
Everyone has an ambition(志向) to travel. But those who cannot do so themselves might find it interesting to work in a travel agency (旅行社),arranging journeys for other people. Brian Lawtey does this,working in a small travel agency in the industrial city. Most of his work is concerned with holiday,both at home and abroad. Every autumn,the agency sends out hundreds of booklets (小册子) full of attractive,colored photographs,describing the holidays that their customers will be able to have the next year. Soon,people begin to come into the office to book their holidays:perhaps a week’s skiing in Austria in January,perhaps a cruise (巡游) to the Caribbean in February,perhaps a seaside holiday in Spain in May,or a tour of Africa. Brian often has to advise people on what holidays will be suitable for them,and they always have a lot of questions. Last year,for example,a lady of eighty-two wanted to book for a mountaineering (爬山) holiday in the Alps (阿尔卑斯山),and Brian had great difficulty in persuading her that it would not be suitable. In the end,she decided to go for a Mediterranean cruise instead.

Arranging journeys for people who have to travel abroad on business is often very complicated,but Brian enjoys this work. For example,last spring Mr. Perry,a director of a chemical firm,went on a business trip,and Brian arranged it all for him. First,Mr. Perry traveled to London by train,and stayed overnight in a hotel near the airport,because his plane left early the next morning. He flew to Frankfurt in Germany,where he spent the morning discussing business. Then he went on by train to Zurich (苏黎世),where he stayed the night. After a meeting the next morning,he caught a plane for Tokyo,and spent three days there before going to America. He had business in Seattle (西雅图),Chicago and New York,and stayed some time in each of those places. From New York,he flew back to London,and then got home by train. The next day he telephoned the agency to thank Brian for arranging everything so well for him.

1.Who would like to work in a travel agency?

A.People who live in an industrial city.

B.People who would like to travel but cannot.

C.Ambitious people.

D.People who go on holidays abroad.

2.When do the customers come into the office to book their holidays?

A.Early in the morning.

B.Every year.

C.In January.

D.Shortly after receiving the booklet.

3.Those who cannot travel themselves might find it interesting to work in a travel agency    .

A.arranging trips for other people

B.arranging trips for themselves

C.booking trips for other people

D.describing the holidays for other people

4.Mr. Perry telephoned the agency to thank Brian because    .

A.Mr. Perry arranged everything so well for Brian

B.Brian arranged everything so well for Mr. Perry

C.the agency sent Mr. Perry abroad on business

D.Brain helped him in the travel agency

5.How was Mr. Perry’s journey arranged?

a. To fly to Tokyo.         b. To Frankfurt by plane.

c. Back home by train.       d. Fly back to London.

e. To Zurich by train.       f. Have business in Seattle,Chicago and New York.

g. To London by train.

A.g,b,a,f,e,d,c        B.c,g,a,b,e,f,d

C.g,b,e,a,f,d,c        D.f,e,a,b,g,c,d















     A .drive      B. absolutely    C. construct    D. leadership     E. Policies

F.realization  G. Pressures     H.Definition    I.Challenging    J. particularly                                                               


Leadership is a difficult concept to explain because everyone defines it differently. From my personal experiences as a student leader, I can tell you that there is no single ___1.___of  leadership, ___2.___with students leaders. You are a leader, a student and a peer, so this role can be especially difficult to manage. As a student leader,you deal with academic__3.___,as well as added pressure of leading group of your peers. As, the president of  Fuse, the contemporary dance group  at Colgate University, I experienced  many ups-and-downs with___4.__. Thankfully, my passion for this dance club gave me the ____5.___to lead my fellow dancers.

Finding an activity that is both enjoyable and __6.___is the first step. In order to be a good leader, you must be personally interested in what you are leading, whether it's debating,cooking or robotics. In my case, dance has always been of interest to me, from my grandfather teaching me salsa to early childhood training with ballet, and so I always that dance would be part of my life. Once I arrive on my college campus, ready for my college adventure, I had a sudden ___7.___: wandering around the Student Activities Fair, I saw no contemporary or modern dance clubs I panicked.

After meeting a fellow dancer at Freshmen Orientation, we found that we shared the same passion and desire to start a club. We held auditions,created club____8.___and held practices. The process of creating the actual club was both fun and challenging because we had to figure out school club regulations, __9.__many club rules, obtain 60 signatures of supporters and overcome other obstacles. As it turns out, this process was not a walk in the park for us.


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