Animals are close friend of human beings£®Their existence 76.
especially that the existence of rare animals£¬makes the whole 77.
world lively and colorful£®Unlucky,we have heard such news that 78.
rare animals£¬even keeping in the zoo£¬can¡¯t escape being hurt 79.
and killed£®You may wonder how this can happen£®The reason 80.
is that some people lacked understanding about these animals 81.
and care little about them.
However,we should make information about rare animals 82.
known to the public£®Let¡¯s keep on mind that protecting animals 83.
is duty of everyone£®Meanwhile£¬we should take active and effective 84.
measures£®After all£¬protecting animals are protecting ourselves£® 85.
76.Friend¸ÄΪfriends 77. thatÈ¥µô
78£®Unlucky¸ÄΪUnluckily 79£®Keeping¸ÄΪ kept
80£®¡Ì 81£®Lacked¸ÄΪ1ack
82£®However¸ÄΪTherefore 83. On¸ÄΪin
84£®DutyÇ°¼Óthe 85£®Are¸ÄΪis