
“Just take a deep breath.” “Don’t think about it.” “You’re more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to the airport than you are in a plane crash.” These are just some words given to people with a fear of flying. But as Tom Cruise, playing Lt. Daniel Kaffee in the movie A Few Good Men, said, “I get sick when I fly because I’m afraid of crashing into a large mountain. I don’t think Daniel will help.”

But there’s a new application that just may. Today, the VALK Foundation, a Dutch group that’s a partnership between KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and the University of Leiden, launches the app in the US. The VALK Foundation was one of the first centers for research and fear-of-flying treatment in the world and is the organizer of three world conferences on fear of flying.

The foundation said the app, called Flight App VALK, is the first scientifically-developed, web-based treatment for people who suffer from mild to moderate fear of flying.

“The fear of flying application we have created aims to transfer all of the knowledge we have developed through our program into a mobile application that will help ease travelers’ fears,” said Dr. Lucas van Gerwen, director of the VALK Foundation. Dr. van Gerwen is also a psychologist and professional pilot with more than 30 years experience.

The foundation said up to 30% of adults are fearful fliers. The Flight App is designed to help relax passengers before and during flights by educating users about flight safety and turbulence. It explains the sounds and sensations they can expect during departure, flight and landing. And, if a passenger’s flight stress reaches a panic level, they press a special panic button which provides audio and written information to help decrease stress levels. Most importantly, the Flight App can be used during the flight in the airplane mode. Once downloaded, the program does not require Internet connection in the air.

1.By saying the words at the beginning of the passage, people are expected to ______.

A. decrease their fear of flying

B. get rid of their doubt about plane

C. have a good time on their flight journey

D. use some medicine to cure their fear of flying

2.Flight App VALK is aimed to ______.

A. help passengers experience the fear of flying

B. help relax passengers before and during flights

C. treat people who suffer from mild fear of flying

D. teach people the basic knowledge of taking flight

3.According to the passage, the VALK Foundation ______.

A. is a group focusing on psychology on the flight

B. was the first center to do research into fear of flying

C. organize the world conferences on fear of flying annually

D. focuses on researching and offering treatment on fear of flying

4.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A. Many adults are suffering from fear of flying

B. It’s convenient for people to use the Flight App

C. Many planes will be installed with the Flight App.

D. The Flight App can decrease stress levels effectively

5.In which column of a newspaper can we read this passage?

A. Culture B. Entertainment C. Technology D. Education








试题分析:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了治疗对飞行恐惧的飞行程序Flight App Valk,这是世界上的第一个针对患有轻度到中度飞行恐惧的人的网络处理研究成果。该飞行程序的重要特点是可以在飞行模式中使用,而且一旦下载该程序不需要网络的连接即可使用。

1.推理判断题。根据第一段Just take a deep breath.” “Don’t think about it.” “You’re more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to the airport than you are in a plane crash.” These are just some words given to people with a fear of flying可知这些话都是安慰那些对飞行有恐惧感的人的话,故选A。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第五段The foundation said up to 30% of adults are fearful fliers. The Flight App is designed to help relax passengers before and during flights by educating users about flight safety and turbulence.”可知这个应用程序的目的是为了缓解人们对飞行的恐惧。选B。

3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段if a passenger’s flight stress reaches a panic level, they press a special panic button which provides audio and written information to help decrease stress levels. Most importantly, the Flight App can be used during the flight in the airplane mode.可知这个应用程序可以帮助人们来处理这些恐惧,故选D。





As soon as I saw the cat in our yard, I knew he was a stray (流浪儿). He looked —a wounded warrior with a badly scarred (有伤疤的) body.

I started putting out food for him each day, but he wouldn’t come near me if other people were . Winter came, and he still wouldn’t us. Then, one day, a car hit him so we took him to the


After a week, we were eager to bring him home to our family. But when we went to take the cat home, the vet told us we should put him to immediately because the cat was so fierce and meant that he would become tame (驯服的), let alone a pet.

But I have always had in love’s power to even the wildest beasts. I told the vet, “I want to take him home.” We him Paws.

Three days went by, and we only knew Paws was the bed because when we walked past it we heard deep growling.

I wanted to somehow let him know he was and loved. So I put on a hard hat and a pair of welding gloves. I under the bed toward Paws, with my face to the and only the top of my head facing him. I out to stroke (抚摩) him gently over and over again.

He growled and tried to and bite me. It was scary—but I knew he couldn’t me, so I just kept going. Slowly, he began to . Then I slid out from under the bed and left the room.

Several hours later, I noticed a cat on the bed. It was Paws—all on the pillows! I couldn’t believe it.

That dear cat became the of our household. Although Paws finally died of cancer, his legacy(遗赠)—my and firm belief in the power of love—lives on.

1.A. cute B. strong C. fierce D. smart

2.A. around B. in C. out D. away

3.A. love B. attack C. refuse D. trust

4.A. please B. join C. see D. satisfy

5.A. death B. sight C. observation D. sleep

6.A. simply B. hardly C. easily D. gradually

7.A. sense B. interest C. faith D. feeling

8.A. comfort B. convince C. protect D. tame

9.A. named B. appointed C. accepted D. made

10.A. on B. beside C. under D. inside

11.A. hopeful B. pitiful C. careful D. safe

12.A. hid B. slid C. sheltered D. slept

13.A. bed B. sky C. floor D. feet

14.A. turned B. reached C. pulled D. picked

15.A. play B. scratch C. touch D. push

16.A. hurt B. bother C. avoid D. leave

17.A. get angry B. give up C. run away D. calm down

18.A. stepped out B. stood out C. spread out D. stuck out

19.A. hope B. love C. support D. comfort

20.A. normal B. noble C. strange D. continued


In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.

My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I started college, she developed cancer. I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.

Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a combination of adopted and biological children. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was fantastic---and very emotional. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then followed son No. 3. In 2003, I gave birth to another boy.

You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8! Our home was a complete zoo — a joyous zoo. Not surprising, I never did make it back to college full-time. But I never gave up on the dream either. I had only one choice: to find a way. That meant taking as few as one class each semester.

The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit, but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.

In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!

I am not special, just single-minded. It always struck me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you’re in the midst of it, it just seems normal. Everything you want won’t arrive in your life on one day. It’s a process. Remember: little steps add up to big dreams.

1.When the author went to Howard University, her dream was to be_________.

A. a writer B. a doctor

C. a judge D. a journalist

2.Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?

A. Her grandma asked her to withdraw from college.

B. She fell in love and got married.

C. She had so many children to support that she was too busy to continue her college.

D. She decided to look after her grandma.

3.What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. Little by little, one goes far.

C. Every coin has two sides.

D. Well begun, half done.

4.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A. Caring and determined. B. Honest and responsible.

C. Ambitious and sensitive. D. Innocent and single-minded.


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