
Sometimes your weakness can become your biggest strength. ____ the story of a 10-year-old boy for example , who decided to study judo (柔道) with a judo teacher despite the fact that he had his left arm because of a car accident .

The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand , , after three months of , the teacher had taught him only one move.

“ Sir ,” the boy finally said , “ I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you know , but this is the only move you’ll need to know ,” the teacher replied. Not quite understanding , believing in his teacher , the boy kept training.

Several months later , the teacher took the boy to his first tournament (锦标赛) . Surprising , the boy easily won his first three matches. Still by his success , the boy was now in the finals .

This , his opponent (对手) was bigger , stronger , and more experienced . For a while , the boy to be in the disadvantage . Concerned that the boy might , the judge called a time-out . He was about to stop the match the teacher interrupted . “ No,” the teacher , “ Let him continue .”

, his opponent made the biggest mistake : he dropped his guard . Instantly , the boy used his move to throw him down . The boy had the tournament .

On the way home , the boy gathered to ask the teacher what was really his mind. “ Sir , how did I win the tournament with only one move ?”

“ You won for two reasons,” the teacher answered . “ First , you’ve almost one of the most difficult throws in all judo. Second , the only defense (防御) for all that move is for your opponent to take hold of your left arm..” The boy’s biggest weakness---- the loss of his left arm, had become his biggest strength.

1.A. TakeB. GiveC. ShowD. Make

2.A. injuredB. lostC. replacedD. broken

3.A. howB. whetherC. whyD. when

4.A. trainingB. matchesC. lecturesD. running

5.A. Needn’tB. Shouldn’tC. Mustn’tD. Wouldn’t

6.A. stillB. alsoC. evenD. ever

7.A. soB. butC. orD. and

8.A. themB. himC. himselfD. themselves

9.A. amazedB. excitedC. worriedD. pleased

10.A. wayB. manC. matchD. time

11.A. happenedB. appearedC. pretendedD. decided

12.A. become nervousB. feel tiredC. get hurtD. go sick

13.A. whileB. beforeC. whenD. until

14.A. orderedB. insistedC. explainedD. complained

15.A. Ever sinceB. By thenC. In timeD. Soon after

16.A. lostB. wonC. passedD. joined

17.A. courageB. strengthC. informationD. chance

18.A. inB. onC. forD. with

19.A. seenB. forgottenC. masteredD. remembered

20.A. knownB. interestingC. wrongD. clear


























3. , after three months of , the teacher had taught him only one move.可知这里意思是他不明白为什么三个月的训练,老师只教了他一个动作。这里含有一个宾语从句,且引导词在从句中作原因状语,故用why。

4. , the teacher had taught him only one move.


5. I be learning more moves?”可知这里想说“我不应该学习更多的动作吗” Needn’t不需要;Shouldn’t不应该;Mustn’t禁止;Wouldn’t将不。

6. need to know可知,这里想说这也是你永远需要知道的唯一动作。Still依然;also也;even甚至;ever永远。

7. believing in his teacher , the boy kept training.可知这里意思是不是很明白,但是他相信自己的老师。So所以;but但是;or或者;and和。

8. , the boy easily won his first three matches.可知这里想说令他自己非常吃惊,这个男孩很轻易就赢得了前三场比赛。

9. , the boy easily won his first three matches.可知这里填amazed。Amazed吃惊;excited兴奋的;worried担心的;pleased高兴的。

10. , his opponent (对手) was bigger , stronger , and more experienced .可知这次,他的对手更大,更强壮也更有经验。Way方法;man人类;match比赛;time这次。

11. to be in the disadvantage .可知这里意思是暂时,这个男孩处于劣势。Happened发生;appeared出现;pretended假装;decided决定。

12. , the judge called a time-out .可知这里意思是考虑到这个男孩可能受伤。become nervous变得紧张;feel tired感觉很累;get hurt受伤;go sick生病。

13. the teacher interrupted .可知这里意思是他要停止比赛,就在那个时候,老师打断了。While虽然;before在……之前;when在那时;until到……为止。

14. , “ Let him continue .”可知这里意思是老师坚持说:“让他比赛。” Ordered订购;insisted坚持;explained解释;complained抱怨。

15. , his opponent made the biggest mistake可知这里意思是不久以后,他的对手犯了很大的错误。Ever since自从;By then;In time及时;Soon after不久以后。


17. to ask the teacher what was really his mind.可知这里意思是这个男孩积聚了勇气。Courage勇气;strength力量;information信息;chance机会。

18. to ask the teacher what was really his mind.可知这里意思是这个男孩积聚了勇气问他的老师他是怎么想的。

19. one of the most difficult throws in all judo.可知这里意思是你几乎掌握了柔道中最重要的。Seen看见;forgotten忘记;mastered掌握;remembered记得。

20. defense (防御) for all that move is for your opponent to take hold of your left arm..”可知这里意思是唯一知道的防御动作。Known知道;interesting令人感兴趣的;wrong错误的;clear清楚的。



Who is the most powerful woman in the world? According to the US media, it's Janet Yellen, or at least she's about to be.

On Oct 9, 2013,US President Barack Obama nominated (提名)Yellen to serve as the next US Federal Reserve (the Fed, 美联储)chair. If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen will become the first woman to serve in the top spot.

Aged 67, silver-haired and tiny, Yellen is said to be the most qualified nominee ever. She chaired President Bill

Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, taught at Harvard and Berkeley, and was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. She is currently the Fed's vice chair.

Many think Yellen is the right choice to deal with the challenges the Fed now faces:First, to bring interest rates back to more normal levels without triggering a new recession(衰退).Second, to reduce the US unemployment rate, which remains at historically high levels.

A CNN opinion piece says Yellen is unusual for an economist of her caliber(才干)."She has kept her eyes on what's critical-the people. Her research has centered on unemployment, on the best way to modulate(调整)government policies to benefit the people."

Past records also show that Yellen is exceptionally good at predicting where the economy is headed. An article in The Washington Post points out that she was one of the few voices at the Fed inDecember 2009 warning about the subprime crisis(次贷危机)and the following recession.

The reason why Yellen will be the most powerful woman in the world has to do with the unique position of the Federal Reserve, explains an article on Quartz, a US news outlet for business people in the new global economy,

First of all, the Fed is independent. Unlike US Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Hilary Clinton, the decisions made by the organization Yellen will lead next year are not subject to approval by anyone in the government.

Within the Fed, the chair alone sets the agenda. The Fed chairperson has huge influence on monetary policy(货币政策)and financial regulation. And don't forget how powerful the Fed itself is. It controls the money supply in the world's largest economy. The Fed's interest rate decisions don't just set the course for the US economy, its decisions set the course for the world economy, too.

Because of globalization, Yellen's decisions will affect everyone around the world, says an article in The Atlantic, making her even more powerful than some great women rulers in history, including Elizabeth I of England and China's Wu Zetian. For example, the article continues: "If Yellen even just talks about slowing down the Fed's bond-buying, Europe's troubled economies are likely to see their interest rates rise, and emerging markets, some of which, like India and Indonesia, used foreign capital to fund their current account deficits(赤字),are likely to see their currencies collapse."

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for Yellen's nomination?

A.Yellen's professional experiences.

B.Yellen's ability to deal with the challenges the Fed faces.

C.Yellen's educational background.

D.Yellen's remarkable competence as an economist.

2.Janet Yelien will be the most powerful woman in the world because_·

A.the Fed is the most powerful organization in the US

B.Yellen gets full support from Obama

C. Yellen holds a unique position in the government

D. the Fed possesses great power and influence

3.What is the author's attitude towards Yellen's being nominated?

A. Optimistic. B. Negative.

C. Understanding. D. Doubtful.

4.What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?

A.To introduce the US Federal Reserve.

B.To report on the next Fed chair.

C. To introduce the current world economy.

D. To report on a few powerful women.



TOKYO, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded the forecast for global economic growth for 2012 to 3.3 percent before the IMF-World Bank 2012 annual meetings. The IMF called on all players to cooperate closely to improve the global economy as the global economy recovered more slowly than the IMF’s forecast in April due to many uncertainties.

“In advanced countries, growth is now too low to make a substantial dent in unemployment, and in major emerging countries, growth which had been strong earlier has also decreased.” said the IMF Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard at the press conference.

Good effects have been observed with right action taken by some central banks in the euro area, and IMF received the good signals and considered them a good opportunity to seize as many uncertainties, in every corner of the world, preventing the decision makers from investing, creating jobs and developing values. The IMF suggested if the measures continued working effectively, there is reason to believe the most difficult time for Europe will pass soon, the recovery will begin in 2013.

Looking into the future, IMF suggested there are four key policies for all members to do to make the economy keep going forward.

Firstly, continue to complete the financial sector reform contributing to the safety of the financial sector, as the safety has not improved much yet than five years ago. And then, countries should deal with the legacy(遗留) of high debt, especially in the advanced economies, which have extremely high level. Policy makers also need to expand the employment on creating the condition for economic growth, because the jobless rate among young people is unacceptable. Finally, all members of IMF should face the global unbalance, which is the topic that has been talked about for a long time.

Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, said the annual meetings of IMF could provide a broad platform for players, both new ones from the emerging market and traditional ones from the advanced market, and cooperation is the thing most needed, because the global economy is a cooperative game.

Title IMF appeals for close 1. to improve global economy.

ReasonGlobal economic recovery is 2. than expected because of many uncertainties.

3. of action taken

1. The IMF received good signals, which were4. a good opportunity to seize as many uncertainties around the world.

2. The IMF has seen the 5. measurers being taken in Europe, which show great promise of recovery.

6. to adopt

1. All countries should continue to complete the financial reform7. the financial sector safer.

2. Countries should 8. the legacy of high debt, especially in the extremely high-leveled advanced economies.

3. Policy makers need to create the condition for economic growth, so that more young people can become 9. .

4. All members should face the topic of global unbalance.

10. The annual meetings of IMF could provide a platform for all players where cooperation is most needed in improving the global economy.


Is early childhood education really necessary ? Early childhood education primarily focuses on learning through playing to develop the child’s physical , sensory , communicational and social development . Early childhood education has become a concern of the government , who pushes poor children to be formally trained before they are old enough for kindergarten .

There are good reasons for the government to push early childhood education . Studies have shown that orphaned children (孤儿) who did not receive good care and education become developmentally delayed causing failure in school , and even in life. Further studies show that poor children who take part in Head Start programs are more prepared for school , less likely to end up in Special Education classes , and are less likely to receive public help or go to jail (prison) .

There are also negative parts to putting a child in formal education programs too early . Time Magazine Online explains that “ the younger the child is , the less his chances of catching up with first-grade work .” I have personally witnessed many children of my generation who went to Head Start programs become frustrated and bored with school before they finished high school . Yet parents have been sure that the earlier the child starts school , the better off he or she is , so they push to start children earlier .

Actually while early formal education of poor children does show great gains in the early elementary years , studies also show that this head start is really a “ false start” , as the gains are lost in middle and high school years. It seems that environment is a bigger factor on life’s success than early education . Head Start programs have not achieved its original goal in closing the achievement gap in poor and middle school children. Perhaps it is time to find other ways to close that gap .

1.The government values the early childhood education in order to ___________ .

A. develop the children’s communication

B. help the children to learn by playing

C. get the children prepared for the kindergarten

D. train the children formally and regularly

2.According to the studies , ___________ .

A. children with good early education may have a rich life

B. the orphaned children are usually unhappy in their life

C. children without early education can do well at school

D. Head Start programs are helpful to the poor children

3.The explanation of Time Magazine Online suggests that ____________ .

A. the early childhood education is helpless to the child’s grade

B. it is good for the young children to receive early education

C. the early education can help the children follow the grade

D. the younger the children are , the more clever they will be

4.The main idea of the last paragraph is that ___________ .

A. the early childhood education is very necessary

B. Head Start programs have helped the children a lot

C. environment is the most important to life’s success

D. better ways should be found to help the poor children


A board game is a game played on a pre-marked surface or “board” according to a set of rules. Board games have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history. Do you think of yourself as a bit of an expert at board games like chess or Go?

Maybe you’re not quite as good as you think. New research from the University of Manchester and Oxford suggests complex games like these are impossible to learn fully. They may even be too complex for the human mind to understand.

Researchers studied two-player games, to try and understand the strategies which people use to make decisions during the game. Some games with two players are simple, with only a small number of possible moves. Players can quickly work out the best strategy but that means the game soon becomes boring.

It gets more interesting when there are many possible moves. That’s why people are so fascinated by complex board games like chess or Go, or some card games. But what the researchers found was that with difficult games, players find it hard to work out the best strategy and their actions become less reasonable.

This research is part of the field called game theory: the study of human strategic decision-making. Much thinking on how people play complex games is based on something called “the balance point”, which is when players have a perfect knowledge of what they are going to do and of what their rivals are going to do.

When you add more than two players then of course the game becomes even harder to understand. Trading on the stock market is an example of a complex multi-player game.

1.Which of the following games belongs to board games?

A. football B. badminton C. swimming D. Mahjong

2.It can be inferred in the passage that _______.

A. the simpler the board game is, the better it is

B. people dislike board games for the complex moves

C. players are easy to lose patience when in difficult games

D. it’s possible for people to understand complex games thoroughly

3.If players want to get to the balance point, they should ______.

A. ask other players to work out the best strategy

B. have a good knowledge of the games they are playing

C. figure out the next actions of themselves and their opponents

D. come to a quick decision about what to do next by themselves

4.In which section can we read this passage in a newspaper?

A. Culture B. Discovery C. Career D. Campus

5.The author intends to tell us ___________.

A. a new research about board games

B. the importance of playing board games

C. how the players win board games

D. how to learn board games fully


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