
Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet at No. 10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.
Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients (材料).
The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.
Obama, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices (学徒) from Fifteen, the London restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.
Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit, which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession. “To be invited to cook for such an important group of people, who are trying to solve some of the world’s major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.
“I’m hoping the menu I’m working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world, but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of.”
The chef has not yet finalized the menu, but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie’s Ministry of Food, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew (啤酒炖菜) and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.
64. The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_______”.
A. business       B. opposition           C. discussion           D. depression
65. What can we learn about Oliver from the text?
A. He is a well-known American cook.        
B. He is invited to attend the G20 summit.
C. He has founded the Fifteen London.      
D. He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.
66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.
B. Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.
C. President Barack Obama offers the cut-price menu.
D. The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.
67. What is the Fifteen London?
A. an apartment in London                                    B. a luxurious restaurant in London
C. a restaurant as well as a training center           D. a famous avenue

64---67  DCAC  



How do apology languages work? Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering a partial apology in a “language” , that was foreign to your listener.The five languages of apology include:

Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”

List the hurtful effects of your action.Not “I am sorry if …”, but “I am sorry that…”.You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.

Apology Language 2:“I was wrong.”

     Name your mistake and accept fault.Note that it is easier to say “You are right” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.

Apology Language 3: “ What can I do to make it right?”

     How are you now? How shall I make amends(弥补) to you? How can I restore your confidence that I love you— even though I was so hurtful to you?

Apology Language 4: “I’ll try not to do that again.”

     Engage in problem-solving.Don’t make excuses for yourself such as, “Well, my day was just so…” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself from putting them in the same bad situation again.

Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”

      Be patient in seeking forgiveness.They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.

      Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.

The passage mainly talks about___________

     A.5 tips for apologies that work          B.5 ways of refusing apologies

     C.the function of apology languages       D.the importance of apology languages

According to Paragraph 1, your apology may be refused mainly because________

     A.your listeners can’t understand your dialect.

     B.your listeners can’t hear what you said clearly.

     C.your apology is not sincere.

     D.your apology is not expressed well enough.

When offering an apology, which of the following does the author prefer?

     A.“You are right”                   B.“I am sorry if …”

       C.“I was wrong.”                   D.“Well, my day was just so…”

In the last paragraph, the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted, at

least ___________.

     A.It’s your fault any more                B.your mind will be at peace

     C.your friend will make peace with you   D.your apology is true to your heart



A. Share Flat

Goodhope Valley nice flat. The other room is ready for use immediately –quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view, $ 45 p. w. including bills of phone and power.

Female non-smoker. No pet.

Helen 27756403 or 25717749

B. Moving Sale

Armchairs, a set of 4, red, $ 200; wooden coffee table,black,$50; fridge, big, double doors,$ 400; old books of various kinds,4$ each.

C. Crisco Oil

For lower saturated fat, corn oil and olive oil can’t beat Crisco Oil.

Saturated Fat Per Tablespoon:

Crisco oil : 1.5 grams

Corn oil : 2.0 grams

Olive oil : 2.0 grams

D. Mini Camera

Fujiko has produced an amazing new mini camera—the advanced 1001ix. No bigger than a credit card! Convenient and very reliable. Easy to use. Automatic focus and flash. Made from an attractive and strong material.

Price: $ 199.98

E. Special Jewelry for your ears

Made of gold and attractive.

When you are tired of loud disco music, or bored at a party, you don’t have to listen. Simply put them on. Thousands of satisfied customers! A bargain at $109.

F. Remote Headphones

Radio and TV programs can be heard from 100 metres away with Remote Headphones. This exciting new product gives you freedom to move around plus top quality sound.

Price : $ 110.98


1.Jane’s mother wants to fry some bread for their lunch but she found there’s no oil in the kitchen and ask Jane to buy some while shopping.

2.Jack’s girl friend, Helen, came to Beijing for further study on Chinese literature but she couldn’t find a suitable living place so she just wants to live together with someone else.

3.Maggie just bought a second-hand flat a month ago so she wants to buy some furniture for her new home and maybe she will go shopping on the coming Sunday.

4.Nathan’s father is retired from work and stays at home watching TV all day

long so Nathan has decided to buy him something convenient when he watches TV.

5.Nelda, my English teacher, decided to have a tour in China during the coming summer holidays so he decided to buy something to be useful during his trip.





 Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology languages do work. Have you ever tried to make an apology, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:

Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”

List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.

Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”

Name your mistake and accept your fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right. ” than “ I am wrong.”, but the latter carries more weight.

Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right?”

How are you now? How shall I make amends for my mistake? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENCE that I love you even though I was so hurtful to you?

Apology Language 4: “I will try not to do that again.”

Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well, my day has just been so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.

Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”

Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.

Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.

49. According to the 1st paragraph, your apology may be refused mainly because ________.

     A. your apology is not made loudly enough

     B. your apology is not expressed well enough

C. your listeners can’t hear what you said clearly

     D. your listeners can’t understand your language well

50. According to the author, which of the following expressions would be the LEAST acceptable while making an apology?

         A. I am wrong.                                                        B. I am sorry that I hurt you.

         C. I will try not to do that again.                        D. Well, my day has just been so upsetting.

51. What does the underlined phrase “make amends” (Paragraph 4) refer to?

A. make improvement                                         B. make mistakes

C. make up for wrongdoing                                 D. make up a conversation

52. What is the BEST title of the passage?

A. Tips for effective apologies                     B. Ways of refusing apologies

C. List of apology expressions                 D. Importance of apology languages


     One woman in nine will develop breast cancer (乳腺癌) over her lifetime. However, a healthy diet can reduce your risk of developing the disease by 40 to 60 percent.

Generally speaking, eating more vegetables can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by 60 percent. Vegetables like cabbage are rich in fiber (纤维), can lower your risk of developing breast cancer. To get the most from their goodness, it's recommended that you eat at least three to four cups of these vegetables per week.

It's the oleic acid (油酸) contained in olive oil. American scientists conducting laboratory research have observed that oleic acid has a beneficial effect on breast cancer cells. Olive oil is the richest source of this acid, so whenever possible, use it in place of butter.

Eating fruit is another excellent way to help prevent the development of breast cancer. In fact, women who do eat fruit are six percent less likely to develop the disease. The American Institute for Cancer Research considers berries (浆果类) (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) to be powerful for breast cancer fighters.

It's the lycopene (番茄红素), found in great quantities in tomatoes, that can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. The lycopene found in canned tomatoes is more readily absorbed by the body than that contained in fresh ones, so add tomato juice, paste, and sauce to your diet.

As a result of various studies, the American Institute for Cancer Research has concluded that components (成分) found in green tea can help halt the development of cancerous tumours (瘤) and even prevent them from appearing in the first place. Three cups a day will help you get the benefits of green tea.

1.What does the author mainly tell us?

How to cure breast cancer by eating healthy foods.

Healthy diets help fight against breast cancer.

Proper fruits, vegetables and drinks keep you fit.

Breast cancer is the most terrible killer for women.

2.We learn from the passage that ________.

eating more fruit and vegetables can stop your risk of developing cancer

olive oil can help breast cancer cells develop

women eating tomatoes won't suffer from breast cancer

components found in green tea can reduce the risk of developing cancer

3.What does the underlined word "halt"in the last paragraph mean?





4.According to the passage, the author may agree that ________.

A.Ten percent of women suffer from breast cancer

B.Berries are the richest source of the oleic acid

C.The lycopene found in olive oil has a good effect on breast cancer cells

D.Drinking green tea properly can help you keep healthy


Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.

Since earliest times, people have always been astonished by movement. But not until last century had we managed to take control of movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to retranslate it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector (放映机).

In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible. You can make the characters do exactly what you want them to do.

A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twenties. Felix was a wonderful cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.

Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928. Popeye the Sailor and his girl friend Olive Oyo were born at Max Flcischer in 1933.

But to be an animator, you don’t have to be a professional. It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all. All you have to do is to draw directly onto an empty film and then run the film through a projector.

1.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Animal world

B.Movie camera

C.Cartoon making


2.Which of the following statements is True?

A.People were unable to recreate the movement or record it in the nineteenth century.

B.Pat Sullivan was a famous early cartoon character.

C.It is impossible to make cartoon characters to do what they are designed to do.

D.Only professional animators can make animated films.

3. According to the passage, Felix the Cat _________.

A.was created by the American cartoonist Felix.

B.was designed by Pat Sullivan in the early twentieth century.

C.was unable to do what natural cats could not do.

D.was created in the United States in the nineteenth century.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A.Walt Disney’s cartoon characters were born earlier than Pat Sullivan’s.

B.only professionals can create cartoon character

C.Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyo were famous cartoonists.

D.the cartoon industry started in the United States.


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