Once a neighbour stole one of Washington’s horses. Washington went with a police officer to the neighbour’s farm to get the horse, but the neighbour refused to give the horse up; he claimed (声称) that it was his horse.

Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbour, “If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eyes he is blind.”

“In the right eye,” the neighbour said.

Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye.

“Oh, I have made a mistake,” said the neighbor. “He is blind in the left eye.”

Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye, either.

“I have made another mistake,” said the neighbor.

“Yes,” said the police officer, “and you have also proved that the horse does not belong to you. You must return it to Mr. Washington.”

Why did Mr. Washington go to the neighbor’s farm with a police officer?

A. Because the neighbor was the police officer’s friend.

B. Because he wanted to make the neighbor return the horse.

C. Because the police officer was Washington’s friend.

D. Because they were invited to the neighbor’s farm.

When Washington and the police officer reached the neighbor’s farm, the neighbor _____.

A. immediately admitted that he had stolen the horse

B. received them warmly

C. said he had lost a horse, too

D. didn’t want to give the horse back to Washington

When Washington asked the neighbor to tell them in which eye the horse was blind, the neighbor _____.

A. didn’t say anything   B. knew the horse wasn’t blind at all

C. thought the horse was really blind    D. said he had stolen the horse

From the passage, we know _____.

A. Washington was a wise man

B. Washington’s neighbor was cleverer than Washington

C. the police officer was the cleverest of the three

D. all the three men were not very clever


1.She                (一直思考) the subject for several years. She knows now that she can make a difference. (think)

2.                ( 他不管多忙), he always helps me with my English. (however)

3. The old man                (肯定看不见) anyone enter the victim’s room that day . He is blind. (see)

4. Not               (看完那本小说),Tom knew nothing about its tragic ending. (finish)

5. The star said he had hoped to win the Golden Horse Film Awards within 20 years, but          

(使他震惊) was that his dream was being fulfilled so soon. ( shock)

6.Oh, The Geli times is coming!               (据报道), Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown on The New York Times as well as People’s Daily. (report)

7. To his relief,once published,his book as well as his poems                (没辜负读者的期望).Instead they appeal to the readers . (live)

8. It is not air travel but car travel                (有更加有害的影响) climate change in the long term.(influence)

9.So hard                (他学习) in the past few months that he can easily pass the examination. (study)

10. Mathematical gift,musical ability or a way with words have come               (被认为是)natural talents or,biologically speaking,in our genes. (think)


1.Make a comparison and you will find that the same shirt in this clothing store________as in that
shopping mall.(cost)
2.________many times, cultivating diverse interests is of great importance to your career development
in the future.(stress)
3.The old man's evidence can't be accepted-he________anyone enter the victim's room that day,
because he is blind.(see)
4.Jack was so worried about the drowning dog that the dived into the lake________.(stop)
5.Meteorologists were trying to find out______contributed to bitter cold weather in Europe at the
beginning of 2012.(it)
6.With________,we should take relative measures immediately to ensure that our goals can be
achieved successfuly.(clarify)
7.The earthquake is reported________more than 300 live in Indonesia.(claim)
8.Though a lot of difficulties are awaiting me, I wish I ________the new environment as soon as
9.Honestly speaking, I have no idea________the driving test at the first attempt.(pass)
10.Only when he thought of his lovely daughter________a little relieved during the hard days.(feel)



Once a neighbour stole one of Washington’s horses. Washington went with a police officer to the neighbour’s farm to get the horse, but the neighbour refused to give the horse up; he claimed (声称) that it was his horse.

Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbour, “If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eyes he is blind.”

“In the right eye,” the neighbour said.

Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye.

“Oh, I have made a mistake,” said the neighbor. “He is blind in the left eye.”

Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye, either.

“I have made another mistake,” said the neighbor.

“Yes,” said the police officer, “and you have also proved that the horse does not belong to you. You must return it to Mr. Washington.”

56. Why did Mr. Washington go to the neighbor’s farm with a police officer?

A. Because the neighbor was the police officer’s friend.

B. Because he wanted to make the neighbor return the horse.

C. Because the police officer was Washington’s friend.

D. Because they were invited to the neighbor’s farm.

57. When Washington and the police officer reached the neighbor’s farm, the neighbor _____.

A. immediately admitted that he had stolen the horse

B. received them warmly

C. said he had lost a horse, too

D. didn’t want to give the horse back to Washington

58. When Washington asked the neighbor to tell them in which eye the horse was blind, the neighbor _____.

A. didn’t say anything   B. knew the horse wasn’t blind at all

C. thought the horse was really blind                  D. said he had stolen the horse

59. From the passage, we know _____.

A. Washington was a wise man

B. Washington’s neighbor was cleverer than Washington

C. the police officer was the cleverest of the three

D. all the three men were not very clever

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