
【题目】A clinic in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, works to support the health of people and forests.

Kinari Webb is an American doctor who helped start the non-profit group that operates the clinic. The group is known as ASRI. Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging(伐木) was often their only way to earn money to pay for health care. "Villagers know that if they protect the forest, that’s good for their long-term well-being. But if they have no money to see a doctor, they have to do illegal logging," said Dr. Webb.

The clinic is in Sukadana, a village outside Gunung Palung National Park. Each month someone from ASRI visits the surrounding villages to see if they are actively logging or burning land within the park. Communities that do not take part in illegal logging pay about 40 percent less for health care than those that do. Also, the clinic uses a barter system. Patients can pay with things like handmade baskets, labor exchanges, young trees or fruit they grow.

Patients learn about environmental conservation as they wait to register at the clinic. Many of the 70 staff members also help communities learn about organic farming and other ways to earn money. In May, ASRI started a program to identify forest "guardians". These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging. One of the guardians says he entered the program because ASRI helped his son recover from tuberculosis(肺结核).

The clinic is small, but very busy. However, people did not trust the clinic at first. They wanted to go to the only hospital in the area. Yet its resources are limited and villagers often have to travel more than two hours to get there.

Now, people happily share stories about the clinic. Amelia’s mother is one of them. She started going there when her daughter was eight months old. She says the treatment is good. Dr. Webb smiled when she heard that.

Dr. Webb said: "Health care is an incredible key. And everyone everywhere around knows that we really care and that we are helping save their lives."

1A barter system is a system in which .

A. people trade by the exchange of goods

B. patients can receive a free treatment

C. customers pay the goods in cash

D. trees are taken good care of

2Kinari Webb set up the clinic for the following purposes EXCEPT .

A. treating the local patients

B. protecting the forests

C. teaching people about organic farming

D. forcing the only hospital out of the area

3We can infer that .

A. only a few people went to the clinic at the beginning

B. the clinic is well equipped

C. Amelia’s mother is not satisfied with the medical service

D. the only hospital in the area is of poor service







试题分析:本文主要讲述了Kinari Webb开办一个诊所目的:治病救人、保护森林和传授有机农业知识

小题1推理判断题。根据第三段的最后一句可知barter system是一种实物交易的制度。

小题2细节理解题。根据第一段和第四段内容可知Kinari Webb开办这个诊所的目的有:治病救人、保护森林和传授有机农业知识等。故A、B和C项是正确的信息,D项没有提到,故选D项。

小题3推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的"However, people did not trust the clinic at first. They wanted to go to the only hospital in the area."可知诊所刚开张时当地人并不信任它,他们只想去当地唯一的医院看病,由此可推断当时的诊所病人不太多,故选A。


【题目】The National Geographic Channel has unearthed a time capsule (时光宝盒) buried by late Apple chairman and co-founder Steve Jobs thirty years ago.

The time capsule was buried in Aspen, Colorado, in 1983, shortly after Jobs attended the International Design Conference being held in that city. Organizers called the device the Aspen Time Tube and contributed items like Rubik's cubes(魔方) and some iconic music. Jobs added his own items to the capsule, including the " Lisa" ( also known as an "Apple" ) mouse" he used for his presentation at the conference.

Younger readers may not recognize the name but the Lisa Apple mouse was one of the first commercial mice released to consumers. The mouse was specially designed for the Apple Lisa computer. It's also the first personal computer to offer users a graphical user interface(图形用户界面)

Initially, the plan was to dig up the time capsule in the year2000, but organizers forgot its exact location. Recently, they brought in researchers working with the National Geographic Channel show Diggers to find the device. Eventually they came across the 13-foot-long, 1.5-foot-diameter tube. Inside they found a lot of 1980s artifacts(人工制品)that are still being catalogued.

“When the end came off, literally things just poured out.” noted Diggers host Tim Saylor "There must be literally thousands of things in there.”

“They had the foresight to put a bunch of stuff in plastic bags." Saylor said. “I could see at least a dozen plastic bags and other items. But I know for sure there got to the photographs in there. /span>People had hand-written things on the back of the photographs, so there will be some really interesting things inside.”

Among the artifacts researchers expect to discover inside: a Steve Jobs speech in which the Apple visionary outlines his predictions for future technologies. We should know more about the researchers, discoveries once the Diggers program airs this fall.

1Which of the following is true about the Lisa mouse?

A. The mouse was the first commercial one for consumers.

B. The mouse was created only for the Apple Lisa computer.

C. The mouse was buried in Aspen, Colorado for two decades.

D. The mouse was invented after the International Design Conference.

2Why wasn't the time capsule dug up in 2000?

A. Because it was not the time set by Steve Jobs.

B. Because it could not be accurately located.

C. Because organizers forgot its precise shape.

D. Because the local government didn't approve.

3From the passage we can infer that_______.

A. there were some special photographs found-inside the time capsule

B. a Steve Jobs speech with future predictions was found inside the cap

C. Steve Jobs predictions for future technologies have come true

D. more about the capsule will be discovered in the Diggers program

4The best title for the passage might be _______.

A. The "Lost" Steve Jobs Time Capsule

B. The Mystery of Steve Jobs Speech Solved

C. Steve Jobs' 1983 Time Capsule Recovered

D. Co-founder & Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs

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