15£®When you smile£¬not only do you feel happy£¬£¨61£©but you also bring a ray of light into the lives of others£®Someone once £¨62£©said £¨say£©£¬"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight£¬by increasing your face value£®"Know that a smile is a little thing that can produce great results£®£¨63£©What it takes is a smile to make any £¨64£©difficulty £¨difficult£© short work£¬for just being happy can help others£®I have often thought of a smile £¨65£©as the touch of God given to his people£®A day without smile is a day wasted£®Some people grin£¨ßÖ×ìЦ£© and bear it£¬while others smile and change the world£®Don't you love the feelings of being £¨66£©rewarded £¨reward£©with a smile£¿It can move into the soul and release good into the world£®It can make friends with£¨67£©strangers£¨strange£©£®It can bring friends closer together£®It can bridge the £¨68£©generation £¨generate£© gap£®It can fill the heart with love£®
A smile is a light in the window of the soul£¬£¨69£©indicating £¨indicate£© that the heart is at home£®God puts a smile on your faces so that we would see that the world needs that breath to £¨70£©lighten£¨light£© the darkness in our life£®
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---He ________ feel tired after his long drive£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | can | B£® | need | C£® | must | D£® | dare |