

Any diet on which you live that contains fewer calories than you need to get through the day—like an 800-calorie-per-day diet—can be dangerous. Diets that don't allow any fat also can be bad for you. Everyone needs a certain amount of fat in their diet—up to 30 % of to?tal calories―so no one should eat a completely fat-free diet.

Don't have diets that restrict(限制)certain food groups, either. A diet that requires you to say no to bread or pasta or allows you to eat only fruit is unhealthy. You won't get the vitamins and minerals you need. And although you may lose weight, you'll probably gain it back as soon as you start eating normally again.

Some people start dieting because they think all the problems in their life are because of weight. Others have an area of their life that they can't control, like an alcoholic parent, so they focus on something they can control―their exercise and food intake.

People who diet may get lots of praise from friends and family when they start losing pounds, which makes them feel good. But eventually a person reaches a weight level and doesn't lose as much weight as before because the body is trying to keep a healthy weight, so they aren't any happier.

Some people may find it hard to control their eating, so they stick with an ex-treme diet for a little while, but then eat tons of food. Feeling guilty about the binge, they use laxatives('泻药).Eating too little to maintain a healthy weight or eating only to throw up the calories are both eating disorders, which are harmful to a person's health.

1. Which of the following is NOT the reason that some people start and keep dieting?

  A.  They think their trouble comes from their weight.

B.  They have an alcoholic parent.

C.  Other people praise them when they lose some weight.

D.  There is something they can't control except food intake.

2. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph refers to " ".

  A.  a fat-free diet

B.  a special diet

C.  eating too much

D.  eating too little

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.  A person needs about 800 calories each day.

B.  A person who doesn't eat bread is unhealthy.

C.  An improper diet may cause eating disorder.

D.  Fat takes up the most part of calories inside body.

4.    According to the passage,  when people want to lose weight,  they should

  A.  avoid eating some food that can lead to being fat

B.  control their eating amount and times

C.  have a healthy and balanced diet

D.  throw up some of what they eat



1. B细节理解题。文中第三段提到了一些人们开始减肥的原因,第四段又提到当他们减掉体重时会得到朋友和家人的赞扬,使他们感觉很好,因此会坚持一段时间。而B项所叙述的内容只是文中列举的某些人生活中无法控制的事情,并不是他们减肥的原因。

2. D 词义猜测题。根据本句后面的"…but then eat tons of food."以及最后一句"Eating too little to maintain a healthy weight…"可知答案为D项。

3. C细节理解题。从文中第一段可知人体每天所需要的能量要多于800卡路里,故A项错误;第一段最后一句提到脂肪占人体所需总能量的30%,并没有说所占比例最大,因此可排除D项;根据第二段可知面包只是属于某种类别的食物, 因此B项叙述错误;根据最后一段可知正确答案为C项。

4. C推理判断题。根据全文内容可知即使减肥,为了身体所需的能量必须做到健康、均衡地饮食,因此正确答案为C项。


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