为某英语杂志写一篇简介中国农业概况的短文。字数120左右。文章内容要点如下。在要点的基础上内容可适当扩充。 1.中国用很少的土地养活了众多人口。种了占世界三分之一以上的庄稼。




farmland耕地;irrigated area灌溉面积;resource资源;environment环境;recycle/reuse循环利用;organic farming有机农业 


一) 写作定性

本文为概括介绍性的说明文。要求语言简洁,条理清晰,叙述客观。时态主要为现在时。句-f多为陈述句。按要求文章分三到四段为宜。二) 难点突破


effective,agriculture, development, feed,irrigate, farmland, struggle, work on,have/ has been doing,search for,super-hybrid rice,high output corn, environmental-friendly,fertil?izer,avoid damaging to


肯定成绩或成就:运用wonder,make it possible to和with结构使句子更精炼地道。It is a wonder for them to make it possible to complete the building in just three years with?out any modern tools.

寻找解决问题的办法:用现在完成进行时更能体现不断努力,一直坚持的精神,用with/ without doing结构和分词结构使语言简洁。

The local government has been looking for ways to develop tourism without doing harm to the environment.

Using the newly-developed technique, these factories are making twice as many products as before.

描述后果和成效:运用not only...but also的倒装句型使句子紧凑。Not only can the farmers in the villages be provided with more firewood but also the forests play an important role in keeping the soil from being washed away by heavy rains.


Sb. has been doing sth.某人一直在做某事make it possible to do使做某事成为可能

twice as much/many as是.... 的两倍

pay much attention to sth. /doing sth.更多关注做某事keep...free from doing sth.使..... 不做某事



李娜,1982年2月26 tl出生,从小就对运动有天赋,6岁幵始练习羽毛球,9岁转学网球。


1. 2002年:离开网球场,到大学读书;两年后重返球场;

2. 在包括她丈夫在内的几位著名教练的指导下,进步神速;

3. 2011年:法国公开赛女子单打冠军,第一位获得大满贯赛事单打冠军的亚洲网球选手。


1. 坚定的信心,履行诺言;

2. 你的评价……


French Open法闰公开赛singles title女单冠军Grand Slam大满贯?写作支招

一) 写作定性


二) 难点突破


childhood, practice, badminton, coach, introduce, has a gift for,took a break,with the help of,under the guidance of,follow the instructions of,making achievements/ progress/ im?provement ( s) ,regard ... as,strong determination/mind, think highly of,keep one's word



Asimov's life began in Russia, where he was born on 2 January, 1920.(人教新课标教材选修7,16页)

It was when Asimov was eleven old that his talent for writing became obvious.(人教新课标教材选修7,16页)

With the help /Under the guidance of these good teachers, including Mr. Smith /Following the instructions of several good teachers, Henry has been making greater and greater achieve?ments/ progress/ improvement") rapidly in painting.

He won the competition,becoming the first Chinese who got a gold medal for China.

对人物的评价:运用regard ... as和in my opinion,I think等清晰地表明观点和评价。

Many people regard him as one of the most important leaders in the 20th century and think highly of his contributions to his motherland.

In my opinion/view,he is really a great man.

I think that he is not only intelligent but also very brave.

What impressed me most was his courage when facing the coming danger.


sb. has a gift for sth.对某事有天分

With the help of sb.…在某人的帮助下……

sb. made great progress/achievements/improvements取得巨大的进步/成就/提高

sb. is regarded as...某人被看做.....

think highly of sb.高度评价/赞扬某人

What impressed sb. most was...给某人留下印象的是.....


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