they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness,which means that new experiences and ideas may not have a place in the person’s life.New experiences may bring excitement as well as insecurity,and so most people prefer to stay with the familiar.

However,not every individual is the same. A child may want to play a different game every day and get fed up if nothing changes at the kindergarten.Another may play with the same children and toys on every visit. Young children who avoid new experiences will grow up to be more traditional than others. Psychologist argue that those who have more open personalities as children are more open than others might be when they are older and that young men have a greater interest in novelty than women,although as they age,this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women.

1. The first paragraph serves as a(n)

A. introduction B.explanation

C. comment D. background

2.What does the author think is the key factor that prevents people trying out new experiences?

A. Age B. Partner

C. Responsibility D. Education

3.The underlined phrase“interest in novelty”most probably means

A. independence B. curiosity

C. security D.excitement

4.According to the passage, we can infer that_______.

A. a child who likes different games may not like to change after growing up

B. a teenager is not interested in a new start before graduation

C. women are more likely to try new things than men of the same age

D. as one gets older, he prefers the old patterns of life

As many as 4 out of every 1,000 infants born today have permanent hearing loss.When parents learn that their child has hearing loss, they are faced with many difficult decisions.These decisions can include choosing therapies and schools, as well as finding financial help for hearing aids or cochlear implants (人工耳蜗).

Help Me Hear Foundation is a public charity that gives the gift of hearing to deaf children from families existing on very low incomes around the world.The foundation offers life-changing services for impoverished families, and provides real help for children with hearing impairment who may otherwise be left behind in schools or society due to their lack of hearing.

Help Me Hear Foundation believes that a child’s first years of development are critical.Being able to hear is vital to human, and Help Me Hear Foundation seeks to provide a positive lasting impression on society through its programs.Help Me Hear Foundation has many goals, including relieving the burden on communities with hearing-impaired infants and children, and strengthening the social structure of families and neighborhoods.

Recipients of Help Me Hear Foundation’s benefits receive state-of-the-art hearing devices that otherwise would cost thousands of dollars per child over the course of their lifetime.The Foundation raises money through donations for hearing aids and cochlear implants, which saves recipients and their families on average over $50,000 on related expenses.

The Foundation tries to be a transparent charity, and wants to be a catalyst for allowing deaf and hearing-impaired children to develop in a typical fashion alongside their peers.

Needy families can obtain information on specific services, and find out about deafness education by visiting the Help Me Hear Foundation’s website.The website offers helpful information on how hearing aids work, and how hearing aids ease many of the learning and language challenges that hearing-impaired children deal with on a daily basis.

1.Help Me Hear Foundation was probably set up to _____.

A.build schools for deaf children

B.research deaf children’s behavior

C.protect deaf children from being ignored

D.offer real help to poor deaf children

2.We learn from the text that _____.

A.the local government is in charge of the foundation

B.the work of the foundation depends on donations

C.even blind children can turn to the foundation

D.poor deaf African children cannot get help from the foundation

3.Visit the foundation’s website, and you will learn about _____.

A.the function of hearing aids

B.the specific services the foundation needs

C.the challenges that children face every day

D.the prices of a variety of hearing aids

4.For whom is the text most probably written?

A.Poor parents who have deaf children.

B.Doctors who want to improve skills.

C.Students who cannot see the blackboard clearly.

D.Teachers who have deaf children in their class.

5.The author writes the text mainly to _____.

A.tell how to avoid permanent hearing loss

B.explain how hard a life deaf children live

C.introduce Help Me Hear Foundation

D.advise people to give money to Help Me Hear Foundation

Have you got some paper, a pair of scissors and, above all, a desire to decorate your house? Then, we have the perfect holiday artwork for you: Make Star Wars snowflakes (雪花). Remembered as a cherished form of work in classrooms before the holidays, paper snowflakes have drawn many people's attention again.

The designer, Anthony Herrera, just recently released his 2013 collection. "The Star Wars snowflake designs began as just doing designs of characters that I and my daughter wanted to make three years ago," Herrera told us in an email. "The second year I introduced vehicles, and this year I decided to push further by designing battle scenes."

Sometimes, he feels a bit bored with his job. With each year, the designs have got more detailed and various, but the process of creating them remained the same: sketching (画) figures on paper with a pencil until a symmetrical (对称)pattern comes out, then scanning the designs and cut them with scissors. However, he says he has plenty of ideas for new flakes next year, so no two will ever be the same. Hopefully with Star Wars: Episode VII coming in 2015 he'll have even more work in the future.

Check out your favorite finished versions of Herrera’s flakes (from both 2013 and previous years) and download the pictures beneath them and then get down to creating your own work. A warning: Most designs aren't for the casual flake-maker, so patience you must have.

1.From the text, we know that Herrera ______.

A. can make snowflakes with his daughter's help

B. made more complicated designs before 2013

C. introduced paper vehicles in 2011

D. will make a great variety of detailed paper flakes

2.Herrera is fed up with the job sometimes because ______

A. he has to design detailed and different patterns

B. he has to follow the fixed process of paper cutting

C. he spends much time designing, scanning and cutting

D. he has few ideas for what the next designs will be like

3.By writing the last paragraph, the author tries to ______.

A. offer us more information about Herrera’s paper cutting

B. tell us how to download picture of snowflakes

C. instruct people to be a real creative artist

D. remind us of being patient with Herrera’s designs

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