
Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since. A man who has not had a chance to go swimming for years can still swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water. He can get on a bicycle after many years and still ride away. He can play catch and hit a ball as well as his son. A mother who has not thought about the words for years can teach her daughter the poem that begins "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember the story of Cinderella or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can be stated as follows: Once we have learned something, additional learning trials(尝试) increase the length of time we will remember it.
In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. We continue to listen to and remind ourselves of words such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.
The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表) are an exception to the general rule that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.
The law of overlearning explains why cramming(突击学习)for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned. A little overlearning, on the other hand, is really necessary for one's future development.
小题1:What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A.People remember well what they learned in childhood.
B.Children have a better memory than grown-ups.
C.Poem reading is a good way to learn words.
D.Stories for children are easy to remember.
小题2:The author explains the law of overlearning by_________.
A.presenting research findings
B.setting down general rules
C.making a comparison
D.using examples
小题3:According to the author, being able to use multiplication tables is_______.
A.a result of overlearning
B.a special case of cramming
C.a skill to deal with math problems
D.a basic step towards advanced studies
小题4:What is the author's opinion on cramming?
A.It leads to failure in college exams.
B.It's helpful only in a limited way.
C.It's possible to result in poor memory.
D.It increases students' learning interest.

本文是一篇议论文。成年人常常惊叹他们能很好地记着儿时学过的东西。作者认为这是儿时过度学习的结果,是因为当我们儿时学会一样东西的时候,我们不是就此停止,而是继续练习,才使我们记忆深刻。文章用例证法说明了“过度学习”的概念。 最后作者谈到了“过度学习”的好处和突击学习的弊端。
小题1:根据文章的第一段的“Grown-ups are often surprised by how well they remember something they learned as children but have never practiced ever since.”可知:文章讲得是成年人常常惊叹他们非常好的记着儿时学过的东西。C、D断章取义,讲得太具体,B项错误,因为那是过度学习的结果,不是儿时记忆力好。所以A正确。
小题2:根据文章的内容可知:作者采用了举例子的说明方法。比如:practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseball long after we have learned them. 和The multiplication tables(乘法口诀表) are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.
小题3:根据文章的第4段“because they are another of the things we overlearn in childhood.”可知:乘法口诀仍然是儿时过度学习的结果。所以选A。
小题4:根据文章的最后一段中的“By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to forget almost everything he learned.”可知:突击学习只在有限的方面有帮助。所以B正确。
I was reading a notice at the entrance to my college dormitory, when a girl came up to me and said, “Do you _26_ a quarter? I’m one short of putting my laundry(刚洗好的衣物) in the dryer(烘干机). ”
I _27_ to think about it for a few seconds and considered whether I’d be _28_ to give a quarter away. I found myself _29_ her, thinking about why she didn’t _30_ four quarters down from her room with her, as if she had _31_ to be one short so she could ask someone else for it. (Later I knew _32_ that was not the case.)
But I didn’t have any reason to _33_her. Then I responded, “Yeah, I think I have the only one,” though fully _34_ that I had three. “Here you go,” I said with a smile. “Thanks,” she responded, _35_ that she could have clean clothes to wear the next morning.
A few moments later the girl _36_ and gave a dollar bill to me. “Why are you giving this to me?” I asked, _37_. “Oh, because you were kind to me, so I’m just giving back the _38_.”
It’s just a dollar, but I felt it was _39_. More so because I hadn’t given that quarter with such nice _40_, the way she gave that dollar to me. I felt like it was the first time I ever _41_ something greater in return for something so_42_ that I had given. I saw the power of kindness and generosity in a _43_way.
I thought it was so worth giving that quarter away. Giving and _44_ don’t usually happen hand-in-hand, _45_ when it does, like it did this time, it makes one think about why generosity is so powerful in the first place.
When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to   34   water to the runners. I remember being so 35   to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I 36  up for the race.
That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked 37 , I didn’t know if I could finish. Then came a defining (决定性) 38  .
At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt 39  because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt 40  for a second.
But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had 41   abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my 42  was only to finish.
After a minute, it 43  me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into 44   .
I decided that I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare  45 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my accomplishment. In life we all have those moments where we 46  ourselves to others. It’s only natural . Don’t allow those moments to  47  you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to 48 anything you want in life.
A.bring outB.pass outC.take outD.pick out
A.At timesB.In timeC.In allD.After all
A.weakenB.woundC.amuse D.cheer
How many times have you gotten upset because someone wasn’t doing their job, because your child isn’t behaving?How many times have you been annoyed when you’ve planned something carefully and things didn’t go as you’d hoped?
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us — it’s part of the human experience.
One thing that annoys me is when people talk during a movie. Or cut me off in traffic. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances — don’t we all? And it isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset or annoyed.
Let me tell you a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken.
See, the cause of our stress, anger and irritation is that things don’t go the way we like, the way we expect them to. Think of how many times this has been true for you. And so the solution is simple: expect things to go wrong, expect things to be different than we hoped or planned, expect the unexpected to happen. And accept it.
One quick example: on our recent trip to Japan, I told my kids to expect things to go wrong — they always do on a trip. I told them, “See it as part of the adventure.”
And this worked like a charm. When we took the wrong train on a foreign-language subway system, or when it rained on the day we went to Disney Sea, or when we took three trains and walked 10 blocks only to find the National Children’s Castle closed on Mondays … they said, “It’s part of the adventure!” And it was all OK — we didn’t get too bothered.
So when the nice glass you bought inevitably falls and breaks, someday, you might get upset. But not if you see the glass as already broken, from the day you get it. You know it’ll break someday, so from the beginning, see it as already broken. Be a time-traveler, or someone with time-traveling vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks. And when it breaks, you won’t be upset or sad — because it was already broken, from the day you got it. And you’ll realize that every moment you have with it is precious.
小题1:The author would probably agree that________.
A.we should control our anger and irritation
B.we must get well prepared for the future
C.optimism can help us overcome our anger and irritation
D.anger and irritation is an important part of our life
小题2:The purpose of the author is to ___________.
A.tell us his own experience in life
B.give advice on how to find peace of mind
C.tell us a happy trip took with his children
D.advise us to see things from both sides
小题3:By the underlined part, the author intends us to _____________.
A.get ready for the worst result of things
B.enjoy the process of things
C.expect little from life
D.find the relation between cause and effect
小题4:The author’s children could enjoy their trip to Japan because _____________.
A.everything went smoothly
B.they had a lot of adventures
C.they had expected things to go wrong
D.they could soon get used to the customs there
小题5:We can learn from the passage that the author ____________.
A.often gets angry in his life
B.can adjust his state of mind accordingly
C.always expects others to act in his way
D.has suffered a lot from his anger and irritation

Talk about happiness
We should not hesitate too much during the first half of our lives, while we should not regret at what we’ve done during the other half. We should seize every opportunity to find a way out in our lives, for it goes off swiftly. We should say something urgent slowly, something serious clearly, something small humorously and something unsure cautiously. We should never say something that did not happen, something that you cannot do, something that does harm to others, and something that is disgusting. We should tell others our happiness on specific occasions and should not tell anyone our unhappiness. Do not easily say something about others. We should follow our own heart and interest, and fulfill what we should do instead of merely paying lip service and looking forward to the future.
Everyone is longing for a happy life, but owning wealth does not necessarily mean owning happiness. To truly reach happiness, we need to know how to get on with others. So we need to understand what happiness is really about and achieve what we desire.
We need to know and understand happiness before we finally get it. A smart man must know to do something good even though it may be small, and not to do something evil even though it may be tiny in the course of socializing. As long as we keep a kind heart and do everything morally and legally, we can live a peaceful life. But if we keep an evil heart and do whatever we want, we are indeed digging a tomb for ourselves. A smart man knows to learn a lesson from his falls, for he knows that every setback is a precious experience leading to happiness in the future. He will not waste his time in criticizing others. Instead, he tends to spend more time seeking his own happiness. He knows to keep a heart of conscience and not to spread others’ mistakes. He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.
Without happiness, one will feel terribly miserable, for he always insists that he has done the right thing all the time and that others often do wrong to him. He blames every mistake on others or the environment instead of reflecting on himself, which keeps him farther and farther away from happiness. A celebrity once said, “Nobody intends to make mistakes. One makes mistakes because of his ignorance.” Therefore, if someone makes mistakes, we need to care about him, forgive him and enlighten him by setting a good example to him instead of losing temper and hating him. Otherwise, we are also ignorant like him, for we also make a stupid mistake that leads us farther from happiness.
In order to possess a happy life, we need to know more about others, about the society, about our culture and history. We should be patriotic(爱国的), obey the law and realize our own responsibility, and then we will definitely have a happy life.
Talk about happiness
Wise actions in life
●Do things without小题1:_______and never regret at anything .
●Seize every opportunity to do the things we should.
●Avoid saying or doing what we are not小题2:________ about.
●Don’t comment on others easily.
Things about happiness we should小题3:________ in mind
●Getting on well with others is necessary.
●Doing good things with a kind heart may make us live 小题4:________.
●Knowing future happiness小题5:_______ from precious experiences learned from every setback.
●Thinking twice before action and tolerating others can 小题6:________ to a happy life.
Reasons for lack of happiness
●He blames everything wrong on others or the 小题7:________, not himself.
●His 小题8:________ results in making mistakes, which keeps him farther away from happiness
小题9:________on how to possess happiness
●We should care about the people who make mistakes instead of losing temper and set an example to them.
●We should have a rich 小题10:________  of society, culture, history and others.
●We should obey the law and shoulder our own responsibility.

I once had a teacher whose husband died of heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her __36___ understanding with students. __37___ the late afternoon sunlight came shinning in and the class was nearly __38___, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her __39___and sat down there.
With a gentle look of reflection(反思) on her face, she paused and said, “Class is over. I would like to   40  with all of you, a thought that is __41___to class, but which I feel is very __42___.”
“Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love and give of ourselves. __43___of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be __44___at any moment. Perhaps this is the Power’s way of telling us that we must make the __45___of every single day.”
Her eyes were __46___ to water, but she went on, “So I would like you all to make me a __47___.From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to __48___. It could be the __49___of the breeze (微风)slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it __50___gently to the ground.
“Please look for these things, and ___51__them. It is the __52___things that we are put here on earth to enjoy. We must make it important to notice them, for at __53___it can all be taken away.” The class was completely __54___. We all picked up our books and walked out of the room silently. That __55___, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester.
Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
A.put awayB.thrown awayC.taken awayD.given away
A.knocks B.poursC.reachesD.falls
A.any timeB.a timeC.no timeD.some time

On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles, who was going to deliver a speech on his new book.
During his talk, Jack   36  his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, ‘‘Who wants this?”   37  shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would  38 . But I jumped up, ran up the   39  to the stage, and grabbed the bill. As I was launching myself in the air,   40 raced through my mind — was I about to be humiliated(羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they   41  security guards and take me from the stage?   42  my desire for bold (大胆的)action was louder than any   43 voice. As I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the   44  to come to us. We must take    45   to create what we want!’’
After his talk, I   46  to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his personal e-mail address. Over the next months, I sent him emails   47  my points of view and dreams with him. He kindly e-mailed back lots of encouragement. But my life got busy   48 other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.
A year later, my dreams had worn away. I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant arrow that would show me the way.
I e-mailed him, and then again — but got no   49  . As I sat down at my computer to 50  my e-mails, I  51  woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd, most likely   52  that hundred-dollar bill, while they sat glued to their chairs.
Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait — whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We   53  believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n)   54  way. So we don’t try. We  55 . But as Wayne Gretzky said,“You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.
Now what are you waiting for?
A.brought inB.reached forC.took overD.handed in
A.CheersB.ShoutsC.Heads D.Hands
A.offerB.trustC.like D.choose
A.expected B.triedC.permittedD.managed
A.give upB.put upC.take upD.set up

Life is difficult.
It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it, then life is no longer difficult.
Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain(抱怨) about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties stand for a special kind of suffering especially forced on them or else on their families, their class, or even their nation.
What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending on their nature, cause sadness, or loneliness(孤独) or regret or anger or fear.
These are uncomfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes a lot of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.
Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we want to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those things that hurt, instruct(指导).” It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.
小题1:Which sentence best express the central point of the passage?
A.Problems and difficulties represent a special kind of suffering.
B.We become stronger by facing and solving problems of life.
C.Life is difficult because our problems bring us pain.
D.People like to complain about their problems.
小题2:The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to ___.
A.save spaceB.persuade readers
C.make readers laughD.get readers’ attention
小题3:The main idea of paragraph 3 is that _________.
A.most people feel life is easy
B.the writer feel life is easy
C.the writer likes to complain about his problems
D.most people complain about how hard their lives are
小题4:According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in         order to ______.
A.encourage them to learn
B.teach them to fear the pain of solving the problems
C.help them learn to deal with pain
D.teach them how to respect problems
小题5:The saying from Benjamin Franklin “Those things that hurt, instruct” suggests   that ______.
A.we do not learn from experience
B.we do not learn when we are in pain
C.pain teaches us important lessons
D.pain cannot be avoided

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80’s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30.
The nurse had him take a __1__in the waiting area, __2__him it would be at least 40 minutes __3__ someone would be able to see him. I saw him __4__ his watch and decided, since I was __5__busy—my patient didn't __6__ at the appointed hours, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment.
The gentleman said no and told me that he __7__ to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his __8__. He told me that she had been __9__ for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be __10__ if he was a bit late. He replied that she __11__ knew who he was, that she had not been able to __12__ him for five years now. I was __13__, and asked him. “And you __14__ go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?”
He smiled and said, “She doesn't know me, but I know who she is.” I had to hold back __15__ as he left.
Now I __16__ that in marriages, true love is __17__ of all that is. The happiest people don't __18__ have the best of everything; they just __19__ the best of everything they have. __20__ isn't about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
A.taking offB.fixingC.looking atD.winding
A.turn upB.show offC.come onD.go away
A.lonely B.worriedC.doubtfulD.hungry
A.so farB.neitherC.no longerD.already
A.curiosityB.tearsC.words D.judgment

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