Our school lies on the foot of a mountain with a small river passes by in front£®It used to look like a beautiful garden£®In the garden there are ever-green trees and all kinds of flowers in the school yard all years round£®
But great changes have been taken place after a chemical factory was built near our school a year ago£®It produces various poisonous gases and pours a lot of waste water into a river£®This has terrible polluted the surroundings of our school£®
I think that the local government must takes steps to protect our surroundings and prevent from being polluted£®
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½â´ð Our school lies on the foot of a mountain with a small river passes by in front£®It used to look like a beautiful garden£®In the garden there are ever-green
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trees and all kinds of flowers in the school yard all years round£®
But great changes have been taken place after a chemical factory was built near our school a year ago£®It produces various poisonous gases and pours a lot of
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waste water into a river£®This has terrible polluted the surroundings of our school£®
the terribly
I think that the local government must takes steps to protect our surroundings and prevent¡Äfrom being polluted£®
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1£®on¡úat ¿¼²é½é´Ê´îÅ䣮at the foot ofÔÚɽ½ÅÏ£®Óýé´Êat£®
2£®passes¡úpassing ¿¼²é·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê£®±¾¾äÖ÷¾äÔÚÇ°Ã棬ºóÃ治ȱÉÙνÓӦ¸ÃÓÃÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê×÷ºóÖö¨ÓÐÞÊÎriver£®
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How should we behave when you meet someone for the first time£¿An American shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eye£®In many part of Asia£¬there is no physical contact £¨½Ó´¥£©at all£®In Japan£¬you should bow£¬and the more respect you want to show£¬The deeper you should bow£®In Thailand£¬people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest£¬In both countries£¬eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect£®
Many country have rules about what you should and shouldn't wear£®In Muslim countries£¬you shouldn't reveal £¨ÏÔ¶£©the body£¬especially women£¬who Should wear long blouses and skirts£®In Korea£¬you should take off your shoes when entering a house Remember to place then neatly together where you came in£®
In Spain£¬lunch is often the biggest meal of the day£¬and can last two or three hours£®For this reason many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner£®In Mexico£¬Lunch is the time to relax£¬and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat£¬In Britain£¬it's not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast£®
In most countries£¬an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions£®You should include your company name and your position£®If you are going to a country where your language is not widely spoken£¬you can get the back side of your card printed in the local language£®In China£¬you may present your card with the writing facing the person you are giving it to£®
Title£ºgood£¨76£©Manners | ||
Aspect | Country | Custom |
£¨77£©Greeting | •America •Japan •Thailand | •Shaking hands firmly •£¨78£©Bowingto show respect |
Dressing | £¨79£©MusilimCountries •Korea | •Wearing long blouses and skirts •Taking off your shoes at the £¨80£©entrance |
Eating | •Spain •Mexico £¨82£©Britain | •Having a light breakfast and a late dinner •Relaxing while having £¨81£©lunch •Holding a business meeting over breakfast |
Doing business | •Most countries •China | •Exchanging business cards when£¨83£©introducingyourself •Presenting a card to a person £¨84£©withit's front facing him |
Conclusion£ºWhen traveling£¨85£©abroad£¬we should follow local customs£® |
A£® | measure | B£® | upstairs | C£® | respect | D£® | sugar |