
You love Jay Chou's songs and you can sing some quite well. So you make a video of your performance and post it online for your friends to see. But what if this led to something beyond your wildest

imagination—a career in music?

Canadian teenager Justin Bieber, 16, has just had the magical experience: He posted homemade videos of his versions of songs by American singer Chris Brown online for his relatives. He received a phone call from Brown, telling him how much he liked his performance. His singing eventually earned him a fan base and a record contract. After releasing a popular record in November 2009, his album My world 2.0 came out last Tuesday.

Bieber sings ballads(民歌)and songs about puppy love. But is he just another gooey (甜腻的) teen idol? David Malitz, a columnist with the Washington Post, doesn't think so. “If we truly want the best forAmerican children, let us pause and give thanks for Justin Bieber,” he writes. “After years of humdrum bubblegum (乏味的摇滚舞曲) from Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, the 16­year­old has thrown a candy­coated wrench (扭转) into Disney's heartthrob (甜心) assembly line by giving young fans something worth screaming their lungs out for lovable pop songs.”

From a boy who grew up below the poverty line with his divorced mom to a star who caused near­riots (近乎失控) in shopping malls, even Bieber himself can't believe his overnight fame, although his kind of success is becoming more and more common in the Internet era.

Interested in hockey, the national sport of Canada, the boy once put up pictures of players on the walls of his bedroom. He dreamed of being a hockey star and used to practice signing his autograph. He doesn't need practice now. He signs autographs, if the girls can get close enough, as a music star.

1.What did Chris Brown think of Justin Bieber's singing?

A.He didn't like it.          B. He liked it very much.

C.He didn't say anything.     D.He supported Justin Bieber.

2.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

A.He had a happy family.

B.His family was very poor once.

C.His family was rich.

D.His family helped him a lot.

3.What's Justin Bieber's hobby?

A.Singing.          B.Hockey.       C.Signing.          D.Making records.

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Justin Bieber's overnight singing online.

B.Justin Bieber's common experience.

C.Justin Bieber's life.

D.Justin Bieber's records.









试题分析:文章讲述了十六岁的加拿大男孩Justin Bieber把自己唱的歌曲做成录像,通过网络一夜成名的故事。

1.细节题:根据第二段中“He received a phone call from Brown, telling him how much he liked his performance. ”他接到来自布朗的电话,告诉他很喜欢她的表演。故选B。

2.推理题:根据第四段“a boy who grew up below the poverty line with his divorced mom”一个跟随离异的母亲在贫困线以下长大的男孩。由此可知他的家庭状况并不是很好,曾经生活困难。故选B。

3.细节题:根据最后一段“ He dreamed of being a hockey star and used to practice signing his autograph”他梦想成为一名曲棍球明星,还曾练习签名。由此可知他爱好曲棍球。故选B。

4.主旨题:通过阅读全文可知这是关于Justin Bieber把自己唱的歌曲做成录像,通过网络一夜成名的故事。故选A。





  One of the Summer's Best Blockbusters, 10 July, 2009

  Author:Vince27 from Canada

  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth movie in the Harry Potter series, and it is the greatest one yet.The movie mixes comedy, romance, drama, and adventures into one, and makes it so marvelous and fun to watch.The acting in this film is more mature and better in quality than in the earlier ones.The trio, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe are amazing in their roles and pull them off well.David Yates gives his best directing in his career to date, and does an amazing job of telling the storyline of J.K.Rowling's fantastic book.The visual effects are so well done and look so real.Although the movie has cut out many things in the book, it is still a great film that most people will enjoy!

  Key Points Missing!12 July, 2009

  Author:zvette929 from the United States

  If you love the series like I do you will know that in every movie they have to cut parts of the book out.For those that have not read the book this movie will impress.I understand the need to cut the movie in order to fit it into a realistic time frame.In doing so, it seems as if they cut key parts in order to allow for more comedy.They also cut out a large action scene at the end of the movie.Another problem is, although there is not as much violence as previous movies the overall film includes adult content that in my opinion warrants the PG-13 rating.Do not misunderstand me.I recommend seeing the movie as it is enjoyable.

  ________, 15 July, 2009

  Author:cernan from the United States

  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a big challenging novel to adapt to the big screen.Initially I had low expectations for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but after seeing the movie, I think it the best in the series and the adaptation is a great success.When you're adapting a 600-page book into a two-and-a-half-hour film, it's inevitable that certain things will get cut.

  The Best Book…The Worst Movie!19 July, 2009

  Author:infernodx from the United Kingdom

  This film is so awful compared to the book that I can't believe people love it.The book is a million times better and I'm hugely disappointed.They have added poor scenes and taken away integral parts of the book.Huge parts of the story have been missed.Pointless scenes have been added to make it appeal to a wider audience.I feel it totally unnecessary as Harry Potter appeals to probably the widest audience of any book.If I were J.K.Rowling I would have asked the producers some serious questions.


All the four persons mention that ________.

[  ]


many parts in the book have been cut out in the film


the book is much better than the movie


Daniel Radcliffe is more mature than in the earlier ones


the visual effects are good and real


Who made the negative comment about the movie?

[  ]










We can infer that ________.

[  ]


a film rated PG-13 is only designed for children


a film rated PG-13 is not suitable for children under 13


zvette929 doesn't think the movie is worth seeing


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is especially popular with the older people


Which of the following titles can be filled in the blank in the third part?

[  ]


A Low Expectation


Excellent Visual Effects


A Great Challenge


A Fine Adaptation


  One of the Summer’s Best Blockbusters, 10 July, 2009

  Author:Vince27 from Canada

  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth movie in the Harry Potter series, and it is the greatest one yet.The movie mixes comedy, romance, drama, and adventures into one, and makes it so marvelous and fun to watch.The acting in this film is more mature and better in quality than in the earlier ones.The trio, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and Daniel Radcliffe are amazing in their roles and pull them off well.David Yates gives his best directing in his career to date, and does an amazing job of telling the storyline of J.K.Rowling’s fantastic book.The visual effects are so well done and look so real.Although the movie has cut out many things in the book, it is still a great film that most people will enjoy!

  Key Points Missing! 12 July, 2009

  Author:zvette929 from the United States

  If you love the series like I do you will know that in every movie they have to cut parts of the book out.For those that have not read the book this movie will impress.I understand the need to cut the movie in order to fit it into a realistic time frame.In doing so, it seems as if they cut key parts in order to allow for more comedy.They also cut out a large action scene at the end of the movie.Another problem is, although there is not as much violence as previous movies the overall film includes adult content that in my opinion warrants the PG-13 rating.Do not misunderstand me.I recommend seeing the movie as it is enjoyable.

  15 July, 2009

  Author:cernan from the United States

  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a big challenging novel to adapt to the big screen.Initially I had low expectations for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but after seeing the movie, I think it the best in the series and the adaptation is a great success.When you’re adapting a 600-page book into a two-and-a-half-hour film, it’s inevitable that certain things will get cut.

  The Best Book…The Worst Movie! 19 July, 2009

  Author:infernodx from the United Kingdom

  This film is so awful compared to the book that I can’t believe people love it.The book is a million times better and I’m hugely disappointed.They have added poor scenes and taken away integral parts of the book.Huge parts of the story have been missed.Pointless scenes have been added to make it appeal to a wider audience.I feel it totally unnecessary as Harry Potter appeals to probably the widest audience of any book.If I were J.K.Rowling I would have asked the producers some serious questions.


All the four persons mention that _________.

[  ]


many parts in the book have been cut out in the film


the book is much better than the movie


Daniel Radcliffe is more mature than in the earlier ones


the visual effects are good and real


Who made the negative comment about the movie?

[  ]










We can infer that _________.

[  ]


a film rated PG-13 is only designed for children


a film rated PG-13 is not suitable for children under 13


zvette929 doesn’t think the movie is worth seeing


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is especially popular with the older people


Which of the following titles can be filled in the blank in the third part?

[  ]


A Low Expectation


Excellent Visual Effects


A Great Challenge


A Fine Adaptation

Students at the Hogook Middle School in South Korea have a unique assignment:going    online to message boards and write positive,cheerful comments.Teachers and other adults     hope those comments will discourage others from leaving vicious(恶意的)and negative     remarks.This is one of the activities in a nationwide program called the Sunfull Movement.
Online attacks are an increasing problem in South Korea,one of the world’s most     connected  nations.The  National Police  Agency  receives tens  of thousands  of  complaints every year.but there is not much that can be done to stop it,since attackers seldom use    their real names.In the worst.cases,authorities say cyber—bullies(网络攻击have pressured     some  people to take their  own lives.That  is  why the  Sunfull  Movement’s  founder, Min Byoung'chul, a professor at Kunkuk University,began the program three years ago.
Min says research indicates ninny of the attackers are under the age of 30.“Young kids,they’re stressed out because of schoolwork.The.y have to prepare for their college entrance  examinations  and they just  write  whatever they  feel.That’s  one  of the  ways to     blow off their discontent and stress.”explained Min.
Student Kim Hee-joo,15, says she writes thank—you messages to friends,family and     teachers on her School’ s homepage.And when she sees people making bad comments about     famous people,she leaves nice messages,because when people see positive comments they     are more likely to stop saying bad things and change their attitude.
Teacher Kim Eun—young says Koreans do not really say “Thank you”or“J love you”     to friends or parents. But being not face一to一face, they feel more comfortable saying those kinds of things.She  also  says  violence  at the  school,both  online  and  offline,has decreased and students and teachers get along much better now.
61.What’s the aim of the Sunfull Movement?
A.To teach students how to make comments on the Internet·
B.To serve as a model for other nations by gaining experience.
C.To offer students suggestions on letting off their discontent and stress·
D.To stop cyber—bullying and create a positive atmosphere on the Internet·
62.Online attackers are mostly young people because———————·
A.they hate the internet society    B.they want to be famous
C.they are facing too much pressure D.they aye full of energy
63.Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.Network management in South Korea is bad.
B.Online attacks sometimes can make people kill themselves.
C.Police Agency’S work efficiency is low in South Korea.
D.Professor Min thinks cyber—bullies can be forgiven.    ’
64.It can be inferred from the 1ast paragraph that——·
A.People in South Korea tends to express themselves frankly
B.Koreans、sometimes aye not polite to their friends or parents
C.Students and teachers don't get along well in Korean schools
D.Changes have taken place since the school began the program
65.The best title of this passage probably is _______________.
A.Battle Cyber—Bullying with Positive Comments
B.Keep Away from Negative Remarks Online
C.Students in South Korea Face Much Pressure
D.A Remarkable Concern in South Korea

How did your friendships begin? Most start with a short conversation on a random day. Asking about a homework assignment in class or complaining about your painful legs after playing in a soccer game, you found your best pal by accident.

“Small talk is where all your relationships begin,” Forbes magazine summed up.

The following is a five-step guide to making small talk from Bernardo J. Carducci, the director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast, US. Let’s have a look.

Getting started

Begin by talking about the setting, such as the weather outside or the room you are in (“It’s cold in here, isn’t it?”). The purpose of talking about the setting is to show the other person that you are willing to make a conversation.

②The personal introduction

You should mention something about yourself, such as your name. A good personal introduction helps move the conversation forward.

③Looking for topics

At this point, you and your conversation partner need to find common ground. This is a good time to ask questions or to refer back to things you’ve said or heard earlier. Don’t worry if it gets quiet. The other person is probably just thinking of something to say.

④Expanding the topic

The goal is to keep the conversation going. At every stage, you should be careful not to talk too much. But don’t let the other person dominate the conversation either. If that starts to happen, mention something about yourself when he or she takes a breath.

⑤A polite ending

When ending a conversation, let the person know you’ll be leaving soon, express gratitude for the conversation and set the stage for a future conversation. For example, you could say, “I really must be going soon, but I had a great time chatting with you. I really liked hearing your opinion about that new movie. Here’s my phone number. Call or text me if you know of any other movies you think I might enjoy.”

1.According to the article, starting by talking about the setting is meant to ________.

A. find common ground                          B. impress the other person

C. make a conversation                         D. make the room warmer

2.What does the underlined word “dominate” mean in Tip④?

A. interrupt                   B. control                  C. adapt          D. simplify 

3.When ending a conversation, you’d better ________.

A. talk about how much you want to keep talking

B. show that you’ve not enjoyed the talk

C. mention a specific movie that you love          

D. give your opinion about the other person’s earlier comments

4.The main purpose of the article is to ________.

A. encourage students to make more friends

B. give students tips on making small talk

C. introduce popular topics for students  

D. teach students how to create friendships


Students at the Hogook Middle School in South Korea have a unique assignment:going    online to message boards and write positive,cheerful comments.Teachers and other adults     hope those comments will discourage others from leaving vicious(恶意的)and negative     remarks.This is one of the activities in a nationwide program called the Sunfull Movement.

Online attacks are an increasing problem in South Korea,one of the world’s most     connected  nations.The  National Police  Agency  receives tens  of thousands  of  complaints every year.but there is not much that can be done to stop it,since attackers seldom use    their real names.In the worst.cases,authorities say cyber—bullies(网络攻击have pressured     some  people to take their  own lives.That  is  why the  Sunfull  Movement’s  founder, Min Byoung'chul, a professor at Kunkuk University,began the program three years ago.

Min says research indicates ninny of the attackers are under the age of 30.“Young kids,they’re stressed out because of schoolwork.The.y have to prepare for their college entrance  examinations  and they just  write  whatever they  feel.That’s  one  of the  ways to     blow off their discontent and stress.”explained Min.

Student Kim Hee-joo,15, says she writes thank—you messages to friends,family and     teachers on her School’ s homepage.And when she sees people making bad comments about     famous people,she leaves nice messages,because when people see positive comments they     are more likely to stop saying bad things and change their attitude.

Teacher Kim Eun—young says Koreans do not really say “Thank you”or“J love you”     to friends or parents. But being not face一to一face, they feel more comfortable saying those kinds of things.She  also  says  violence  at the  school,both  online  and  offline,has decreased and students and teachers get along much better now.

61.What’s the aim of the Sunfull Movement?

A.To teach students how to make comments on the Internet·

B.To serve as a model for other nations by gaining experience.

C.To offer students suggestions on letting off their discontent and stress·

D.To stop cyber—bullying and create a positive atmosphere on the Internet·

62.Online attackers are mostly young people because———————·

A.they hate the internet society    B.they want to be famous

C.they are facing too much pressure D.they aye full of energy

63.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Network management in South Korea is bad.

B.Online attacks sometimes can make people kill themselves.

C.Police Agency’S work efficiency is low in South Korea.

D.Professor Min thinks cyber—bullies can be forgiven.    ’

64.It can be inferred from the 1ast paragraph that——·

A.People in South Korea tends to express themselves frankly

B.Koreans、sometimes aye not polite to their friends or parents

C.Students and teachers don't get along well in Korean schools

D.Changes have taken place since the school began the program

65.The best title of this passage probably is _______________.

A.Battle Cyber—Bullying with Positive Comments

B.Keep Away from Negative Remarks Online

C.Students in South Korea Face Much Pressure

D.A Remarkable Concern in South Korea


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