
5.The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _______ some European business partners.(  )
A.would meetB.is meetingC.meetsD.had met

分析 句意:据说经理在巴黎与欧洲的一些生意合作伙伴洽谈之后已经回来了.

解答 答案D.此题的突破口在"sb be said to have done sth"这个结构意思的理解上,意为"某人据说已经做过某事".由语境可知,句中"经理从巴黎回来"是过去发生的动作,而从句中的动作是在他回来之前已经发生的,属于"过去的过去"行为,故用过去完成时,D项符合语境,故选D.

点评 本题考查时态的用法.解答此类题目的关键是要读懂句意,正确理解句中的固定结构,分析上下文的语境,判断时态,锁定答案.


Once a wise man and his student traveled to a remote, mountainous place. They were well _______ at a cottage by a family of five. The wise man asked: “How do you _______ in such a poor place?”

“That’s what keeps us going,” said the host, _______ to a thin, tired cow. “She gives us milk, some of which we drink and some we make into _______. When there is extra, we _______ the milk and cheese for other types of food.”

The wise man thanked them and left. When he reached the first _______ in the road, he said to his student: “Get the cow, take it to the _______, and push it off.”_______ and angry though the student was, he obeyed.

As years passed by, the _______ became too much to bear and the student returned to that cottage to find out what he could do. Upon rounding the bend, he could not believe his eyes. In place of the __________ there was a beautiful house with trees all around, several cars in the __________, a satellite dish, and on and on. He __________ the man from several years before, strong and confident. He went __________ to the man and asked: “What happened?”

The man __________ with a smile: “Our cow fell off the cliff and died. To survive, we had to __________ new ways of doing things and __________ new skills. And so, we are now much __________.”

Sometimes our __________ on something small and limited is the biggest obstacle(障碍) to our growth. Once you __________ yourself of the thought “it’s little but it’s certain,” then your life will really change. May you have the __________ to recognize your “cow” this new year, and the courage to push it off the cliff.

1.A. received B. accepted C. educated D. behaved

2.A. succeed B. survive C. accommodate D. communicate

3.A. referring B. pointing C. sticking D. attending

4.A. cream B. yogurt C. cheese D. butter

5.A. replace B. place C. exchange D. change

6.A. bend B. village C. tree D. bridge

7.A. valley B. river C. cliff D. cave

8.A. Puzzled B. Bored C. Excited D. Ashamed

9.A. depression B. confusion C. anger D. guilt

10.A. fence B. cottage C. road D. hill

11.A. house B. passage C. balcony D. garage

12.A. congratulated B. recognized C. acknowledged D. greeted

13.A. by B. back C. over D. about

14.A. replied B. responded C. reflected D. reacted

15.A. come up with B. put up with C. keep up with D. catch up with

16.A. evolve B. extend C. develop D. polish

17.A. well off B. badly off C. better off D. worse off

18.A. dependence B. attention C. focus D. faith

19.A. remind B. inform C. warn D. free

20.A. perseverance B. fortune C. wisdom D. distinction

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