A. Make plans.
B. Give yourself a break.
C. Expect the unexpected.
D. Remember what matters.
E. Remind yourself that doing things takes time.
F. Try to figure out why you will lose your patience.
We tend to lose our patience when we’re multi-tasking or when we’re on a tight schedule. If you’re stretching yourself too thin, you should reconsider your to-do list before you attempt to change your natural reaction to an overwhelming situation. Try to spread out your tasks so that you’re doing only one thing at a time. Pass on responsibilities to others if you can; this in itself may be a test of your patience, but you have to learn to share the load
People who are impatient are people who insist on getting things done now and don’t like to waste time. However, some things just can’t be rushed. Think about your happiest memories. Chances are, they were instances when your patience paid off, like when you worked steadily towards a goal that wasn’t immediately gratifying, or took a little extra time to spend leisurely with a loved one. Good things may not always come to those who wait, but most good things that do come don’t come right away
Yes, you have plans, but things don’t always work out as planned. Accept the twists and turns in life gracefully. Keep your expectations realistic. This applies not only to circumstances, but also the behavior of those around you. If you find yourself blowing up over your child or your spouse accidentally spilling a drink, you’re not in touch with the fact that people aren’t perfect. Even if the occasion is not an isolated incident but is instead caused by their repeated neglect and carelessness, losing your patience isn’t going to make it any better. That’s something to be addressed with discussion and self-control
First, take a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. Just sit quietly and think. Don’t watch television; don’t even read. Do nothing. It may be hard at first, and you may even feel pretty impatient after a minute or two, but by taking some time out you can essentially slow your world down, and that’s important to develop the attitude necessary to develop patience. Second, stop holding yourself and the world around you to unreachable standards. Sure, we’d all be more patient if babies didn’t cry, dishes didn’t break, computers didn’t crash, and people didn’t make mistakes ― but that’s never going to happen. Expecting the world to run smoothly is like beating your head against the wall.
Not focusing on what matters most in this life fuels impatience. Move the world toward peace by being kind, generous in forgiveness of others, being grateful for what is, and taking full advantage of what matters most. When other less important things fuel our impatience, taking time to remember any one of these items reduces our tendency to want something different right now
