
20.I was going to the store one cold evening and as I was approaching the store there(56)was(be)a man in the front of the store.He looked at me and said really loud"Hi."
I replied,"Hi,how are you?"He said"I am fine."and then he looked at me as if he recognized me and asked,"How is your mother?"
Of course,I didn't know what(57)to say(say) to that question(58)because my mother had been(59)dead(die) for several years.I found this(60)really(real)strange so I finally said,"She is fine,thank you and how are you?"
He also said he was fine.I then answered,"Good.Can I do anything to help you at all?"All he said was that he really needed a hug.I hugged for a while this poor soul(61)anda stranger.I said,"Where are you staying?Do you need a ride?"He said,"No,I have my bike.I live at the Church down the street."I answered,"Let me(62)give(give) you something.It's not much,but that is all I can afford."So I took out﹩10(63)frommy purse,gave it to him and then went home.(64)To tell(tell) you the truth,I always feel(65)helping(help) others is really great.

分析 本文写了作者在遇到一个陌生人时,进行了一些对话还给了一些精神上和金钱上的帮助.

解答 56.was.考查固定句型.此处是there be句型,时态为过去式,另外句子主语为单数形式.所以答案填was.
57.to say考查不定式.疑问词+to do在英语中可以做宾语.根据句意:我不知道该说什么.所以答案填to say.
59.dead 考查形容词.根据句意:因为我妈妈已经死了.此处用die的形容词形式,用作表语.
60.really 考查副词.根据句意:这真的很奇怪.此处用副词really修饰形容词strange.
61.and 考查连词.我拥抱了一会儿这个可怜的灵魂而且是一个陌生人.and是连词"而且".
62.give  考查固定结构.let sb do sth,让某人做某事.根据句意:我给你些东西.所以答案填give.
63.from  考查固定搭配.take out sth from 拿出某物,根据句意:我从钱包里取出十美元.所以答案填from.
64.To tell 考查固定结构.to tell you the truth.是英语的固定搭配"说实话".
65.helping 考查动名词.分析句子可知help others在句中做主语,所以用动名词helping.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

11.Rene Laennec was a French doctor who learned to tap on people's chests to find out illness from an Austrian doctor named Leopold Auenbrugger.As a boy,Leopold used to tap wine(41)containers(contain) in his father's inn to see how much wine they held.A full one made(42)a  different sound from an empty one.When he became a doctor,he(43)tapped (tap)people's chests to see how much liquid was in their lungs.Laennec did the same and learned to tell by tapping carefully on a chest(44)whetherit was diseased or not.But he was even more interested(45)in diseases of the heart,and he wished that he could hear heartbeats clearly.In those days,a doctor would place his head on a patient's chest to listen,but if the patient was(46)extremely(extreme) fat it was impossible to hear any heartbeat at all.
One day when Laennec(47)was walking(walk) in the park,he saw some girls playing with a see-saw(跷跷板).One of them scratched the end of the board while the others placed their ears against the other end.On walking up,the doctor was asked why the sounds travelled along the wood."The sounds are magnified(放大),girls,er…"Suddenly he turned and rushed back to the hospital.Quickly(48)taking(take) some thick paper,he rolled it up like a tube and began listening to patients'chests.He heard the heartbeats and(49)their(they) breathing clearly.Laennec soon made a better instrument of wood,one he called a stethoscope(听诊器).Later,they(50)were made (make) of steel and rubber.
5.Steps to clean eating:It's easier than you think
1.Avoid most packaged and processed foods.
The first step in clean eating.(36)A While bagged,boxed,or canned foods can be a convenience-especially for healthy,out-of-season foods,make the habit of looking for added sugars,salt,and fats.You can always"correct"the flavors if you choose,with your own additions.
2.Choose real foods.
Look for foods that you can recognize in their whole,natural state.(37)G And include frozen fruits and vegetables in the mix.You'll save money and enjoy out-of-season produce,like blueberries in winter.
3.Cook and eat at home.
 (38)B No guesswork or taste-testing for hidden fats,salt,and sugar found in restaurant meals and prepared foods.You can personalize your eating with spices and herbs instead of salt,smaller amounts of healthy fats,and a lot less sugar.
4.Stay hydrated.
Our bodies need enough water for the best function.And while fruits and vegetables are mostly water and contribute a large portion of daily fluid needs,added fluids are needed daily.While the newest guidelines suggest drinking"when thirsty",most people ignore these signals,or don't really recognize them.(39)E
5.Limit caffeine and alcohol.
New science fully documents the health benefits of reducing amounts of caffeine.Caffeine can boost alertness,energy,and mental focus when used modestly.(40)D Aim for up to 300mg daily.And while alcohol can be a health plus,limit your intake to up to one daily serving for women,and two for men.

A.Read labels to avoid added sugars,salt,and fats.
B.When you cook at home you know the materials in every dish.
C.All humans are born with a sweet tooth.
D.As caffeine intake rises,so do negative side effects.
E.Aim for at least 6glasses of water daily.
F.Form a healthy eating habit and then you'll enjoy a better quality of life.
G.Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables for the best nutrient density and freshness.
7.Teen star Xu Shilin made Chinese sports history on Tuesday when she officially moved on the top of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) world junior rankings for girls'aged 18-and-under at last week's Osaka Mayor's Cup in Japan."I am very proud to become the first Chinese player to earn the number one world junior ranking,"said Xu,who has been Asia's top-ranked junior player during the past two years."The 2014 season is not over yet,so I need to stay focused and continue to play like I did in Japan.Osaka was a really incredible week as I played my style of tennis,keeping the points short and always being aggressive."
    Xu lives and trains in Shenzhen with her father and coach Xu Yang.Xu has three more tournaments (比赛) to finish the 2014 tennis season.Xu will attempt to defend her Asian titles in singles and doubles in Korea during November 10-16,and then finish the season during the first two weeks of December playing two world-class events-Eddie Herr and Orange Bowl--in Florida,USA.
    As a junior player,Xu was limited to playing 12 professional tournaments in 2014 but has still managed to climb to number 414 in the latest WTA world rankings,one of the highest rankings for a junior player.
    Returning to Florida will be familiar playing conditions for Xu,who lived in the US state with her family while training full-time at various tennis academies during ages 8 to 13,before returning to China in 2012.Remaining outside of the state-supported sports training system,Xu's father Xu Yang has been her full-time coach since putting a racquet (球拍) in her hand at age three.
29.Judging from the second paragraph,we knowC.
A.Xu Shilin must have been relaxed when playing in Osaka
B.Xu Shilin can have a complete relaxation after return from Osaka
C.Xu Shilin will be fully prepared for the coming competition
D.Xu Shilin has build her confidence after the competition in Osaka
30.Xu Shilin's last world-class event this year will be held inD.
A.Shenzhen       B.Osaka       C.Korea        D.Florida
31.Returning to Florida will be familiar playing conditions for Xu Shilin,becauseB.
A.She was born and brought up there 
B.She started to receive full-time training there
C.She rose to fame in this condition   
D.She was familiar with the living conditions
32.What might be the best title for the passage?A
A.China's Xu Shilin becomes World's No.1 junior tennis player.
B.The International Tennis Federation saw Xu Shilin's growth.
C.China's Xu Shilin and her coach.
D.China's Xu Shilin,a great tennis player.

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