I was 15 when I walked into McCarley’s Bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at ___1___ on the shelves, the man behind the counter, ___2___, asked if I’d like ___3___. I needed to start ___4___ for college, so I said yes. I ___5___ after school and during summers for the lowest wages and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college. I would work many other jobs; I made coffee in the Students Union during college, I was a hotel maid and even made maps for the U. S. Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most ___6___. One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost ___7___ we had at that time ___8___ and found other books we could order. She left the store less ___9___. I’ve always remembered the ___10___ I felt in having helped her.

Years later, as a ___11___ in Los Angeles, I heard about an immigrant child who was born with his fingers connected, webline. His family could not ___12___ a corrective operation, and the boy lived in ___13___, hiding his hand in his pocket.

I ___14___ my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the ___15___ for free.

I visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his ___16___ hand and say, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of ___17___.

In the past, while I was ___18___, I always sense I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the same. NBC News pays my salary, ___19___ I feel as if I work for the ___20___, helping them make sense of the world.

1. A. maps       B. titles         C. articles                  D. reports

2. A. the reader     B. the college student   C. the shop owner      D. the customer

3. A. a book         B. a job        C. some tea                D. any help

4. A. planning          B. saving      C. preparing          D. studying

5. A. read           B. studied          C. cooked            D. worked

6. A. boring           B. surprising        C. satisfying          D. disappointing

7. A. anything         B. something        C. nothing         D. everything

8. A. in need         B. in all          C. in order          D. in store

9. A. worried        B. satisfied        C. excited          D. puzzled

10. A. pride        B. failure           C. regret          D. surprise

11. A. doctor        B. store owner     C. bookseller        D. TV reporter

12. A. pay         B. cost         C. afford         D. spend

13. A. shame              B. honour         C. horror            D. danger

14. A. advised       B. forced        C. persuaded      D. permitted

15. A. action        B. program    C. treatment         D. operation

16. A. repaired       B. connected             C. injured           D. improved

17. A. pleasure        B. sadness        C. interest            D. disappointment

18. A. at the TV station               B. in the Students Union

C. at the U. S. Forest Service          D. at McCarley’s Bookstore

19. A. so           B. and           C. but            D. because

20. A. readers       B. viewers     C. customers    D. passengers

It’s you and I who are to blame for the state of the earth. No question about it. It’s our life-style that is threatening life on Earth, so we must make the changes. The good news is that many of those changes are really quite simple, even enjoyable, but for every careful step we take as individuals, we must press government and industry to take a big step on our benefit. And we must start now. Tomorrow’s too late.

My aim this year is to persuade as many of my friends and colleagues as possible to choose the train, and leave their cars behind too. My gardens have been pesticide(杀虫剂)–free zones for years and I enjoy seeing more wildlife on my doorstep as a result; I’ve tried to reduce my contribution to water pollution too, by using environment-friendly, phosphate(磷)–free washing powder , and by no longer thinking of the toilet as a suitable waste-disposal(处理) point .

I ran after a young lady through town recently to give her back the piece of paper she had carelessly thrown away. She disappeared into a shop, and when I followed her inside and made my presentation, she was doubly embarrassed--she worked there, and the boss gave her a ticking–off too. I’ve started asking fellow drivers at gas stations why they aren’t using unleaded (无铅的) petrol . These are small things, but we have to start somewhere, and every little does help.

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that____________.

A.you and I are responsible for looking after the environment

B.the government and industry are responsible for looking after the environment

C.the government is responsible for looking after the environment

D.both A and B

2.To help the environment, the author is trying to do everything mentioned below EXCEPT_________.

A.taking the train instead of a car

B.avoiding the use of pesticides

C.throwing away the old cars

D.running after those who throw articles carelessly

3.The author ran after a woman through town because he wanted__________.

A.to find out where she worked

B.to give her back the piece of paper she had lost

C.to ask her to pay him for picking up the piece of paper.

D.to tell her not to throw away pieces of paper carelessly

4.The purpose of this passage is to__________.

A.persuade his friends to take the train

B.try to advise us all to protect our environment

C.make clear who is responsible for the environment

D.inform us of the good news


Doctor are known to be terrible pilots. They don't listen because they already know it all. I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didn't realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying. As I flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather. I learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions.

I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down. He was a better pilot - and my boss - so it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness and said, "We need to put the landing gear down now!" That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I've used it in the operating room ever since.

CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesn't overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when I'm in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes they're not willing to speak up. But I hope that if I continue to encourage them , someday someone will keep me from “landing gear up”.

1.What dose the author say about doctors in general?

A.They like flying by themselves.

B.They are unwilling to take advice.

C.They pretend to be good pilots.

D.They are quick learners of CRM.

2.The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when_______.

A.he saved the plane by speaking up

B.he was in charge of a flying task

C.his boss landed the plane too late

D.his boss operated on a patient

3.In the last paragraph”landing gear up” probably means ______.

A.following flying requirements.

B.overreacting to different opinions.

C.listening to what fellow doctors say

D.making a mistake that may cost lives

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe

B.Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor

C.The Making of a Good Pilot

D.A Pilot-Tumed Doctor


Dear Aunty,

I work at a supermarket, and another girl and I share tasks we must finish before leaving. But she takes half an hour to do something I can do in ten minutes. She always has a story to tell me and stops working when she does. My boss is angry at both of us, but It’s not my fault. I don’t want to rat on her, but what else can I do?


Dear Flustered,

Let me propose a better way. Make a log of all the tasks you share, then suggest to your boss that for efficiency your duties could be divided into two separate checklists. If he’s reluctant, go to plan B: the next time this girl starts telling you a story, stop working to listen and call your boss over to hear what a great storyteller she is. I’m sure he’ll take it from here.


Dear Aunty,

I’m a college student in the Philippines who wants to be wise with money. I’m not an economics or business major student and I don’t know anything about stocks. But I really want to buy assets and invest. I receive about 15,000 pesos(比索)every school term from my education plan. I don’t have any idea how I should spend it. I don’t want to just buy new clothes, or hang out with my friends because it would not be wise. I want my money to grow. Please enlighten me.


Dear Fastbreakplay,

Being wise with money is the No. 1 thing to learn. Start with a disciplined and systematic savings plan. When your savings reach a sizeable amount, then you may start investing. In the meantime, invest in yourself by reading up on stock markets and capital markets. Follow the news. Before I started investing during my senior high school years, I had already studied stock market data of the past century as I believe markets tend to repeat themselves. If you master this skill, you will master your reading of the markets.


1.When Flustered’s boss isn’t willing to separate their work, Flustered can _____.

A.follow the second advice                 B.invite the boss to listen to the girl

C.stop working or do other things             D.report to the boss on time

2.Fastbreakplay writes a letter to Aunty in order to _____.

A.buy some pesos                        B.become an expert on stocks

C.get ways to grow money                  D.study economics as his major

3.In Aunty’s opinion, one should _____ at the beginning to be wise with money.

A.start investing                          B.have a saving plan

C.study stock markets                      D.master market reading

4.From letters above, we know Aunty should be ________.

A.an elder kind woman                    B.a lady in the community

C.a famous singer                         D.a name of a columnist



My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人).With these words I began to_36__the problem, the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people_37___, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep,I__38__to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed__39___, just a quick chat.

 Gradually though, the __40___got worse. Soon it was__41___use,until,finally,addiction. And it began to affect my__42___.During the work day, I would disappear for a quick 43 . If I couldn't make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more__44___,in the end, I would ring someone, then someone else,__45___myself just one more call. I was phoning people and__46___messages to make sure__47___calls would see me through the day.

I used to arrive at friends homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the___48___"Is it OK if I just use the phone...?"At work, I became__49___when my fellow workers tried to__50___me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone). Finally the police caught me___51___a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was__52___to see a psychiatrist(心理医生). I haven't__53__a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days__54___I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV because there are__55___people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

36.A.face            B.find         C.accept      D.notice

1.A.now and then    B.all the time    C.at home     D.at work

2.A.tried           B.asked         C.waited      D.invited

3.A.polite          B.important      C.fine        D.special

4.A.condition       B.situation        C.result      D.effect

5.A.frequent        B.regular         C.unusual    D.particular

6.A.friends         B.study           C.family     D.work

7. A. a call         B. a secret         C. an accident    D. a reply

8.A.hopeful        B.delighted        C.frightened     D.anxious

9.A.forcing         B.telling         C.giving    D.limiting

10.A.sending        B.taking         C.passing    D.recording

11.A.long          B.immediate      C.enough    D.surprising

12.A.saying          B.demands       C.with    D.words

13.A.careful        B.mad       C.determined    D.helpless

14.A.save           B.reduce      C.protect      D.stop

15.A.destroying      B.using        C.stealing      D.emptying

16.A.offered        B.guided       C.ordered      D.reminded

17.A.missed        B.had          C.accepted    D.fixed

18.A.as            B.when        C.if      D.since

19.A.always        B.just      C.more      D.different 


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