Today I'd like to tell you something that I experience in the City Park£®In the afternoon of last Sunday£¬my friend and I were taking a walk along a river in the City Park£¬when suddenly we heard a boy call for help in the river£®We jumped into the river or pulled the boy out£®Then we made him to breathe using the mouth-to-mouth way£®After a while£¬the boy came to himself£¬we sent her to hospital at once and telephoned his parents£®The boy was saved£®His parents were very thankful us and the doctors thought high of our first aid£®From this£¬we realized that knowing first aid is help and important because it can help us to save lives£®
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½â´ð Today I'd like to tell you something that I experience in the City Park£®In the afternoon of last Sunday£¬my friend and I were taking a walk along a river in the City Park£¬when suddenly we heard a boy call for help in the river£®We jumped into the river or pulled the boy out£®Then we made him to breathe using the mouth-to-mouth way£®After a while£¬the boy came to himself£¬¡Äwe sent her to hospital at once and telephoned his parents£®The boy was saved£®His parents were very thankful¡Äus and the doctors thought high of our first aid£®From this£¬we realized that knowing first aid is help and important because it can help us to save lives£®
1£®´ð°¸experience¸ÄΪexperienced£®¿¼²éʱ̬£®¸ù¾ÝºóÎÄ"the afternoon of last Sunday"¿ÉÖª£¬×÷Õß¾ÀúµÄÕâ¼þÊ·¢ÉúÔÚ¹ýÈ¥£¬ÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£¬ÓÃexperienced£®
3£®´ð°¸call¸ÄΪcalling£®¿¼²é¶¯´ÊV-ingÐÎʽ£®hear sb£®doing sth£®Ìý¼ûijÈËÕýÔÚ×öijÊ£¨ÕýÔÚ½øÐУ©£®hear sb£®do sth£®Ìý¼ûijÈË×öijÊ£¨Õû¸ö¹ý³Ì£©£®´Ë´¦Ö¸ÎÒÃÇÌý¼ûÒ»¸öÄк¢ÔÚº°¾ÈÃü£¬Ìý¼ûµÄʱºò£¬callÕâ¸ö¶¯×÷ÕýÔÚ·¢Éú£¬¹ÊÓÃcalling£®
5£®´ð°¸himºóÈ¥µôto£®¿¼²é¶¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½£®make sb£®do sth£®ÈÃijÈË×öijÊ£®È¥µôto£®
6£®´ð°¸we sentÇ°¼Óand£®¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê£®the boy came to himselfΪһ¾ä»°£¬we sent her to hospital at once and telephoned his parentsΪÁíÒ»¾ä»°£¬Á½¾ä»°Ö®¼äÐëÓÐÁ¬´Ê£¬´Ë´¦¼Óand£¬Îª²¢ÁйØϵ£¬Äк¢ÐÑÁË£¬ÎÒÃÇËÍËûÈ¥Ò½Ôº£®
7£®´ð°¸her¸ÄΪhim£®¿¼²é´ú´Ê£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎÄ"the boy came to himself"¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ö¸´úthe boy£¬¹Êher¸ÄΪhim£®
8£®´ð°¸thankfulºó¼Óto£®¿¼²é½é´Ê£®be thankful to sb£®¸ÐлijÈË£¬¸Ð¼¤Ä³ÈË£®
9£®´ð°¸high¸ÄΪhighly£®¿¼²é¸±´Ê£®think highly of Ϊ¹Ì¶¨´Ê×飬ÒâΪ"¸ß¶ÈÔÞÑ¸ß¶ÈÆÀ¼Û"£®
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During his college years£¬Rogers£¨41£©Ba summer in an Idaho logging camp£¨·¥Ä¾³¡£©£®When the boss had to leave for a few days£¬he put Rogers in charge£®
"£¨42£©Aif the men refuse to follow my orders£¿"Rogers asked£®He thought of Tony£¬an immigrant worker who £¨43£©Aall day£¬giving the other men a£¨44£©Dtime£®
"Fire them£¬"the boss said£®Then£¬as if £¨45£©DRogers'mind£¬he added£¬"I suppose you think you are going to fire Tony if you get the£¨46£©A£®I'd feel £¨47£©Babout that£®I have been logging for 40years£®Tony is the most£¨48£©Cworker I've ever had£®I know he is a troublemaker and that he£¨49£©Deverybody and everything£®But he comes in first and leaves last£®There has not been an£¨50£©Afor eight years on the hill where he works£®"
Rogers took over the next day£®He went to Tony and spoke to him£®"Tony£¬do you know I'm in charge here today£¿"Tony grunted£¨à½à죩£®"I was going to fire you the first time we tangled£¨¾À²ø£©£¬£¨51£©DI want you to know I'm not£¬"he told Tony£¬£¨52£©Bwhat the boss had said£®
When Rogers finished£¬Tony£¨53£©Bthe spadeful£¨²ù×Ó£©of sand he had held and tears streamed£¨54£©Chis face£®
That day Tony worked harder than ever before£®
Twelve years later Rogers met Tony again who was now the£¨55£©Afor railroad construction for one of the largest logging companies in the West£®Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to have such£¨56£©D£®
Tony replied£¬"If it not be for the one£¨57£©Cyou talk to me back in Idaho£¬I kill somebody someday£®One minute£¨58£©Bmy whole life£®"
Effective managers know the£¨59£©Aof taking a moment to point out what a worker is doing well£®But what a £¨60£©Ca minute of yes can make in any relationship!
41£®A£®wasted | B£®spent | C£®trained | D£®traveled |
42£®A£®What | B£®How | C£®Why | D£®Who |
43£®A£®troubled | B£®helped | C£®smiled | D£®spoke |
44£®A£®easy | B£®surprising | C£®happy | D£®hard |
45£®A£®recognizing | B£®having | C£®bearing | D£®reading |
46£®A£®chance | B£®order | C£®support | D£®evidence |
47£®A£®proud | B£®bad | C£®ugly | D£®well |
48£®A£®quarrelsome | B£®elegant | C£®reliable | D£®silent |
49£®A£®respects | B£®protects | C£®hurts | D£®hates |
50£®A£®accident | B£®chance | C£®opportunity | D£®argument |
51£®A£®and | B£®or | C£®besides | D£®but |
52£®A£®lying | B£®adding | C£®smiling | D£®replying |
53£®A£®threw | B£®dropped | C£®carried | D£®lifted |
54£®A£®through | B£®on | C£®down | D£®in |
55£®A£®boss | B£®worker | C£®engine-driver | D£®immigrant |
56£®A£®railroad | B£®companies | C£®life | D£®success |
57£®A£®word | B£®thing | C£®minute | D£®lesson |
58£®A£®save | B£®change | C£®color | D£®lose |
59£®A£®importance | B£®method | C£®result | D£®influence |
60£®A£®choice | B£®decision | C£®difference | D£®conclusion |
A£® | is | B£® | was | C£® | are | D£® | were |
A£® | which | B£® | in what | C£® | in which | D£® | where |
---Just so-so£®My business failed and I am reduced to _____ occasionally£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | burn myself out | B£® | hiring myself out | ||
C£® | trying myself out | D£® | stretch myself out |