The Village of Langshort is halfway along the old coach road from London to the South Coast. Young Henry Buckle was there when a car passed through the village for the first time, in the early 1900s. Later, as the owner of what had been his father's general store, he remembers selling ice-creams and soft drinks to families that passed through the village in cars and coaches on their way to the seaside.
But the traffic did not only bring trade to the village, it also brought noise and danger. As the years passed, the peace of what had been a quiet country village was broken by roaring engines; Farmer Dodd's gates were left open by day-trippers enjoying a picnic in his field; and trees that had been familiar friends were cut down so that the road through the village could be made wider and safer.
Safer, that is, for the cars and heavy lorries that thundered past within a few metres of Henry Buckle's general store. But it was not safer for Henry's son Gerald, and the other children of the village; and it was not safer for the old cottages that were shaken from their chimneys to their floors by every lorry that passed. Nor was it safer for Henry himself; as the old man moved, more slowly now, from his store to the pub and to the butcher's shop of his friend George Carter, just across the street.
The street had been where the life of the village was lived, where games were played, work was done and long conversations were held. Now it cut the village in two, and brought not life but death. Henry was knocked down and killed one night by a passing car. A great character, part of old Langshort, had died.
But Henry had not been buried long before his son Gerald, George Carter and others, had dressed as gasmen, and dug up the road, causing the traffic to follow another road right round the village, instead of through it.
Right up Your Street is the story of men who, when they are pushed too far, act quickly to defend a way of life that most of us have let go for good.
“Village life is described with a loving, and truthful pen” -- Morning Mail
“A book that puts the car on trial” -- Evening Post
(1) As a result of the increasing amount of traffic ________
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A.the peace was broken, gates were left open and trees were cut down grew, there was more life in the village and local people enjoyed themselves more
C.familiar friends died or left the village for somewhere quieter
D.the road became wider and safer for the village people
(2) The road was made wider so that ________.
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A.heavy lorries could thunder past within a few metres of Henry's store
B.children could play in the street more safely than they had done before would be safer for cars and heavy lorries to pass through the village
D.the traffic would not shake the old cottages beside the road
(3) Henry took longer to cross the road now, because ________.
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A.the road was wider and safer, but noisier
B.he had to cross the road by means of a foot-bridge
C.he had to go to the pub before visiting his friend
D.he was becoming quite an old man
(4) “The street had been where the life of the village was lived” means ________.
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A.everyone who lived in the village lived on one or other side of the street
B.most of what happened in the village happened in the street
C.everyone worked in shops at the sides of the street was the cars and lorries that made the village a lively place