Ⅳ 写作(共四节,满分45分)
86 He was expected to
give the police a s_______ (确切的) and detailed account of the accident.
87. He likes this job
for its f___________ (弹性的)working hours.
88. To deal with this,
our government should take a__________ (合适的)measures.
89. The new government
has b_____ (禁止) strikes (罢工行动) during the
90. There is a lot of
a_______ (焦虑) among the staff about possible job losses.
91. Our new factory is
turning out large q_________ of goods.
92. Under no
c_______________ (情况) can their marriage be approved by their
93. We had
a____________(绝对地) no intention of stopping our business
94. You should be
a_________(羞愧) of yourself for telling such lies.
95. You’ve done well;
is there any efficient way a________(采用) to improve the
96. To defend against
diseases, we should lead a healthy life, s_________(加强)
our immune
97. In autumn, the
temperature in this city v_______(变化) from 10℃to 30℃ in
a day.
98. No employer was
willing to g__________(保证)the workers regular employment at that time.
99. The rise in carbon
dioxide is causing a s________(持续) increase in global warming.
100.The sound legal
system effectively prevents those officials from a_______(滥用)
their power.