
Product Description

Life Without Limits helps you clarify what you want in every area of your life. By using Bassett’s powerful techniques you will change; therefore your life will change. You control you life. will change. You control your life. And only you can take steps to change it. Life Without Limits helps you take back your power.

Life Without Limits helps you to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment personally, professionally, and financially. Once you have defined what success means for you, you will clarify your dreams and start pursuing them.

Product Details

●Published in: 2001-12

●Released on: 2001-12-24

●Original language: English

●Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.7 x 8 inches

●Binding: Paperback

●304 pages

About the Author

Lucinda Bassett is the founder and CEO of one of the most successful self-help companies in the country, the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety, Inc. Author of the national bestseller From Panic to Power, Lucinda Bassett produces and hosts the award-winning infomercial, Attacking Anxiety. She has shared her techniques with such clients as McDonalds, Chrysler, and AT&T. She has appeared on numerous talk shows, including Operah and The View, and been featured in Family Circle, Reader’s Digest, and many more.

Customer Reviews

This book has helped me to gain hope and courage to cope with all my fears and worries. Lucinda writes with such a great understanding and sympathy. She herself had problems with panic and worry. Her positive thinking tips are easy to follow. I don’t get lost in a lot of mental problems. It’s as if she were holding your hand, sitting right beside you, cheering you on! I believe I can do anything I set my mind to after reading this book. However, there are some other readers holding the contrary views.

1.What is Life Without Limits about?

A. It shows readers what Lucinda Bassett is.

B. It encourages readers to realize their dreams.

C. It describes how hard the actual life is.

D. It implies it is hard to control your life.

2.Lucinda Bassett works as all the following except _______.

A. hostess B. teacher C. writer D. businesswoman

3.We can conclude from the last paragraph that _______.

A. Lucinda has made a lot of money from the book

B. all the customers have some mental problems

C. Lucinda talks with the customer face to face

D. all the customers don’t agree with what Lucinda wrote will change.


It was a hot, humid day, and my brother Walt and I had decided that the only way to survive it would be to go swimming in a deep swimming hole across Mr.Blickez’s pasture(牧场) and through some woods.

The only problem with our plan was that this pasture was guarded by a huge, mean Hereford bull. Mr.Blickez had told us that Elsie was the meanest bull in the township, maybe even the county, and we believed him. But the hotter it got, the more we thought there was something fishy about his claim. For one thing, we remembered Mr.Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another, Elsie seemed like an odd name for a bull.

Finally, I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the pasture, but then another problem surfaced. Mom said she would talk to Mr.Blickez if we would take our cousin Joanie along with us. Joanie was almost two years older than me and a head taller. If her teasing ever got around my grade school, it would be all over for me. In fact, I still had a headache from a quarrel with her that morning. “I’m not going swimming with that dumb girl cousin.” I told my mom.

“Either Joanie goes with, or you stay home alone,” Mom said in her serious tone. I gave in and we set out. On our way across the pasture, Walt yelled suddenly. Elsie had approached him quietly and was licking(舔) his back. Joanie and I dove under the wire fence, but while I was on the ground I looked up and saw that Elsie wasn’t a big mean bull after all. She was going to keep licking my brother’s back as long as he stood still.

We had many good days growing up and visiting our secret swimming hole guarded by the so-called “big mean bull”. And as it turned out, for a girl cousin, Joanie hasn’t been too bad. She’s been one of my best friends over the years.

1.What’s the meaning of the underline word “fishy” in Paragraph 2?

A. Funny. B. Interesting.

C. Doubtful. D. Believable.

2.What’s the second problem the author has to face?

A. His mother insisted on his cousin going with him.

B. His cousin made jokes on him in his grade school.

C. He quarreled with his cousin and had a headache.

D. His mother failed to ask permission for him.

3.What does the author think of Elsie in the end?

A. Aggressive. B. Unkind.

C. Bad-tempered. D. Friendly.

4. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The bull guarding Mr.Blickez’s farm.

B. The story of visiting the swimming hole.

C. How friendly the so-called mean bull was.

D. How the author changed his attitude to Joanie.


For anyone who is determined to be a fashion designer,it is not enough to have succeeded in college.The real test is whether they can survive,and become established during their early 20s,making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can be as important as talent and creativity.

Fashion is a hard business.There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant and extremely fast speed to prepare for the next season’s collections.It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to make attractive advertisements of the latest fashion in newspapers and magazines.It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy.“We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is.” says Lydia Kemeny,Head of Fashion at St.Martin’s School of Art in London.“And we point out that drive and determination are absolutely necessary.”

This may seem far removed from the popular opinions of fashionable young people spending their time designing pretty dresses.That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won’t be slow in introducing students to commercial realities,“We don’t walk our foot on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the restrictions of price,producing ability,marketing and so on.”

Almost all fashion design is done to a brief.It is not a form of self?expression as such,although there is certainly room for imagination and creativity.Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a producer or a fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the characteristic style of their employer.Even those students who are most modern in their own taste of clothes may need to adapt to produce designs which are right for the mainstream of the market.They also have to be able to work at both the expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding.

1.Which of the following is mainly discussed in the passage?

A.Talent in fashion.

B.Good marks at college.

C.Ability to create new designs.

D.Business skills in fashion industry.

2.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Fashion designers are highly motivated and really detemined.

B.Good preparations for the next season can reduce stress.

C.Consumers’ appetite for new ideas keeps changing.

D.Advertisement business is very competitive.

3.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Lydia Kemeny’s opinion.

B.The competitive business world.

C.The warning to the young designers.

D.The real situation in fashion industry.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.St.Martin’s School of Art encourages the new students to design dresses they like.

B.St.Martin’s School of Art requires students to develop their creativity in their designing.

C.St.Martin’s School of Art demands students to make pretty dresses for companies.

D.St.Martin’s School of Art focuses on teaching students commercial realities.


People from every corner flooded into the streets that Christmas Eve. “Frosty the Snowman,” and “Jingle Bells” ___________in stores; on the pavements, the street singers performed happily. Everyone, was _________ by someone else, delighted and cheerful. I was alone.

As one of 8 kids of a Brazilian family, brought up in America's crowded apartment, I'd spent several years searching for aloneness. Now, _________, at 27, a college student after the _________ with my girlfriend , every cell inside me wanted to be alone, _________ not at Christmas. My family had _________to Brazil and my friends were _________ with their own lives. Dusk was approaching, and the fact that I had to return to my _________home made me sad. Lights from windows blinked, and I hoped someone would _________from one of those homes to invite me inside with a Christmas tree decorated with shiny fake snow and _________ presents.

At a market, I felt more _________ when people were buying lots of goods, which _________ the gifts we received as children in my mind . I missed my family and wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.

Outside the church , a manger(小耶稣) had been set _________. I stood with others watching the scene, some of them _________ themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that leaving Brazil was still a painful experience as I struggled with _________ I had become in 15 years in America. I'd mourned the _________ , but for the first time, I recognized what I’d gained. I was independent, _________ and healthy. My life was still ahead, full of _________ .

Sometimes the best gift is the one that you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself _________ for what I'd obtained up to now and promise to go forward. It is the best gift I've ever got, the one that I most _________ .

1.A. shared B. played C. served D. held

2.A. accompanied B. employed C. attended D. supported

3.A. usually B. extremely C. really D. eventually

4.A. breakup B. date C. sympathy D. concern

5.A. so B. but C. and D. or

6.A. moved B. slipped C. came D. returned

7.A. pleased B. satisfied C. occupied D. bored

8.A. shabby B. empty C. warm D. cozy

9.A. turn up B. hang out C. go away D. break in

10.A. dealt B. discounted C. wrapped D. donated

11.A. tired B. nervous C. excited D. upset

12.A. reminded B. remained C. mentioned D. introduced

13.A. down B. up C. aside D. about

14.A. hugging B. bowing C. crossing D. bending

15.A. how B. which C. what D. that

16.A. cases B. limits C. losses D. worries

17.A. lonely B. educated C. shy D. wealthy

18.A. possibility B. sight C. sadness D. hardship

19.A. surprise B. defeat C. prize D. credit

20.A. select B. value C. save D. Admit


Most people watching Jeremy Lin these past two months saw Jeremy Lin,New York Knicks star;but I,watching him,saw someone else.That was my elder brother,Bob,who is athletic and energetic. He could never sit still when he was in second grade;he had to get up every now and then and run around the room.And sure enough,he grew up to be a starting player for an NCAA championship lacrosse (长曲棍球) team.He was a Nike?endorsed marathoner,too,and reached the top of Mt.Everest,unguided,in his 50s.

And yet my family never watched his lacrosse games.We did watch some of his marathons,but that wasn’t until he was in his 20s.When Bob was in his glory days,our Shanghainese?born parents were bent on getting him into medical school.There was a loving aspect to it:I can remember my father working through math books with him,lesson by lesson,at the big blackboard in the attic.Bob never did become a doctor,though;and neither did I.It wasn’t until my younger sister came along that someone in the family finally wore a white coat.

Bob today could be the fittest 58?year?old on the planet.His doctor estimates his biological age at 35;he’s still big mountains in the Himalayas.And,like Jeremy Lin,he’s charming.No one sees Bob without leaving with a laugh.He sometimes jokes he could be mayor of his building,and it’s true.To know him is to cheer for him.

And yet my parents did not cheer for him.What if my mother had sat on the sidelines with her statistics,like Jeremy Lin’s mother?What if my father had played videos of athletes for my brother to watch and imitate?It’s hard not to wonder.

And how did Jeremy Lin’s parents manage to do these remarkable things?Amy Chua,the tiger mother,recalls her immigrant father beating the kids whenever they mispronounced a Chinese word.How is it that Jeremy Lin’s immigrant father in particular,Gie?Ming Lin,encouraged his son to follow such an untraditional path?

1.Bob’s glory days were those ________.

A.when he was doing well in math

B.when he was in second grade

C.when he was made mayor of his building

D.when he showed his talents in sports

2.From the passage we can tell that Bob is________.

A.active and optimistic

B.clever and determined

C.brave and helpful

D.considerate and independent

3.Which of the following statements is probably TRUE?

A.Bob was always ignored by his parents.

B.Bob could also have been a sport star.

C.Bob’s parents often watched his games.

D.Nobody in the author’s family was a doctor.

4.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that ________.

A.parents should always study together with their children

B.parents should know how to educate their children properly

C.children should be punished when they do anything wrong

D.children should try to live up to the hopes of their parents


The Japanese like parties.From ancient times, a party becomes enlivened (活泼) when someone starts singing and others keep applauding.Having such a custom, the Japanese can easily sing in front of others without feeling embarrassed.This seems to be one of the reasons that karaoke has been largely accepted in Japanese society.

It is now widely recognized that the use of karaoke started at a snack bar in Kobe City, one of the three biggest cities in Japan.It is said that when a guitarist could not come to perform at the bar due to illness, the owner of the bar prepared tapes of accompaniment recordings, and people enjoyed singing to the tapes.

It was at that time that karaoke appeared.Holding a microphone and singing a song to the accompaniment of an “orchestra (管弦乐队)”, you can feel like a professional singer.For soldiers living in a stressful society, there is no other entertainment activity that can make them feel so refreshed.

It is a typical way to relax for Japanese businessmen.They use it to take away their stress after work.However, there is an obstacle to this: since most Japanese houses are still made of wood, it would be very annoying to the neighbors to sing into a microphone at night.Seizing upon the opportunity, businessmen created the karaoke box, a roadside facility containing karaoke equipment.Karaoke boxes are soundproofed rooms, closed with a door, placed on roadsides where people can sing.The first “Karaoke box” was placed in a rice camp in the countryside in 1984.It was built from a converted freight car (改装的货运车).Now, the karaoke boom has even spread abroad and it has also been attracting the attention of the countries trying to improve their literacy rate (识字率) as a good educational tool.

1.According to the text, we can learn that karaoke ________.

A.originated from the biggest city of Japan

B.originated in the form of singing to tapes

C.can help you achieve the level of professional singers

D.first appeared in the army to relieve stress for soldiers

2.The underlined word “soundproofed” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “________”.

A.recording sounds repeatedly

B.receiving sound signals

C.making sound more clear

D.stopping sound from being heard outside

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Karaoke was started in a bar during a party.

B.A guitarist was the originator who brought the karaoke into being.

C.Karaoke was very common as a form of entertainment at home when it was born.

D.Karaoke is used as a way of education in some countries.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.What karaoke boxes are like.

B.How karaoke boxes were created.

C.The origins and development of karaoke.

D.Karaoke becomes a popular form of entertainment.


In high school, it’s important to stay healthy. 1.________ How can you study well if you’re sick? So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school. In order to enjoy good health, you should have some good habits. Here are some tips for you.

Drink water regularly every day. Some students don’t like drinking water. They only drink water when they’re extremely thirsty. 2.________ You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well. Avoid sports drinks and soda when you’re thirsty. They are not good for your health.

3.________ Some students don’t eat three meals a day. No matter what happens, you shouldn’t skip any meal of the day. Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism (新陈代谢) high and keeps your energy up. It’s especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein, carbohydrates(碳水化合物), and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity. If you don’t eat, how can you stay focused in class?

Eat the right foods. Some students eat whatever they can get. This is wrong. 4._____ Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours. Skip muffins, donuts and other processed foods. Instead, choose whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

5.______ If you do that, you may not pay attention to how much you are eating. You may eat too much. Eating too much harms your health. And you may gain too much weight because of it. Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that’s full.

A. This is bad for your health.

B. Don’t skip meals.

C. Eat a good breakfast every day.

D. Avoid eating too much at one time.

E. If you are unhealthy, you may fall ill easily.

F. Don’t watch TV or movies when you eat.

G. You should eat the foods that are good for your body.

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