
Visiting friends is probably one of the most common occurrences, in daily
life. Generally  , it is polite to call a friend before 【小题1】
you visit, but often very close friends just drop in      each other【小题2】   
without calling. Some people enjoy a    (惊喜)visit from a friend,【小题3】__
but many people do not. Take Americans for example, those    don’t【小题4】      
like surprise visits may tell their friends to call first  they come.【小题5】   
This is     (可接受的)because most people are vey busy. Dropping 【小题6】    
in at a busy time can l   to some problems for the person visiting【小题7】      
and the person visited. It is a good idea to ask a friend w    he or【小题8】      
she minds your just visiting w    calling. If you are not 【小题9】       
sure your friend          (欢迎)surprise visits, call first. 【小题10】     


解析【小题1】speaking  Generally speaking是常用语“一般来说”的意思。
【小题2】that 答案应该是on,固定短语“drop in on sb.”“顺便拜访某人”;drop in at sp“拜访某地”。
【小题3】surprise  根据下文“surprise visits”知,此处填surprise。
【小题4】who   “那些不喜欢不速之客的人……”是定语从句,先行词为those,指人,用who。
【小题5】before 一般情况下,拜访前需要打电话看朋友是否方便,所以填before。
【小题6】acceptable 考查构词法,“可接受的”在accept后加able构成形容词。
【小题7】lead  “导致”lead to…
【小题8】whether “是否”介意不速之客,用whether。
【小题9】without 根据句意,“没有”打电话而拜访用介词without。
【小题10】welcomes “欢迎”是welcome,这里应填三单形式。


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