
--- I am thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
---______! I’m sure you’ll make it.

A.Go aheadB.Good luck
C.No problemD.Cheer up


解析试题分析:考查交际用语:A. Go ahead请便B. Good luck祝好运, C. No problem没问题D. Cheer up振作起来,句意:--我在想昨天的考试,恐怕我这次不能通过了。--振作起来,我肯定你会通过的。选D。


Australians have been warned they face a life or death decision over their water-drink recycled sewage(污水) or die.

With the drought(干旱) continuing, the country is set to be forced to use purified(净化的) waste water for drinking, even though there is great opposition to the measure.

Queensland has become the first state to introduce the policy after a warning from its premier(总理).

“I think in the end, because of the drought, all of Australia is going to end up drinking recycled purified water,” said Peter Beattie.

“These are difficult decisions, but you either drink water or you die. There's no choice. It's liquid gold, it's a matter of life and death.”

Beattie said Australia's second largest state would become the first to use recycled water for drinking.

Water is recycled in Britain and parts of northern Europe along with the US and Israel.

But Australians have rebutted the idea.

To try to change the way of Australians think, Prime Minister John Howard and Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull have backed Queensland's move.

“I am very strongly in favour of recycling and Mr Beattie is right and I agree with him completely,” Howard said.

Turnbull added that Australian cities, all now facing water shortages because of the worst drought on record, must start to use recycled water.

“All of our big cities have to widen the range of water sources to include sources which are not dependent on rainfall,” he said.

1.What would the BEST title for the passage be?

A. It's Life or Death

B. Struggling With Drought

C. Australians' Efforts to Settle Water Issues

D. Drinking Recycled Purified Water or Not

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Queensland is the first state to use recycled water for drinking voluntarily.

B. No other countries but Australia once used purified waste water for drinking.

C. Australians well understand the policy, showing support and acceptance.

D. The drought is the worst one of the droughts recorded in Australian history.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Turnbull?

A. He is the Australian Environment Minister and Prime Minister.

B. He expresses his opposition to the idea of using recycled water for drinking.

C. He thinks that to use recycled water will be a long-term process.

D. He suggests more water sources should be found to live through the hard time.

4. The underlined word “rebutted” in Paragraph 8 probably means________.

A. been fond of  B. objected to

C. turned a deaf ear to  D. doubted

5.What attitude does Queensland Premier Peter Beattie show towards the measure?

A. He feels very glad.  B. He feels at ease.

C. He can't help it.  D. He has lost heart.

One year ago, I traveled 15,000 kilometers from Australia to the US. I am from a beachside town in the   16  of Sydney, and thought there would be almost no   17  differences between my home country and my 18  . I was surprised at how wrong I was, and at  19  different the two countries could be.
The United States is   20  in almost every aspect. The buildings are gigantic (巨大的) and so are the people who   21  and work in them. At mealtimes, the portions (份额) often   22  to me to be big enough for three or four people. I once   23  a baked potato which turned out to be bigger than my head! This was a big   24  for me.
The longer I spent in the US, the more I started to   25  smaller differences like the culture of   26  in restaurants. In Australia we don’t tend to give a tip   27  the service has been really excellent. In the US you tip for   28  everything, even at the hairdresser. Waiters and shop assistants   29  to be given 15 percent of the bill, although in places   30 New York or Washington DC, a tip can be as much as 20 percent.
  31 , I also became more wary (谨慎的) of believing the stereotypes (成见) I had heard at home as I traveled. Not all Americans are ignorant of geography, for example.
Despite this, certain stereotypes about places did seem to   32  true for me. There is an immense (强烈的) sense of speed in New York. Everyone   33  to and fro, and very seldom takes time to   34  the moment. This is very different from the Australian lifestyle. Australians are laid back. Even in a major city like Sydney, we “Aussies” take time to “stop and smell the roses”---very different from our American counterparts.
Navigating (驾驭) the culture divide between Australia and the US was challenging at times. But I took up that   35  and learned a lot from it. It was an adventure.

A.home townB.departureC.locationD.destination
A.depend onB.reflect onC.spy onD.watch on

Good afternoon, everyone,
I’d like to introduce my friend Christy to you all. Christy is a great example of how one person with 1   can make her dream a reality, so she should win the Student of the Year Award.
Christy loves to ride bikes. She does not just ride along city streets, 2   . She is interested in 3    trail (小路) rides. 4    Christy knew that people who love riding had to travel 5   the city to locate good bike trails, so she 6   to do something.
Christy knew that Roosevelt Park had a clean, lively creek(小溪)7   through it. 12 miles of land around the creek was 8   used. Christy decided to get together with other trail9  to ask the city council to 10  a bike path along the unused land. Christy   11  a petition (请愿书). She and other riders asked all of their biking friends if they would12   the list, and they gathered 300 signatures. The city council evaluated the 13   and, more 14  , agreed to allow the bike trail.
The 15   took two months of work, and now Roosevelt Park has a 16   bike trail. It has many ups and downs; it is a great ride. This trail is becoming one of the community’s important 17   spots. I can’t 18   with Christy when we ride together, but I am glad that she decided to work hard to begin the 19     of the Roosevelt Park bike path. Christy 20   this award because she acted on her dream, causing a community to come together.
Thank you!

A.put upB.keep upC.end upD.turn up

I watch her and her mother decorate her college dormitory room. Everything is in place organized and arranged. Her room nicely accommodates not only her clothes and bric-a-brac(小摆设), but her ___36___ as well. I begin to accept that her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours, our room for her when she ___37___.
I ___38___ myself thinking of when I held her in the cradle of my arm, in the chair alongside my wife's hospital bed. One day old. So ___39___, so beautiful, so perfect, so ___40___ dependent on her new, ___41___ parents. Time marches relentlessly(不停地).
She looks up now, catching me ___42___ at her, causing her to say to her mother." Mom, Dad's looking at me ___43____”.
The last few days, I touch her arm, her face--- ___44___ that when my wife and I return home, she will not be ___45___ us. I have so much to say, but no ___46___ with which to say it.
My ___47___ changed from the day I drove this child home from the hospital. I saw myself ___48___ that day, and it has led to a lot of places that I would never have found on my own.
She says, “It'll be all right, Dad. I'll be home from school ___49___.” I tell her she will have a great year but I say little else. I am afraid somehow to speak and I only hold on to our good-bye hug a little longer, a little ___50___.
I gaze into her eyes and ___51___to go. My wife's eyes follow her as she leaves us. ___52___ do not. Maybe if I don't look, I can imagine that she really hasn't ___53___ ; I know that what she is embarking upon(开始) is exciting and wonderful. I remember what the world looked like to me ___54___ everything was new.
As I walk to the car with my wife at my side, my eyes are wet, my heart is sore, and I realize that my life is ___55___ forever.

A.livesB.visitsC.separates D.graduates
【小题8】A funny        B. frightening     C. kind            D. sad
A.HersB.My wife'sC.MineD.Ours

第一节 完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)
Richard Rice, a fast-talking man paced up and down in front of the freshmen debate class, telling us about his high expectations. We were special, he declared on our first day at Oak Park High School. But there would be no   21  to success. Only those who worked hard would shine.
Suddenly Mr. Rice   22  in mid-sentence and looked at me. “You know,” he said “you’re black!” Somehow, I knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me.
Mr. Rice was no   23  teacher. I entered high school not even quite sure what debate was. I left his class four years later as an outstanding debater. Even today, I am not sure what   24  such a great teacher of him. He always said whatever he was thinking. And he was   25 . He would march out of the classroom   26  if he thought a student was giving less than his effort. The worse thing with us was to be taken no notice of. Instead, being torn apart by Mr. Rice in the middle of a practice debate meant you were one of his favorites.
He wasn’t always   27  on us. I’ll never forget the National Student Debate, at which my calm delivery and my firm grasp of the problems disappeared. The only face I could make out in the audience was Mr. Rice’ s face. I could   28  I was doing terrible just by looking at him. After it was over, he came over to me. “Not my best   29 ,” I said. He shook his head, “No.” Then, to my surprise, he gave me a hug.
Mr. Rice’s style didn’t make him a great teacher for everyone. Many kids   30   out of the debate class after the first year. But for me four years with him was my unforgettable experience.
21. A. manners              B. methods                   C. shortcuts                  D. steps
22. A. rose                    B. paused                            C. shook                       D. turned
23. A. average               B. excellent                  C. special                            D. usual
24. A. developed           B. made                       C. got                          D. became
25. A. demanding          B. careful                            C. easygoing                 D. gentle
26. A. hopelessly           B. surprisingly                     C. angrily                            D. vitally
27. A. strict                  B. cruel                        C. impatient                  D. hard
28. A. speak                  B. tell                          C. talk                          D. recognize
29. A. speech            B. argument                  C. performance             D. behavior
30. A. got                            B. ran                          C. turned                      D. dropped

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