
To: "The Shoe People" <inquiries@shoepeople.com>
From: "John Trimbald" <jtconstruction@img.com>
Subject: Customer Complaint
To Whom it May Concern,
I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty. The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you,
John Trimbald, Foreman, JT Construction
To: “John Trimbald” <jtconstruction @ img. com>
From: “The Shoe People” <inquiries @ shoepeople. com>
Dear Mr. Trimbald,
Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled black workboots. A representative will be by your office next week to pick up the damaged boots. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and your crew.
Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray. In our retail stores, this spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should have been brought to your attention at the time of your initial order. Please excuse our oversight.
To date we have had no complaints about these workboots from customers who have used the protector spray. However, should you use the spray and find that you are still unsatisfied with the boots, please return the boots and spray for a full refund. Thank you for supporting The Shoe People. Have a Happy New Year.
Stan Mason, President
【小题1】The first email is basically an email of        .

【小题2】What’s wrong with the boots John Trimbald bought?
A.The soles of the boots began to fall apart.
B.The color of the boots had shaded a lot.
C.The boots didn’t fit the workers well.
D.The patterns of the boots didn’t satisfy the workers.
【小题3】What is the underlined word “spray” used for according to the passage?
A.To repair the damaged boots.B.To protect the soles from heat.
C.To prevent the crew from danger.D.To protect the boots from concrete.
【小题4】According to the president of The Shoe People, John Trimbald        .
A.can exchange the damaged boots with new ones at any time
B.must return the damaged boots to any of the retail stores
C.will get new pairs of boots and a free year’s supply of spray
D.can return the damaged boots and spray for a full refund now


【小题1】推理题:从第一封邮件的最后一句话,Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.可知这是封投诉信。选D
【小题2】细节题:从第一封邮件的最后一句话,the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks.可知选A
【小题3】猜词题:由第二封邮件的句子:In our retail stores, this spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors.可知spray的用途。选B
【小题4】推理题:从第二封邮件的第二段:Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray.可知答案是C


SHANGHAI: The Transportation Information System for 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been completed and put into trial operation, officials said yesterday.
The system which consists of three sub-systems will provide seven options to receive transportation information, including websites, transportation guides, radio and TV broadcasting, hotlines, message signs, mobile phone and enquiry machines, to satisfy tourists’ requirements for transport information in the Expo garden and around the city at all time.
Option 1: Official site for Expo traffic information
Inspired by Aichi Expo and the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai event will also launch its official website of traffic information, www.jtcx.sh.cn.Mobile phone users can log on to www.jtcx.sh.cn/m.The website delivers daily traffic information as well as travel guide around Expo garden, and advocate using public transport during the event.
Option 2: Expo Transportation guide
Two portable travel guides were produced for the convenience of tourists in the Yangtze River Delta.
One mainly targets visitors from the 19 prefecture-level cities of the Yangtze River Delta.The map introduces information of intercity coach lines, car parks, subway transfers.It will be distributed free at highway tolls and is also available for download on the website.
The other one focuses on visitors in Shanghai.The map will detail the various entries leading to the Expo site, as well as bus stops and subway stations around the city.The introduction of over 90 bus lines connecting the Expo garden to the rest of the city will also be listed.The map will be available at hotels, railway stations, airports and residential areas.
Option 3: Radio and television broadcasts
Visitors can also get updated traffic information at home or on their mobile devices as the Shanghai Traffic information center will broadcast live traffic condition via radio and TV during the event, so that travelers can adjust their travel plan accordingly.
Option 4: Expo transport hotline
If radio and television broadcasts can not meet your needs of traffic information, organizers in Shanghai have also set up a special hotline for Expo traffic enquiries.There will be two hotline numbers 962010 and 12319 at your service twenty-four hours.
Option 5: Variable message signs
For drivers the variable message signs will become the first choice to access to traffic information.During the Expo, the signs will play an important role in helping drivers to receive traffic flow, speed, models and other information, as well as traffic incidents and road closure information, so as to avoid congestion.
Option 6: Mobile phone browsers and taxi terminals
Visitors can obtain real-time traffic conditions via mobile phone browsers.Traffic information will also be provided to car mounted terminals on the 4,000 Expo taxis, which will enable drivers to have timely access to real-time status on roads.
Option 7: Touch screen enquiry machine
As for visitors who stay at hotels who are unfamiliar with the place, the tourism bureau have set up in more than four hundred 3-star hotels the Tourist Information enquiry machine.Visitors can check at terminal routes to Expo garden from the hotels.
1.Which of the following is the best title of the passage above?
A.Seven ways to get Expo transportation info
B.Information on the move
C.Transportation on the way             
D.Shanghai and Expo
2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Visitors can get the map of Shanghai Expo Transportation free of charge.
B.Visitors have access to the hotline of Expo traffic enquires only at night.
C.Traffic drivers will be well informed of the traffic conditions on the road.
D.Not all the 3-star hotels are equipped with the screen enquiry machines.
3.The underlined word “congestion” probably means ____.
A.squeeze               B.jam             C.noise           D.mess
4.During the Shanghai Expo, tourists can know the traffic information in the following way EXCEPT ____.
A.TV   B.Radio    C.Internet       D.Magazine

Jobs for abroad students in Shanghai
Ad  No.37120
Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:44 by castellari
We are an Italian company engaged in high leveled Italian coffee and coffee machines. Now, we have a program which requires involving of foreign students in Shanghai.
This is a job about selling our products online in the office to individuals or offices or any place where there’s a need for coffee. You’re required to work only at weekends. We’ll offer you a favorable payment. For those who’re interested, please contact Ava.
Reply to: zhangaihui@live.cn        Tel: 61212021
Office assistant needed (Full-time)
Ad No.40994
Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:55 by roybivExpire
UK Accessories Brand is looking for a new talented person to develop with the company. You must be able to speak a little English and understand emails written in English. Please send your personal information with expected salary to us.
Contact: Josie
Reply to: info@josiechenrange.com    Tel: 63573038
Teaching in China
Ad No. 40894
Posted Nov. 23, 2009 09:23 by Sh_ shifter
We have contacted most schools all over China and agreed to introduce many good foreign teachers to the schools. This is one of the best positions because you can work in different cities of China at different times.
Position: Oral English teachers (Full-time)
Salary: 8,000 RMB~10,000 RMB per month
Working load: 20~22 hours per week
Apartment: Free fully furnished single accommodation, equipped with telephone, TV, air conditioner, fridge and so on.
Teacher’s qualification: BA / BS / TESL and having teaching experience is preferred.
Contact: Foreign Affairs Manger, International Department
Address: No. 9 Jiefang road, Wuhan, Hubei
Tel: 86(0)2782300522
Email: teachinglanguage2009@gmail.com
Logistics(后勤) manager needed in Shanghai
Ad No.41055
Posted Nov. 23, 2009 17:01 by jobtrans
We want to find 2 full-time logistics manager for our forwarding company.
(1) Female;  (2) Bachelor’s degree or above;  (3) 3-year working experience required.
For more information, please visit our website: http://www.jobtrans.cn
Tel: 62875341
60.What do these advertisements have in common (共同)?
A. They all employ only applicants (求职者) with work experience.
B. The employment agencies are all based in Shanghai.
C. They are posted on the same day.
D. They are all for China-based foreign companies.
61.Miss Green wants to find a part-time job, which telephone number should she dial?
A. 63573038    B. 61212021     C. 86(0)27782300522    D. 62875341
62.Li Ming has just finished high school, which position might suit him?
A. Salesman in the Italian company.
B. A logistics manager.
C. An oral English teacher.
D. Office assistant in UK Accessories Brand.
63.Your American friend Mr. Smith wants to find a job in China which offers a flexible (易弯曲的,可适应的) workplace, you may recommend him to _____________.
A. write to teachinglanguage2009@gmail.com
B. visit http://www.jobtrans.cn
C. write to zhangaihui@live.cn
D. write to info@josiechenrange.com



I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.

The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting a Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would change.

And it did. On arriving at the beach cottage, I kissed Evelyn meeting me at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks great on you.” “Oh, Tom, you noticed”, sh e said, surprised and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled. After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I  started to refuse, but then I thought, “Evelyn’s been alone here with the kids all week and now she wants to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.

So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole vacation passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love.?

There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.

“What’s the matter?” I asked her.

“Tom,” she said in a voice filled with distress, “ I don’t?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…that checkup I had several weeks ago…our doctor…did he tell you something about me? Tom, you’ve been so good to me…am I dying?”

It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst out laughing.

“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”

1.  From the story we may infer that Tom drove to the beach cottage ______.

A. with his family     B. with Evelyn    C. alone      D. with his children

2. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because ______.

A. he was determined to be a good husband

B. he had made a lot of money in his Wall Street firm

C. she looked lovely in  her new clothes

D. the doctor said his wife was seriously ill

3. The author says, “There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment.” What does “one thing” refer to?

A. He praised her sweater, which puzzled her.

B. She insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated.

C. He knew something about her illness but didn’t tell her.

D. He was so good to her that she thought she must be dying.

4. By saying “I’m just starting to live,” Tom means that ______.

A. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life

B. he is just beginning to enjoy life as a loving husband

C. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change

D. he is beginning to feel regret for what he did to his wife before



         SHANGHAI: The Transportation Information System for 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been completed and put into trial operation, officials said yesterday.

         The system which consists of three sub-systems will provide seven options to receive transportation information, including websites, transportation guides, radio and TV broadcasting, hotlines, message signs, mobile phone and enquiry machines, to satisfy tourists’ requirements for transport information in the Expo garden and around the city at all time.

Option 1: Official site for Expo traffic information

         Inspired by Aichi Expo and the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai event will also launch its official website of traffic information, www.jtcx.sh.cn.Mobile phone users can log on to www.jtcx.sh.cn/m.The website delivers daily traffic information as well as travel guide around Expo garden, and advocate using public transport during the event.

         Option 2: Expo Transportation guide

         Two portable travel guides were produced for the convenience of tourists in the Yangtze River Delta.

         One mainly targets visitors from the 19 prefecture-level cities of the Yangtze River Delta.The map introduces information of intercity coach lines, car parks, subway transfers.It will be distributed free at highway tolls and is also available for download on the website.

         The other one focuses on visitors in Shanghai.The map will detail the various entries leading to the Expo site, as well as bus stops and subway stations around the city.The introduction of over 90 bus lines connecting the Expo garden to the rest of the city will also be listed.The map will be available at hotels, railway stations, airports and residential areas.

         Option 3: Radio and television broadcasts

         Visitors can also get updated traffic information at home or on their mobile devices as the Shanghai Traffic information center will broadcast live traffic condition via radio and TV during the event, so that travelers can adjust their travel plan accordingly.

         Option 4: Expo transport hotline

         If radio and television broadcasts can not meet your needs of traffic information, organizers in Shanghai have also set up a special hotline for Expo traffic enquiries.There will be two hotline numbers 962010 and 12319 at your service twenty-four hours.

         Option 5: Variable message signs

         For drivers the variable message signs will become the first choice to access to traffic information.During the Expo, the signs will play an important role in helping drivers to receive traffic flow, speed, models and other information, as well as traffic incidents and road closure information, so as to avoid congestion.

         Option 6: Mobile phone browsers and taxi terminals

         Visitors can obtain real-time traffic conditions via mobile phone browsers.Traffic information will also be provided to car mounted terminals on the 4,000 Expo taxis, which will enable drivers to have timely access to real-time status on roads.

Option 7: Touch screen enquiry machine

         As for visitors who stay at hotels who are unfamiliar with the place, the tourism bureau have set up in more than four hundred 3-star hotels the Tourist Information enquiry machine.Visitors can check at terminal routes to Expo garden from the hotels.

1.Which of the following is the best title of the passage above?

         A.Seven ways to get Expo transportation info

         B.Information on the move

         C.Transportation on the way             

         D.Shanghai and Expo

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

         A.Visitors can get the map of Shanghai Expo Transportation free of charge.

         B.Visitors have access to the hotline of Expo traffic enquires only at night.

         C.Traffic drivers will be well informed of the traffic conditions on the road.

         D.Not all the 3-star hotels are equipped with the screen enquiry machines.

3.The underlined word “congestion” probably means ____.

         A.squeeze                    B.jam                  C.noise               D.mess

4.During the Shanghai Expo, tourists can know the traffic information in the following way EXCEPT ____.

         A.TV     B.Radio      C.Internet         D.Magazine


Jobs for abroad students in Shanghai

Ad  No.37120

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:44 by castellari

We are an Italian company engaged in high leveled Italian coffee and coffee machines. Now, we have a program which requires involving of foreign students in Shanghai.

This is a job about selling our products online in the office to individuals or offices or any place where there’s a need for coffee. You’re required to work only at weekends. We’ll offer you a favorable payment. For those who’re interested, please contact Ava.

Reply to: zhangaihui@live.cn        Tel: 61212021

Office assistant needed (Full-time)

Ad No.40994

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 10:55 by roybivExpire

UK Accessories Brand is looking for a new talented person to develop with the company. You must be able to speak a little English and understand emails written in English. Please send your personal information with expected salary to us.

Contact: Josie

Reply to: info@josiechenrange.com    Tel: 63573038

Teaching in China

Ad No. 40894

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 09:23 by Sh_ shifter

We have contacted most schools all over China and agreed to introduce many good foreign teachers to the schools. This is one of the best positions because you can work in different cities of China at different times.

Position: Oral English teachers (Full-time)

Salary: 8,000 RMB~10,000 RMB per month

Working load: 20~22 hours per week

Apartment: Free fully furnished single accommodation, equipped with telephone, TV, air conditioner, fridge and so on.

Teacher’s qualification: BA / BS / TESL and having teaching experience is preferred.

Contact: Foreign Affairs Manger, International Department

Address: No. 9 Jiefang road, Wuhan, Hubei

Tel: 86(0)2782300522

Email: teachinglanguage2009@gmail.com

Logistics(后勤) manager needed in Shanghai

Ad No.41055

Posted Nov. 23, 2009 17:01 by jobtrans

We want to find 2 full-time logistics manager for our forwarding company.


(1) Female;  (2) Bachelor’s degree or above;  (3) 3-year working experience required.

For more information, please visit our website: http://www.jobtrans.cn

Tel: 62875341

60.What do these advertisements have in common (共同)?

A. They all employ only applicants (求职者) with work experience.

B. The employment agencies are all based in Shanghai.

C. They are posted on the same day.

D. They are all for China-based foreign companies.

61.Miss Green wants to find a part-time job, which telephone number should she dial?

A. 63573038    B. 61212021     C. 86(0)27782300522    D. 62875341

62.Li Ming has just finished high school, which position might suit him?

A. Salesman in the Italian company.

B. A logistics manager.

C. An oral English teacher.

D. Office assistant in UK Accessories Brand.

63.Your American friend Mr. Smith wants to find a job in China which offers a flexible (易弯曲的,可适应的) workplace, you may recommend him to _____________.

A. write to teachinglanguage2009@gmail.com

B. visit http://www.jobtrans.cn

C. write to zhangaihui@live.cn

D. write to info@josiechenrange.com


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