
3.Flying devices called drones(无人机) may be one of the most important technologies of the future.
The number of jobs for people who know how to design,build and control them is increasing.Because of this increase,several U.S.universities have started offering degrees in unmanned aircraft systems,or UAS.
One of these universities is the University of Washington in Seattle.Ward Handley is seeking a master's degree in UAS at the university.When the drone program first began,he did not think it was a good idea."Drones can be used to invade privacy(侵犯隐私)."He said.But later,Handley changed his opinion.He said,"I think there are good enough purposes for them."
The FAA (the part of the U.S.government that controls air travel and traffic) is creating new rules to control the use of drones,however.A new law requires drone owners to register(登记) their drones.People who do not register their drones could face fines of up to US$20,000.
The new rules may also present problems for students.One problem is finding a legal place to fly.
Students at Blue Mountain Community College fly inside the college gym.In Seattle,University of Washington students test their drones in a big room.
Christopher Lum,a scientist at the University of Washington,helps students explore how drones can safely share the sky with regular aircraft.Lum explained why they test drones inside a building,"We need to register our aircraft and get permission to fly outside.That process can take months."
At this time,Kansas State University is the only school with permission to offer unmanned aircraft flight classes to students outside.The FAA selected Kansas State University and 15other universities to be part of a national research group.
Lum and some of his students recently moved their research to Australia.Australia has fewer rules limiting drones.A professor at Western Washington University also took his department's drones to Canada for the same reason.

32.Degrees in UAS were created in several U.S.universities because ofB.
A.the increasing interest in the field
B.the increasing employment opportunities
C.the support from the government
D.the development of this technology
33.Why didn't Handley think the drone program was a good idea at first?A
A.Drones can be used for bad purposes.
B.The use of drones was very limited.
C.Few people can benefit from the program.
D.The university didn't attach great importance to the program.
34.According to Lum,why does he teach flight classes inside a building?C
A.It's safer for the students.
B.It's very expensive to register the aircraft.
C.It takes a very long time to get official permission.
D.He hasn't got permission from the university.
35.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?D
A.Australia is promoting the use of drones.
B.Kansas State University is the first to offer a UAS degree.
C.Australia has fewer rules than Canada to control the use of drones.
D.The U.S.has more rules than Canada to control the use of drones.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读,属于说明文,因为就业机会的增加,有关无人机的学位在一些大学建立.本文以此展开,主要讲述了无人机的使用以及研究发展使用.

解答 32.B.细节理解题.根据The number of jobs for people who know how to design,build and control them is increasing.Because of this increase,several U.S.universities have started offering degrees in unmanned aircraft systems,or UAS.可知,因为就业机会的增加,驾驶无人机学位在一些大学建立.故选B.
33.A.细节理解题.根据When the drone program first began,he did not think it was a good idea."Drones can be used to invade privacy(侵犯隐私)."He said.可知,开始时他认为这不是一个好想法,是因为认为无人机会侵犯隐私,用作不好的用途.故选A.
34.C.细节理解题.根据Lum explained why they test drones inside a building,"We need to register our aircraft and get permission to fly outside.That process can take months."可知,Lum解释了为什么他们在建筑物内测试无人机,"我们的飞机需要获得许可才能飞往外面.这个过程可能需要几个月的时间."故选C.
35.D.推理判断题.根据最后两段内容,尤其是A professor at Western Washington University also took his department's drones to Canada for the same reason.可推测出,美国比加拿大有更多的规则来控制无人机的使用.故选D.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

16.1A narrow escape from death can actually improve a person's view on life.That,at least,was one of the major findings of a study of some 200 people who come close to dying.Some had come through heart attack; some had fallen and come close to drowning or survived a terrible car wreck,yet despite the variety of circumstances,they reported strikingly similar reactions to their experiences.
Perhaps most surprisingly,many said they were less frightened of death now than they were before.Like most people,before their near-death incidents,many had thought death would be painful,the ultimate horror-but they didn't find it was.
Surviving a nearly fatal experience also gave many people a sense of invulnerability(不会受伤害)that made them feel special and even religious.Several believed they had been saved because they were to fulfill some special mission in the remainder of their lives.
Perhaps not so surprisingly,these survivors also reported an increased enthusiasm for life and a determination to enjoy life more.
A few of the survivors did report negative reactions to their experience.A dozen said they felt more vulnerable(脆弱的),and some even felt a sense of helplessness and a loss of control over their lives.Some had become phobic about activities associated with the accident; for example,several said they could no longer swim for fear of drowning.
Yet most of those interviewees said they came away with a strong sense of renewal or rebirth.In studying their reactions researchers have concluded that these people have come to understand the relationship of life and death better and more intimately than most of us,they have come to understand how life is actually defined by death.Life is given meaning by the fact that it will end someday.
51.From the passage,we can infer that the effects of near-death experiences on the survivors'lifeC.
A.differ due to the variety of circumstances         
B.vary greatly from person to person
C.are mostly positive in terms of their view on life   
D.are neither positive nor negative
52.Which effect of the near-death experience was the one that people had seldom expected?B
A.Some people became easier to get hurt.
B.Some people did not worry too much about death any more.
C.Some people paid more attention to the value of life.
D.Some people tended to be too pessimistic about death.
53.The positive effect of near-death experience was thatA.
A.some people loved life better because they realized its new meaning
B.some people felt a sense of helplessness
C.some people felt a loss of control over their lives
D.some people wanted to seek extreme happiness because they knew life was too limited
54.The word"phobic"(in paragraph 5)most probably meansD.
A.very careful B.very casual C.very curious D.very fearful
55.Which of the following can best express the idea of this passage?B
A.How to Improve a Person's View on Life.
B.The Effects of Near-Death Experience.
C.Is Death Really Horrible?
D.Near-Death Accidents and their Survivors.
8.I was having a great morning until I sat down in front of my office computer."Your password has expired(失效),"a server message flashed on my (41)C,with instructions for changing it.
(42)B   a new code doesn't seem like a big deal,(43)D  you work at my company,where we have to change it monthly with no less than eight characters.
Suddenly I was angry.What made it(44)A was that I was deeply depressed after my recent(45)D.Of course,that didn't mean(46)Bto the empty input field(输入栏) waiting for me to(47)A   a password.I remembered a(n)(48)Afrom my former boss.He'd said,"I'm going to use a password to change my life."It(49)Cme,reminding me that I shouldn't let myself be a(n)(50)Bof my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
I made my password Forgive?h3r,and I had to type this(51)Cseveral times a day for the next 30 days.The simple action changed the way I looked at my ex-wife.That(52)A reminder led me to accept the way things had happened and adopt a new way of dealing with my depression.(53)Cthe month wore on,I felt a slow recovery begin to (54)B.By the time my server reminded me of my password the following month,I felt(55)C.One month later,when I was asked again to(56)D my password,it became Quit smoking4ever.I quit smoking and(57)Dit brings great results.
Seeing how these(58)Chelped to materialize my goals kept me excited and (59)A to follow my monthly goal.While it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal,(60)Dat it brings great results.
42.A.Putting up withB.Coming up withC.Changing intoD.Leaving out
47.A.typeB.put awayC.shareD.come across
54.A.set apartB.take placeC.slip awayD.get across
15.Does handwriting matter?Not very much,according to many educators.However,scientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting is not important.New evidence suggests that the link between handwriting and educational development is deep.
Children not only learn to read more quickly when they first learn to write by hand,but they are also better able to create ideas and remember information.In other words,it's not only what we write that matters----but how.
A study led by Karin James,a psychologist at Indiana University,gave support to that view.A group of children,who had not learned to read and write,were offered a letter or a shape on a card and asked to copy it in one of three ways:draw the image on a page but with a dotted outline(虚线),draw it on a piece of blank white paper,or type it on a computer.Then the researchers put the children in a brain scanner and showed them the image again.
It was found that when children had drawn a letter freehand without a dotted outline or a computer,the activity in three areas of the brain were increased.These three areas work actively in adults when they read and write.By contrast,children who chose the other two ways showed no such effect.Dr.James attributes the differences to the process of free handwriting:not only must we first plan and take action in a way but we are also likely to produce a result that is variable.Those are not necessary when we have an outline.
It's time for educators to change their mind and pay more attention to children's handwriting.

32.What do scientists mean by saying"it is far too soon to declare handwriting is not important"?B
A.Handwriting is not very important to children.
B.Handwriting should not be ignored at present.
C.Handwriting has nothing to do with education.
D.Handwriting can not be learned in a short time.
33.What does"that view"in Para.3 refer to?A
A.How w write is as important as what we write.
B.Children read quickly when they write by had.
C.Children create ideas and remember information.
D.A group of students should know what to write.
34.Which is NOT the children's task in the experiment?C
A.Copy the image on a page but with a dotted outline.
B.Draw the image on a piece of blank white paper.
C.Put a brain scanner and show the image again.
D.Type the image directly on a computer.
35.According to the passage,the author obviouslyB  giving up handwriting.
A.is for
B.is against
C.is responsible for
D.doesn't care about.

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