
When I was seven, my father gave me a Timex, my first watch. I loved it, wore it for years, and haven’t had another one since it stopped ticking a decade ago. Why? Because I don’t need one. I have a mobile phone and I’m always near someone with an iPod or something like that. All these devices (装置) tell the time — which is why, if you look around, you’ll see lots of empty wrists (手腕); sales of watches to young adults have been going down since 2007. 
But while these wise people have realized that they don’t need them, others — including some distinguished ones of our time — are spending total fortunes on them. Brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe and Breitling command shocking prices, up to £ 250.000 for a piece.
This is ridiculous. Expensive cars go faster than cheap cars. Expensive clothes hang better than cheap clothes. But these days, all watches tell the time as well as all other watches. Yes, you may say expensive watches will come with some extra functions — but who needs them? How often do you dive to 300 metres into the sea to test its function of waterproof, or need to find your direction in the area around the South Pole by using its compass? So why pay that much of five years’ school fees for watches that allow you to do these things?
If justice were done, the Swiss watch industry should have closed down when the Japanese discovered how to make accurate watches for a five-pound note. Instead, the Swiss re-invented the watch, with the aid of millions of pounds’ worth of advertising, as a message about the man —— usually a famous star, wearing it. Rolexes are for those who spend their weekends climbing icy mountains; a Patek Philippe is for one from a rich or noble family; a Breitling suggests you like to pilot planes across the world. 
Watches are classified as “investment items” (投资项目) now. A 1994 Philippe recently sold for nearly £ 350, 000, while 1960s Rolexes have gone from 15, 000 to 30, 000 plus in a year. But, to some wealthy people, a watch is more than an investment. It’s a valuable toy for self-satisfaction, a matter of fashion. Prices may keep going up — they’ve been rising for fifteen years. But when fashion moves on, the owner of that £ 350, 000 treasured object will suddenly find his pride and joy is no more a good investment than my childhood Times. 
小题1:The sales of watches to young people have fallen because ______. 
A.they have other devices to tell the time
B.they think watches are too expensive
C.they have little sense of time now
D.they prefer to wear an iPod on their wrists
小题2:It seems ridiculous to the writer that ______. 
A.some people often dive 300 metres deep into the sea
B.expensive clothes sell much better than cheap ones
C.cheap cars usually don’t run as fast as expensive ones
D.expensive watches with unnecessary functions still sell
小题3:What can be learnt about Swiss watch industry from the passage?
A.It targets rich people as its potential customers.
B.It seems hard for the industry to beat its competitors.
C.It wastes a huge amount of money in advertising.
D.It is easy for the industry to re-invent cheap watches.
小题4:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Timex Being better than Rolex
B.My Expensive Childhood Timex
C.Super-level Watches? Not for Me!
D.Watches — a Valuable Collection



Inside the pleasingly fragrant cafe, So All May Eat(SAME) in downtown Denver ,the spirit ofgenerosityis instantly noticeable :donation box stands in place of a cash register. Customers here pay only what they can afford, no questions asked.A risky business plan, perhaps, but SAME Café has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years: Open only at midday, the restaurant allows poor local customers who cannot pay to work as volunteers instead. They can act as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or look after the buildings and equipment for the cafe.   
It’s based on trust, and it’s working all right”, says co-owner Brad Birky, who started the café in 2006.  Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there. “We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable, regardless of their circumstances,” Birky says. SAME’s special lunch menu changes
daily and most food materials are natural and grown by local farmers. The café now averages 65 to 70 customers (and eight volunteers) a day. And the spirit of generosity behind the project appears to be spreading. In early 2007,one volunteer who had cleared snow for his meals during t he long
winter said goodbye to the Birkys, He said he was going to New Orleans to help with the hurricane clearing up,” says Birky.
小题1:What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys previously worked for?
A.They refused to have volunteers.
B.They offered low quality food.
C.They provided customers with a good environment.
D.They closed down because of poor management.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The customers who cannot pay can work as volunteers instead.
B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.
C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.
D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.
小题3:The author’s attitude towards running such a café is_______
Honesty may well be the policy, but it often deserts us when no one is watching, psychologists report today. Experiments with an honesty box to collect payments for hot drinks show that people are better at paying up when under the gaze(注视) of a pair of eyes. The surprise was that the eyes were not real, but photographed.
Researchers at Newcastle University set up the experiment in secret. They attached a poster to a cupboard of mugs above an-honesty box alongside a kettle ,with tea, coffee and milk. Over 10 weeks, they alternated each week between images of eyes and pictures of flowers.
Dr. Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study, said that even though the eyes were not real they still seemed to make people behave more honestly. They effect may arise from behavioral characteristics that developed as early humans formed social groups that increased their chances of survival. Individuals had to co-operate for the good of the group, rather than act selfishly.
"If nobody is watching us it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we think we're being watched we should behave better, so people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us, "Dr. Bateson said.
"We thought we'd get a slight effect with eyes, but it was quite striking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious(潜意识的) level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be because eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to."
The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolutionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could promote ticket sales on public transport and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.
小题1:This passage is mainly about _______________.
A.the policy of honesty
B.an honesty box to collect money
C.evolution on honesty
D.an experiment on honesty
小题2:The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the researchers _____________.
A.wanted to get a comparatively more exact result
B.had known they wanted to do something illegally
C.meant to get the co-operation of their colleagues
D.intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price
小题3:People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes because _____________.
A.they want to leave a good impression
B.they fear to be laughed at by others
C.they've got the nature through evolution
D.they take the photo for a real pair of eyes
小题4:The underlined phrase" sheds light on" in the last paragraph means _____.
A.causes somebody to become cheerful
B.makes something easier to understand
C.comes upon something by accident
D.brings something into the broad daylight
Through history, children have played with toys and they help to prepare children for adult life. But the toys are changing all the time. As science and technology have changed the way adults live, the toys children play with have changed as well. Developments in science and technology have had a big effect on the toys that children play with. Today trains and mobile phones are popular toys for young children, but there were no toys of this kind before real trains and mobile phones were invented.  The materials that toys are made of have also changed.  Today lots of toys are made of plastic. Plastic is a modern, man-made material that did not exist (存在) in the past. On the other hand, some other toys that you have might not be all that different from the ones children played with 1,000 years ago. Scientists have found some bone dice (骰子)in Aberdeen. In medieval (中世纪的)times dice were used for playing games as much as they are today.
A recent survey found that half of all the children aged from 4 to 6 have played video games, a quarter of them regularly. The increasing use of electronic toys troubles Dr Singer, a professor at Yale. “One thing we know is that kids in early years need to be in touch with the real world,” he said, “No matter how brilliant they are, they’re not going to learn to walk, to move or to talk to others unless their hands or feet have a direct role in such activities.”
Some toy experts argue that the best toys are the ones that increase a child’s creativity and imagination. Traditional toys can be used for different kinds of purposes and be used in group settings, individually(单独地), and one-to-one. They are also used differently depending on the child’s age and skill level. And these toys made of natural materials are valuable for children because they teach children what the world is made of.
小题1:In how many ways do toys change according to the first paragraph?
A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D. Four.
小题2:From the article, we can know that     .
A.only children like to play with toys
B.toys have nothing to do with children’s future life
C.the development of toys is related to science and technology
D.plastic is the best material for making toys
小题3:According to Dr Singer,     .
A.the electronic toys are good for children if they play often enough
B.the electronic toys prevent children keeping in touch with the real world
C.children should be stopped from being hurt by the danger coming from the outside world
D.children should play with electronic toys instead of the traditional ones
Bringing Art into Hospitals.
The medical world is slowly realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to recover(康复).
As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard, modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have collections of art in passages(走廊), waiting areas and treatment rooms.
These recent movements were first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970’s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by more people.
A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5000 visitors each week. What a good place to hold exhibitions(展览) of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.
The effect is amazing. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitors experience a full view of fresh colors, playful images(形象) and restful courtyards.
The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that a patient who had a view onto gardens needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with(与……相比) patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.
小题1:Some best artists of Britain have been called in to_____
A.set up new hospitals
B.make the corners of hospital collect paintings
C.bring art into hospitals
D.help patients recover from serious illness
小题2:After the improvement of the hospital environment, _____
A.patients no longer take drugs to kill their pains
B.patients don’t have to stay long in hospital
C.patients need fewer pain killers when they suffer from an illness
D.patients feel happy in hospital
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that_____
A.the role of hospital environment is being recognized
B.hospital artists have done more than doctors
C.exhibitions attract more people in hospitals than in museums
D.the hospitals is a better place for people than the museum in Britain
The young boy saw me, or rather, he saw the car and quickly ran up to me, eager to sell his bunches of bananas and bags of peanuts. Though he appeared to be about twelve, he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life. “Bananas 300 naira. Peanuts 200 naira.” He said in a low voice. I bargained him down to 200 totals for the fruit and nuts. When he agreed, I handed him a 500 naira bill. He didn’t have change, so I told him not to worry. He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
When, two weeks later, I saw the boy again, I was more aware of my position in a society where it’s not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun. My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.
I pulled over and rolled down my window. He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready. I waved them away. “What’s up?” I asked him.
“I…I don’t have money to buy books for school.” I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500 naira bills. “Will this help?” I asked. He looked around nervously before taking the money. One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000 naira or less each year. “Thank you, sir.” he said. “Thank you very much!”
When driving home, I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks. What if he’s a cheat? And then I wondered why I did it. Did I do it to make myself feel better? Was I using him? Later, I realized that I didn’t know his name or the least bit about him, nor did I think to ask.
Over the next six months, I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria. Sometime after I returned, I went out for a drive. When I was about to pull over, the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smile ready on his face.
“Oh, gosh! Long time.”
“Are you in school now?” I asked.
He nodded.
“That’s good,” I said. A silence fell as we looked at each other, and then I realized what he wanted. “Here,” I held out a 500 naira bill. “Take this.” He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s a gift.”
He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back. His face shone with sweat. He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said, “I’ve been waiting to give these to you.”
小题1:What was the author’s first impression of the boy?
A.He seemed to be poor and greedy.
B.He seemed to have suffered a lot.
C.He seemed younger than his age.
D.He seemed good at bargaining.
小题2:The second time the author met the boy, the boy ______.
A.told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts
B.wanted to express his thanks
C.asked him for money for his schoolbooks
D.tried to take advantage of him
小题3:Why did the author give his money to the boy?
A.Because he had enough money to do that.
B.Because he had learnt to help others since childhood.
C.Because he held a higher position in the society.
D.Because he had been asked by the news agency to do so.
小题4:Which of the following best describes the boy?
A.Brave and polite.B.Kind and smart.
C.Honest and thankful.D.Shy and nervous.
Our spiritual intelligence quotient(精神智商),or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives.
Though we're all born with SQ, most of us don't even realize that we have it. Fortunately, you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to improve your SQ. Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding.
Sit Quietly. The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins with solitude(独处)and silence. To tune in to your spirit, you have to turn down the volume(强度)in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all. Start small by creating islands for silence in your day. In the car, instead of listening to the music, use the time to think. At work, shut the door to your office between meetings, take a few breaths and let them out very, very slowly. Enjoy the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside. For many people, nature sets their spirit free. Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. If you are walking with the dog, take the time to admire flowers in bloom; follow the flight of a bird and watch clouds float overhead.
Ask Questions of Yourself. Ask open-ended questions, such as "What am I Feeling? What are my choices? Where am I heading?"
But don't expect an answer to arrive through some supernatural forms of e-mail. “Rarely do I get an immediate answer to my question,” says Reverend Joan Carter, a Presbyterian minister in Sausalito, California. “But later that day I suddenly find myself thinking about a problem in a perspective(角度) I never considered before.”
Trust Your Spirit. While most of us rely on gut(本能的)feeling to realize danger, spiritual intelligence pushes us, not away from, but towards some action that will lead to a greater good.
小题1:The passage is mainly about______.
A.what your SQ is and in what way it can benefit our life
B.what your SQ is and in what way it can be improved
C.the relationship between your SQ and your life
D.advantages and disadvantages of SQ
小题2:The underlined phrase "to tune in to your spirit" in the third paragraph probably
means to_________
A.get your spirit relaxedB.keep up your spirit
C.keep seated quietlyD.change your spirit
小题3:From the passage, we can know that the most important thing to improve your SQ is______
A.a peaceful mindB.deep thought
C.spare time and hobbies D.good spirits
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is True?
A.Not everyone has SQ.
B.You have to go to classes to learn how to improve your SQ.
C.SQ leads us to take wrong actions.
D.SQ can benefit our life.
Time out
Cover Price: £2.35
Save up to 42%
Time out — London’s arts and entertainment weekly. This magazine offers the best listings and reviews of arts, music, films and nightlife, and it is a necessary guide to the entertainment capital of the world. If you’re not using Time out, you’re losing out on London.
School Sport Magazine
Cover Price: £4.40
School Sport Magazine is the only publication of its kind to celebrate the sporting achievements of schools, pupils and teachers in the UK. The purpose of the magazine is to report sporting news and record national and regional school sporting events as well as interviews with famous sport stars about their own sporting schooldays. Five issues (期) a year.
Cover Price: £2.70
Save up to 76%
Every week, Time keeps you well informed of world news, covering all the matters that affect your life, from political struggles to scientific progress, environmental problems, and what’s new in business, fashion and arts. Its feature articles give you brief but true information and unique insights from world-leading journalists. Time is a great magazine, which can help you develop a truly global perspective.
Cover Price: £3.90
Save up to 25%
FourFourTwo is a monthly football magazine for grown-up readers. Feature articles and wonderful action photographs will keep you attracted. You can read interviews with big name football stars, from today, tomorrow and yesterday. You’ll love it!
小题1:Among all of the above, there is/ are ________ weekly magazine(s).
A.one B.two C.three D.four
小题2: Which of the following magazines will probably provide you with articles about paintings and their painters?
A.Time Out & School Sport Magazine.
B.School Sport Magazine & FourFourTwo.
C.Time Out & Time.
D.only Time.
小题3:Which of the following magazines is suitable for a 13-year-old boy who wants to know about a famous football star’s playing experiences at school?
A.Time Out.
B.School Sport Magazine.
D.School Sport Magazine or FourFourTwo.
小题4:We can learn from the passage that ________ .
A.all of the magazines are intended for adults.
B.among all the magazines, only School Sport Magazine is about sports.
C.Time Out & School Sport Magazine might be published in the United Kingdom.
D.among all the magazines, Time Out will cost you the least.
小题5:The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ________ .
A.advertise four best-sellers
B.introduce four popular magazines to readers
C.ask readers to decide which of the four magazines is the best
D.get more people to buy these magazines

About five years ago I began to study at a new school, when my family moved to Iowa. I was just a little    1  ,wondering whether I could get on well with my classmates.
Lucy, a girl in my    2  , who I thought wasn’t ready to accept a  3   girl, didn’t like me from the start.    4  ,I was pretty sure she hated me. When I asked her a question, I could __5__ she thought I was a total fool.
My teacher made us   6   next to each other for the last term. Lucy was not happy. However, I kept   7   at her, though she rolled her eyes, and I kept telling her that she was beautiful.
Finally, Lucy let me   8   to her, even when her friends were around. She ___9___ telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember the ___10___ time when she smiled at me and said that, and I smiled right back, saying    11  to her. One day Lucy invited me over to her house, and talked to me all the time   12   her other friends. That day Lucy , the girl who had hated me, called me her best deskmate. After that, we   13   friends for years.
I moved to Arizona later, but I will never   14   Lucy. I still remember she considered me her   15  at first. During that time it felt like I was    16  my time, and losing my dignity(尊严),but I still smiled at Lucy even when she    17  me. I’m not stupid; I didn’t think she was   18   in doing those things, but I still put up with it. And finally we became great friends.
Not long ago, I read the   19   of Abraham Lincoln, “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” I smiled, thinking of Lucy. It just   20   me how great a friend I used to have.
A.according toB.thanks toC.except forD.instead of
A.took care of B.took the place of
C.made fun ofD.get away from

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