
My partner and I were staying in Beruwela on the Southwest coast of Sri Lanka when the tsunami(海啸) hit. We   1  from the first floor of our hotel. At that time, a wall of water swept in and tore the ground floor apart underneath us.   2  to be moved out to Colombo was very frightening because everyone was afraid that another and possibly bigger   3  would come. At one stage we heard that another wave was coming and there was   4 . Surprisingly, a fleet of small vehicles driven by local people arrived outside the hotel and we just  5  a minibus.
We were taken up a hill to a place of   6  where we were welcomed by a family who told us that we could stay as   7  as we needed to. Among all this death and   8 , these people were trying to help us! We were shown to the local Mosque where hundreds of locals were cooking, collecting and distributing food and supplies for those less   9 . In the three days we were waiting to leave, we saw many examples of ordinary Sri Lankans, many of whom had lost friends,   10  and livelihoods(生计,谋生方式), trying to help others who were worse off. It was a very moving experience.
We have since been   11  the family who took us in and they are saying that what their country needs most urgently is practical help, doctors, nurses and medicines, helping to   12   roads and rebuilding electricity and water supplies. These people would have done anything to help us, it is time for the British Government to do more to help them. 
A.looked intoB.turned toC.jumped intoD.broke into
A.in honor ofB.by way ofC.in contact withD.on behalf of


小题1:根据At that time, a wall of water swept in and tore the ground floor apart underneath us,故选B,watched注视。
小题2:根据to be moved out to Colombo was very frightening because everyone was afraid that another and possibly bigger wave would come,故选C,Waiting等待。
小题3: 根据At one stage we heard that another wave was coming and there was panic.故选A,wave波浪。
小题4:根据Waiting to be moved out to Colombo was very frightening because everyone was afraid that another and possibly bigger wave would come.故选A,panic恐慌。
小题5:这里想说我们跳上了一辆微型公共汽车,故选C,jumped into跳入。
小题7:根据we needed to,故选D,as long as 只要。
小题9:根据We were shown to the local Mosque where hundreds of locals were cooking, collecting and distributing food and supplies for those less,故选B,fortunate幸运。
小题10:根据many of whom had lost friends,故选C,family家人。
小题11:根据the family who took us in,故选C,in contact with联系。
小题12:根据roads and rebuilding electricity and water supplies,故选B,clear清扫。
Heading off to college this year? Here are some fashion tips from our experts you should keep in mind;
Dress to impress: Stylist and business consultant Daniela Smith says, "Girls should keep in mind that your college professors will often be the bridge that connects you to your future career and your classmates will become your professional.network. You don't need to dress like you're going to the office, but you should display an ability to properly present yourself with appropriate maturity and confidence, and look put-together."
Lo go mania(品牌热症): Wearing the logos of brands aimed at younger customers physically identifies you as part of that age group, so consider the targeted age group of the stores you shop at.It's tempting to load up on logos, especially well-known logos that signify high-end brands.But consider this: college is a time of self-discovery, a chance to develop your own personal style.Instead of wearing logos head to toe, "walking advertisement"-style, why not express who you really are?
Wear real pants: The combination of leggings and baggy shirts is all too common on college campuses.Smith points out that leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants are entirely unacceptable in public unless you're exercising. Although leggings worn as pants are a common trend among high school and college girls, they are not an appropriate choice for daywear; As a young woman, your style choice should begin to reflect your maturity level.So, get rid of leggings and wear real pants!
Keep the cute factor to a minimum: Stay away from sweaters and T-shirts with smiling animals, cartoon characters, or Hello Kitty on them.Sure, kittens might be cute, but they're not doing you any favors in the style department.Dressing too cutesy can take years off your look, and not necessarily in a good way!
小题1:The second paragraph indicates the importance of               .
A.impressing professorsB.getting on well with classmates
C.creating a professional imageD.dressing appropriately
小题2:The author believes that college girls should                .
A.choose a logo that suits their age
B.try to load up on well-known logos
C.use logos to show who they are
D.find their identity by trying different logos
小题3:In which magazine would you most likely find this passage?
A.Business Week.B.Parents
C.In style.D.Travel&Leisure
Kids in the Kitchen
Some experts serve up some of the factors that make cooking with kids a pleasure rather than a struggle.
For obvious reasons, a grown-up needs to be in charge of the stove, sharp knives and electrical equipment.Dr.Colker advises parents to be watchful, even when their kids are involved in relatively safe tasks.The bottom line is to stay close by, and teach your kids to respect basic safety rules.                                                                
Leave Time
小题2:  When kids help, you’ll need extra time to teach them some skills.When you're in a hurry, give your kids tasks that don't require much guidance.As they get older and develop more skills, they will become wonderful helpers and even save your time!                                                                                           
Go for Variety                                                                                    
Our experts agree that children can enjoy more than the usual "kid food", such as chicken nuggets and pizza.小题3:  Sandra K. Nissenberg suggests exploring the produce passage in the supermarket and talking about the unusual fruits and vegetables you find.
Involve Kids in Clean-up and Table-setting
Dr.Laura Colker reminds parents that preschoolers are eager to deal with grown-up tasks.They actually "enjoy the clean-up and table-setting activities", she says.小题4:
They may also enjoy setting the table and counting the spoons.
Make Cooking a Learning Adventure
Cooking helps kids develop a healthy interest in the lifelong challenge of eating nourishing (有营养的) , delicious meals.Kids learn about science when they heat or cool a mixture and observe how it changes. 小题5:  And as they wait for the timer to ring, they develop a better understanding of the concept of time.
A.Most young children can easily handle simple kitchen equipment.
B.Cooking with young children requires patience.
C.Measuring ingredients teaches kids about fractions (分数).
D.Kids can and should help wash and dry the pots and pans.
E.Keep an Eye on Safety
F.Stay Equipped
G.To introduce new foods, involve your kids in menu planning and shopping.
Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always controlled the situations to his advantage. Probably this might be the reason why we humans are the most developed of all living species on the earth. As we climbed the steps of development, we somehow left behind common sense and logical thinking -- we forgot that we have stopped thinking ahead of time.
If you are hungry, what do you do? Get a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet. Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such things. So it silently began to care about your needs and never let itself grow. When mind looses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think "What happens next?", "Why can't I think?" "Why am I always given the difficult problems?" Well, this is the result of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things.
Hunger of the mind can be actually satisfied through reading. Now why reading and not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to turn to reading. You have innumerable number of books in this world which will answer all your "How to?" questions. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed, if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, of which you would have never thought in your wildest dreams! This is nothing but creativity. More the number of books you read, your mind will open up like never before.
小题1:What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To show humans are the most developed.
B.To introduce the topic of the passage.
C.To indicate people have different needs to satisfy.
D.To explain why people need to read.
小题2:What does the author mean by saying "When mind looses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop."
A.When mind keeps growing, creativity fully stops.
B.When freedom is lost, creativity gets a full stop.
C.When mind stops growing, creativity fully stops.
D.When growing is lost, creativity gets a flail stop.
小题3:The paragraph following the passage is probably about ______.
A.how the pre-historic man feeds his mind
B.what other advantages reading brings
C.how to develop creativity
D.how to satisfy your mind by watching TV
小题4: The author tends to tell us ______.
A.reading can satisfy your all needsB.reading can result from creativity
C.reading can feed your mindD.reading can realize your dreams
I had made up my mind a long time ago that I would not give a homeless person money, because I could never be sure what that money would be used for. Instead, I decided, I would buy them a sandwich, a cold drink on a hot day, a cup of coffee, whatever I could manage.
I was out recently and saw a homeless man outside of a Starbucks. I decided I would buy this man lunch. I bought a sandwich and soda.
Just as I was leaving the store, two policemen were approaching the man. Obviously the shop owners had complained of his wandering and the police were there to draw him away from the storefronts. Just as they were about to wake him, I asked one of the officers if it was all right if I just gave the man something before he went. I was not sure why I asked the permission but the policeman said sure and I just left the bag in the man’s cart, got in my car and drove off.
As I was driving off I remember thinking “I hope people saw that”. Then I had to seriously ask myself why I hoped people had seen me give the man a sandwich from Starbucks. Was it because I wanted people to think, “She’s such a nice person!”? Why did I hope others had seen me do it? I continued to wonder this all evening.
The next morning, it came to me that I wanted people to have witnessed that small act of kindness not so that I would receive credit and praise but so that they might be inspired to do the same and in so doing that others still would witness their acts of kindness. Thus the whole spirit of pity and giving would be lasting.
小题1:The underlined word “Starbucks” in the second paragraph is the name of a _________.
小题2:When the author saw the homeless man, he was __________.
A.begging outsideB.buying goods
C.staying awakeD.falling asleep
小题3:What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To show the author is great.
B.To encourage people to help others.
C.To introduce an experience that changed the author.
D.To call on people not to give money to a homeless man.
小题4:The author can be best described as __________.
Catherine and I were on our way to our nephew’s birthday party one rainy Saturday morning, driving along what some people call moose(驼鹿) alley. It was early, there were few other cars on the road and we were looking forward to a good day with the family. Suddenly, a moose rushed across our path. Fortunately, a quick swerve(突然转向) to the other lane prevented a full impact, with only a small collision on the right side of our car ripping off the mirror and knocking the moose to the pavement.
By the time I stopped and looked back in my rear view mirror, the moose was getting up. It ran into the bush. Shaken but unharmed, we both looked at each other shocked by what had happened. We knew that moose accidents had claimed many lives throughout the years, and that we had been very fortunate to escape with no personal injury or worse. After a quick check of our vehicle, we drove off.
Even though the moose accident lasted just a few seconds, we still remember it to this day. Why?
We had often talked about the frailty of life, the here today and gone tomorrow potential we all face, but it had never felt so real. And it wasn’t that we hadn’t had friends, relatives and colleagues die before, it was that this experience was much more personal. In a matter of seconds, lives can easily change.
The effect of that one near miss with death has been positive, and made us appreciate life. Each one of us has only a limited time on this Earth; no one can predict when your time will end. We should give thanks for each day, to see the sun rise again, and to know that you can accomplish and assist others to appreciate their life if they are caught in the “poor-me” syndrome(综合症状).
小题1:What can we learn about the accident form the first two paragraphs?
A.Fortunately, they didn’t hit the moose.
B.They themselves were slightly injured.
C.Many people have died from similar accidents.
D.The author should be blamed for the accident.
小题2:What did the accident teach the author?
A.Being open to unexpected turns in life is important.
B.Life is long if you know how to use it.
C.Life is measured by thoughts and actions, not by time.
D.Life is unpredictable, so we should treasure every moment.
小题3:How should we spend every day according to the author?
a. being thankful and helpful
b. appreciating the natural beauty of the world
c. being confident
d. making every effort to succeed
A.abB.bc C.abcD.bcd
Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are__1___ than housewives.Evidence shows that __2_  are in poorer health than the job-holders.A study shows that _3___ the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate in-creases correspondingly by 2%.All this comes down to one point:Work is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health? It is because work ___4_   people busy,  _5__ loneliness and  solitude . Researches show that people feel unhappy,_6__ and lonely when they have nothing to do.Instead,the happiest are those who are  _7___.Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard . Work serves as __8___  between man and reality.By work,people_9__  each other.By collective activity,they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health.The loss of work __10__  the loss of everything.It affects man spiritually and __11_   him liable to disease.
__12__  ,work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of _13__  .Work makes one feel his value and status in society.When __14__ finishes his writing or a doctor successfully __15__   a patient or a teacher sees his students __16_  ,they are happy ___17__ 
From the above we can _18__  to the conclusion that the more you work, _19___ and healthier you will be.Let us work hard,study well and __20__  a happy and healthy life.
A.the oldB.the busyC.the hard-workingD.the jobless
A.whether B.wheneverC.thoughD.since
A.away fromB.in lack ofC.in touch withD.in charge of
A.worried B.joyfulC.concernedD.interested
A.a bridgeB.a gapC.a channelD.a guard
A.come acrossB.look down uponC.come into contact withD.watch over
A.disappointment B.regretC.achievementD.apology
A.a workerB.a farmerC.a managerD.a writer
A.makes friends withB.has a talkC.deals with D.operates on
A.beyond words B.without a wordC.at a word D.in a word
A.reachB.comeC.arrive D.draw
A.the happierB.the weakerC.the strongerD.the lonelier
Come for Dinner by Leslie Revsin
Make every meal a feast and every moment with loved ones an occasion with Come for Dinner. Revsin, the former owner and chef of Manhattan’s Restaurant Leslie, offers a collection of over 150 recipes designed for small get-togethers of friends and family. There are various ethnic dishes that draw from Asia,the Mediterranean, Latin cultures and more. Revsin believes cooking at home provides the opportunity to connect with friends and family on a good level.
Retro Beach Bash by Linda Everett
Grab your beach blanket and your surfboard — it’s time for a beach party! With more than 100 recipes (菜谱) for beach picnics and barbecues, Retro Beach Bash, is the beach lover’s companion for fun in the sun.
Half information and half cookbook, you can browse the pages that are filled with beach fun tips and advice. The second half of this book is a cookbook, complete with delicious picnic and grilled foods to satisfy every taste on the beach.
Entertaining Edibles by Sidney Escowitz
You’ve seen them decorating plates at restaurants, admired them at weddings, and expressed great surprise at the chefs who designed them — and now you can produce them at home.
Sidney shares lots of practical tips that will give your finished food sculptures a professional look and send you on your way towards creating your own original works of food art.
Recipes from a Tapas Bar by Olivier Said
If you’re a fan of Spanish Tapas bars, this book is a must-have for your library. Even if you don’t cook, you’ll still want this book if you’re a fan of Tapas bars, only for the lively discussions of the cheeses of Spain along with other Spanish wines and spirits.
小题1:If you want to prepare a delicious dish for your family at home, you’d better choose _____.
A. Entertaining Edibles                              B. Retro Beach Bash
C Recipes from a Tapas Bar                        D. Come for Dinner
小题2: Retro Beach Bash tells us _____.
A.how to make picnics on the beachB.how to repair your surfboard
C.how to make Spanish winesD.how to satisfy your taste at home
小题3:Who can tell you how to make the works of food art?
A.Leslie Revsin.B.Linda Everett.
C.Sidney Escowitz.D.Olivier Said.
小题4:The books mentioned in the text are mainly about _____.
Being on the road at 3:15 a. m. to drive 450 kms wasn’t in my plans for the weekend. I had been looking forward to a couple of   1  days to prepare myself for the following busy   2 .
My son, Simon, and his good friends were heading for the  3. Due to the last-minute issue(问题)with transportation, I   4  my car to make sure that everyone could get to the   5  point so that they could get together and enjoy their week’s   6  by snowboarding and skiing.
The only thing that   7  to me on my journey was that no sooner had I   8  and said goodbye than I would make the trip   9 ,in total, a round trip of 900 kms in just 10 hours. Such a long drive in one day was frightening,   10  as I was looking forward to relaxationSimon and I   11 , on our way, about his break and a whole lot of his school subjects. It was great to have this time with him as we   12  spent five continuous hours together, other than when we played Saturday cricket (板球).
On my return trip, I   13  a strange sense of loneliness in some heavy morning   14 . Within an hour it   15 . I spent the next four hours listening to some CDs and enjoying the scenery. Surprisingly, after my long trip home I was   16  refreshed and energized even though I was physically exhausted. And I knew that I would have a(n)    _17   sleep that evening.
A change  18 your environment, no matter how great, can provide you with the opportunity to  19 something from different angles(角度), as well as to be refreshed and energized.
Now I’m looking forward to my next   20  event and many more opportunities to spend quality time with those who are important to me and make my life more rewarding.
小题15: A turned B. cleared  C. froze    D. shone
A.give upB.look atC.find outD.carry on

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