
    Bea, a five-year-old girl, was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children her age, because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.

Bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old. Since then, the hospital has become her second home, medicines for food, and all kinds of treatments her friends. Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old, which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful. After that, she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房). Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.

Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria. Anna, Bea’s mother, said, “She is weak but so strong. We’ve never seen any child stronger than her. It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her. We really hope to send her to school next year.” She used to drive on the local playground, but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car. “It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there. She never stopped fighting the disease. I know she’s dying for such a normal life.”

    Hearing of Bea’s story, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden. “Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,” said the chairman of the foundation.

56. If Bea stayed with other children freely, ___________.

   A. other children would have a higher chance to catch her disease

   B. she would catch a common cold which would kill her quickly

   C. her life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easily

   D. she would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment

57. From the passage we can infer that ___________.

   A. Bea will need a tube in her nose all the time

   B. Bea has to stay in hospital until she is an adult

   C. Bea’s parents will send her to school next year

   D. Bea’s mother feels proud when talking about her

58. The Make-A-Wish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to ___________.

   A. honor her bravery in fighting against her disease

   B. call for attention to this immune system deficiency

   C. encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic

   D. launch a campaign against this serious disease

59. What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?

   A. Her parents’ encouragement and care.

   B. Her dreaming of owning a play park.

   C. Her wish to become a normal child.

   D. Her doctor’s skills and experience.


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
Fesil Mahand, a Pakistani-American citizen , is accused of driving the explosives-laden car into Big Square on Saturday evening. He__21__appear in court in New York later. Mr Mahand was__22__ at Kennedy Airport attempting to__23__ a flight to Debai. __24__from the US say Mr Mahand recently returned from a five-month visit to Pakistan.
A senior Pakistani security officer in Islamabad said that the authorities had no __25__of Mr Mahand. A car __26__a bomb made from fertiliser, fireworks, petrol and gas tanks __27__in Big Square on Saturday.The Nissan Pathfinder __28__with its engine running and lights flashing. The bomb was discovered __29__it could explode after a street-vendor noticed smoke coming from the vehicle and alerted police.
Mr Holder told a news __30__that investigators were pursuing "a number of leads", adding: "We will not rest until we have brought everyone responsible to__31__." He __32__the American people to "remain alert " and report anything __33__to the police. Mr Holder said the __34__car bombing "would have been a deadly attack __35__been successful".
He added: "It's clear that the intention __36__this terrorist act was to kill Americans. "Big Square was full of __37__and theatergoers when the alarm was__38__. Police evacuated a wide area of the district and closed subway lines, while a controlled explosion was__39__. Officials said the bomb was crude, __40__could have sparked a "significant fireball".
21. A.is about to        B.is due to         C. is accustomed to        D. has been to
22. A.aborted          B. nearly          C. arrested            D. abandoned
23. A.aboard         B.get off        C.broad            D. board
24. A. Reports       B.Interviews      C. Stories             D. Research
25. A.meaning             B.want            C. knowledge         D. message
26. A.including        B. containing     C.contained               D. included
27. A.was missing       B.were leaving       C. left                    D. was left
28. A. was parked     B.has been parked  C. parked           D. had parked
29. A.since            B. until         C. before             D.unless
30. A.association      B.communication  C. media            D. conference
31. A. law            B. justice         C. jail                D.death
32. A.suggested         B. warned         C. urged                D. advocated
33. A.special           B.superior        C.safe               D. suspicious
34. A. attempted        B.informed       C.involved           D. investigated
35. A.it had         B.did it           C.it has              D. had it
36. A. behind         B.back            C.beneath            D.above
37. A.persons        B. terrorists       C. tourists             D.minsters
38. A. risen            B.  raised        C.arisen             D.announced
39. A.carried on        B.put out          C. brought out              D. carried out
40. A. but           B.and            C.still                D.otherwise

Dear Laura,
Hi! I am Veronica, your new pen friend from Singapore. I got your name and address from the Making Pen Pals' Column in Buddies magazine and thought I'd write to you. Well, let me start by telling you something about myself. I am 13 years old and I am studying in secondary one at Westdove School. I have just finished my exams. I live with my parents and younger sister in a five room apartment. I like swimming, playing tennis and reading novels. I love the outdoors, especially the sea and I have been on several trekking (long and hard) tours abroad. I enjoy listening to both pop and classical music. My favorite food is pizza and I love making it myself because I like to make it with lots of cheese and pepper. To sum it up, I am a talkative, caring and patient person.
I guess life in London must be wonderful with all the interesting places and good food to enjoy. I'd love to see the famous Big Ben. I hope to visit London during one of my school holidays. Laura, I would really like to learn more about your culture and lifestyle. I hope you will write back. I have enclosed(附有) my address and telephone number. Please feel free to call me if you make a trip to Singapore. I think you should because it is a wonderful place to shop. Till then, good-bye!
Yours faithfully
Veronica ?
60. Veronica writes the letter to Laura because she wants to ______.
A. tell her something about herself                     B. know something about her
C. invite her to her country                        D. make friends with her
61. Veronica says she loves making pizza because ______.
A. pizza bought in Singapore is not good     B. people can not buy fresh pizza in Singapore
C. she can make pizza to her own taste        D. she thinks it is cheap to make pizza
62. From the letter we know that ______.
A. Veronica is not interested in traveling     
B. Veronica has traveled a lot
C. Veronica has been to London before       
D. Veronica thinks Singapore is the best place for travelers
63. Veronica thinks that Laura should come to Singapore some day because ______.
A. she can do a lot of shopping in Singapore B. Singapore is a city of flowers
C. Singapore is a good place to visit?         D. Singapore is her native country

    Bea, a five-year-old girl, was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children her age, because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.

Bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old. Since then, the hospital has become her second home, medicines for food, and all kinds of treatments her friends. Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old, which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful. After that, she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房). Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.

Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria. Anna, Bea’s mother, said, “She is weak but so strong. We’ve never seen any child stronger than her. It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her. We really hope to send her to school next year.” She used to drive on the local playground, but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car. “It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there. She never stopped fighting the disease. I know she’s dying for such a normal life.”

    Hearing of Bea’s story, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden. “Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,” said the chairman of the foundation.

56. If Bea stayed with other children freely, ___________.

   A. other children would have a higher chance to catch her disease

   B. she would catch a common cold which would kill her quickly

   C. her life would be in great danger as she could fall ill easily

   D. she would be lost in playing and forget to receive treatment

57. From the passage we can infer that ___________.

   A. Bea will need a tube in her nose all the time

   B. Bea has to stay in hospital until she is an adult

   C. Bea’s parents will send her to school next year

   D. Bea’s mother feels proud when talking about her

58. The Make-A-Wish Foundation had a play park built for Bea to ___________.

   A. honor her bravery in fighting against her disease

   B. call for attention to this immune system deficiency

   C. encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic

   D. launch a campaign against this serious disease

59. What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?

   A. Her parents’ encouragement and care.

   B. Her dreaming of owning a play park.

   C. Her wish to become a normal child.

   D. Her doctor’s skills and experience.

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