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I Want to Smile
I Want to Smile
There are many advantages of smiling£®It can not only make us happy£¬but also please others£®If we smile at life£¬life will smile at us in return£®So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
First£¬I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and taken all the trouble to bring me up£®They arrange almost everything for me£®With their help£¬I have made great progress£®I would like to say"Thank you"to them with a smile£®Then my smile should go to myself£¬for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
In a word£¬let's greet every day with a smile£®Tomorrow is another day£®£®
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ÁÁµã²¿·Ö So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©¾äÖÐwhenever and wherever possible£®ÊôÓÚÊ¡ÂÔ¾äʽ
Then my smile should go to myself£¬for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©¾äÖÐonly+×´Óï ¾ä×ÓʹÓð뵹װ
½â´ð I Want to Smile
There are many advantages of smiling£®It can not only make us happy£¬but also please others£®If we smile at life£¬life will smile at us in return£®So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
First£¬I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and taken all the trouble to bring me up£®They arrange almost everything for me£®With their help£¬I have made great progress£®I would like to say"Thank you"to them with a smile£®Then my smile should go to myself£¬for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
In a word£¬let's greet every day with a smile£®Tomorrow is another day£®
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As I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really£¨30£©A£®So£¬I read some books on fish£®And I even£¨31£©B the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings£®I£¨32£©Cthat a fish is a cold-blooded animal and therefore is very sensitive to water£¨33£©A£®That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water£¨34£©Dthe former is warmer£®Besides£¬water is usually warmer in direct sunshine than in the shade£®The more I understood fish£¬the more I became£¨35£©Dat finding and catching them£®
When I grew up and entered the business world£¬I £¨36£©B hearing my first boss say£¬"We all need to think like sales people£®"But it didn't completely make£¨37£©C£®My dad never once said£¬"If you want to catch a fish you need to think like a fisherman£®"What he said was£¬"You need to think like a fish£®"Years later£¬with great efforts to£¨38£©A long-term services to people much older and richer than me£¬I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like£¨39£©C£®It is not an easy job£®But I'm trying my best to learn to think as they do to serve them better£®
25£®A£®amusing | B£®annoying | C£®surprising | D£®confusing |
26£®A£®showing | B£®telling | C£®asking | D£®teaching |
27£®A£®act | B£®think | C£®practice | D£®predict |
28£®A£®when | B£®where | C£®why | D£®how |
29£®A£®hold | B£®influence | C£®attract | D£®discover |
30£®A£®meant | B£®planned | C£®arranged | D£®did |
31£®A£®visited | B£®joined | C£®passed | D£®called |
32£®A£®believed | B£®guessed | C£®learned | D£®concluded |
33£®A£®temperature | B£®quality | C£®depth | D£®surface |
34£®A£®until | B£®though | C£®unless | D£®because |
35£®A£®creative | B£®upset | C£®puzzled | D£®effective |
36£®A£®disliked | B£®remembered | C£®minded | D£®considered |
37£®A£®history | B£®change | C£®sense | D£®progress |
38£®A£®improve | B£®pay | C£®cancel | D£®record |
39£®A£®businessmen | B£®salesmen | C£®customers | D£®producers£® |
Because of my father's death£¬my mother was forced to get a 19 job£®My brother took it upon himself£¬to get up early every morning£®He would 20 for school£¬and make me breakfast£®While I was eating£¬he would lay out my clothes£¬make my bed£¬and 21 my school books up£® 22 we would walk to the bus stop£®As we waited£¬he would play games my father used to play with me£®He did his best to make me 23 £¬and he succeeded every time£®
When we arrived home from school£¬we were alone for about half an hour£¬ 24 mom was home from work£®He would sit me down with three cookies and a glass of milk£®If I had homework then this was the time I would do it£®My brother would start laundry£¬and do dishes if there was 25 £®He would find something for supper£¬and have everything ready for mom£¬so she could start cooking£®
Mom would 26 us with a hug and kiss£®This was our queue to go outside and have some fun£®This was my brother's time to be a 27 £¬enjoying himself in the games£®
It was a Saturday in 28 a couple of years later£®My mother and I were at the store£®They had the Father's Day cards out£®I 29 at the cards on the shelves£®My mom said£¬"Honey£¬I know this is a hard time for you£®"I said£¬"No£¬mom£¬that's not it£® 30 don't they have Brother's Day cards£¿"
She smiled and said£¬"You're right£¬your brother has definitely been a 31 to you£®Go ahead pick out a card£®"
32 I did£¬and on Father's Day£¬my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card£®
As he read it£¬I saw tears forming in his eyes£®I felt a lump in my throat£¬as he 33 his arms around me and my mother£®My mom said£¬"Son£¬your father is proud of you£¬seeing that he 34 a good man£¬and that you do your best to fill his 35 £®We love you£¬and thank you£®"
16£®A£®illness | B£®sorrow | C£®wounds | D£®fear |
17£®A£®Taking on | B£®Holding on | C£®Keeping on | D£®Having on |
18£®A£®as | B£®if | C£®for | D£®without |
19£®A£®part-time | B£®full-time | C£®simple | D£®tough |
20£®A£®leave me | B£®send me | C£®get me up | D£®bring me up |
21£®A£®gather | B£®fill | C£®order | D£®give |
22£®A£®One by one | B£®One after another | C£®Hand in hand | D£®Step by step |
23£®A£®healthy | B£®happy | C£®full | D£®excited |
24£®A£®if | B£®unless | C£®after | D£®until |
25£®A£®some | B£®any | C£®nothing | D£®everything |
26£®A£®greet | B£®comfort | C£®encourage | D£®connect |
27£®A£®player | B£®student | C£®kid | D£®brother |
28£®A£®December | B£®February | C£®May | D£®June |
29£®A£®wondered | B£®stared | C£®jumped | D£®joked |
30£®A£®Where | B£®When | C£®Why | D£®How |
31£®A£®brother | B£®father | C£®friend | D£®mate |
32£®A£®So | B£®Or | C£®Nor | D£®But |
33£®A£®spread | B£®placed | C£®threw | D£®crossed |
34£®A£®met | B£®acted | C£®raised | D£®knew |
35£®A£®form | B£®blank | C£®name | D£®shoes |
When I £¨44£©D the news with my coworkers£¬I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate £¨45£©B from them£®They focused on what we £¨46£©A£¬not how it would affect my ability to work£®
One coworker in particular was £¨47£©C£®She was always kind and considerate£» She called me into her £¨48£©A a few days later£¬and gave me a"worry stone"£®It is a small stone with an indention £¨°¼ÏÝ£©for your £¨49£©B£¬It gives you something to £¨50£©Awhen you're worried rubbing your thumb around on this stone£®It was a lonely £¨51£©C£®It turned out to be an effective way to £¨52£©A anxiety£®
She then made a permanent offer to £¨53£©D us to any appointment or testing we needed£®Considering the fact that we £¨54£©D 90minutes from where most treatments took place£¬this was a£¨n£© £¨55£©C offer£®She made it very clear to me that this offer £¨56£©D last-minute trips or emergencies£®Anytime we needed to go anywhere£¬She was willing to be our transportation£®
We never did need to bother her£¬£¨57£©B knowing it was there and that she was so willing to £¨58£©C made it feel like we were much less £¨59£©D£®
I'm very grateful to her and £¨60£©B around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need£®We were really moved by what we received£®
41£®A£®surprise | B£®pleasure | C£®relief | D£®success |
42£®A£®meant | B£®broke | C£®ended | D£®explained |
43£®A£®dream | B£®future | C£®plan | D£®job |
44£®A£®received | B£®doubted | C£®heard | D£®shared |
45£®A£®treatment | B£®love | C£®complaints | D£®gifts |
46£®A£®needed | B£®saw | C£®failed | D£®learned |
47£®A£®rude | B£®grateful | C£®amazing | D£®cold |
48£®A£®office | B£®school | C£®garden | D£®restaurant |
49£®A£®ring | B£®thumb | C£®luck | D£®courage |
50£®A£®focus on | B£®believe in | C£®care about | D£®know about |
51£®A£®language | B£®expression | C£®gesture | D£®message |
52£®A£®reduce | B£®feel | C£®notice | D£®cause |
53£®A£®devote | B£®attach | C£®introduce | D£®drive |
54£®A£®ran | B£®rode | C£®walked | D£®lived |
55£®A£®final | B£®firm | C£®great | D£®unconditional |
56£®A£®refused | B£®welcomed | C£®passed | D£®included |
57£®A£®so | B£®but | C£®because | D£®if |
58£®A£®move | B£®wait | C£®help | D£®pay |
59£®A£®important | B£®busy | C£®awake | D£®alone |
60£®A£®both | B£®everyone | C£®nobody | D£®few |