
Early this morning, I got up to make a batch of Rice Krispie treats(大米花糖) for my neighbor across the hall. She   21  greets me when we see each other, and her little boy, who’s now 4, won’t talk to me either.

Last Monday, she called the firefighters when a pan I’d forgotten on the stove caused my flat to     22  . I had gone for a walk, but when I came home the street in front of our apartment was   23   by a police car, a fire truck and an ambulance!   24   I saw them, I remembered the pan!

I felt safe knowing that    25  we don’t get along, my neighbor had done the right thing and didn’t blame me. Hence, the Rice Krispie treats.

Last Christmas, my neighbor revealed that she had been a little angry about me because of a(n) __26___ four years ago. I had apologized and asked if there was anything I could do to ___27___ our relationship, but she would not accept my     28  .

Her direct refusal really    29   me. After that, I decided I’d just leave her be—a relationship     30   two to work.

So, you see, I was really scared she was going to refuse my offer again,    31    me standing on her     32   holding my plate of treats. Then, I reminded myself of how good I had felt the day before when I’d done some random acts of ___33___ after telling myself: “ Feel the fear, and do it    34   !”

After placing the Rice Krispie treats on a beautiful plate, I opened my apartment door and met her in the hall way. I said:“I just wanted to tell you how    35   I am that you were paying attention on Monday.” I held the plate    36  her, explaining these were very sweet American treats and that she    37  try to see whether she and her family liked them. She took the plate and we talked a bit about   38   she’d become aware of the smoke in my flat before parting ways.

Back at home I    39   a “ happy dance”, because I had been kind even though I wasn’t sure it would be appreciated. I want to be able to be kind without expecting people to    40  in a certain way.

1.                A.warmly         B.occasionally      C.barely    D.frequently


2.                A.go up          B.smoke up       C.burn up  D.tear up


3.                A.filled           B.surrounded      C.blocked  D.taken


4.                A.The instant      B.For a minute     C.That moment  D.At that time


5.                A.as though       B.in case          C.now that  D.even though


6.                A.affair          B.incident        C.deed D.event


7.                A.improve        B.build           C.reunite   D.establish


8.                A.advice         B.suggestion       C.apology   D.request


9.                A.shocked        B.saddened       C.amused   D.amazed


10.               A.takes          B.costs           C.covers    D.makes


11.               A.having         B.leaving         C.keeping   D.remaining


12.               A.home          B.hall            C.apartment D.doorstep


13.               A.kindness        B.happiness       C.politeness D.willingness


14.               A.some way       B.anyway         C.somehow  D.somewhat


15.               A.kind           B.safe           C.happy D.grateful


16.               A.at             B.on            C.towards   D.over


17.               A.could          B.must           C.would D.need


18.               A.when          B.what           C.how  D.where


19.               A.performed      B.learned        C.did   D.played


20.               A.receive        B.respond        C.reflect    D.realize


























1.C 上下文串联。两人关系并不融洽几乎不问候对方因此选择barely;occasionally 时不时地;frequently经常地

2.B 动词辨析。引起了火灾,房间浓烟滚滚 选smoke up ;fire up 点火;go up 上升;tear up 撕毁

3.C 上下文串联。发生火灾 消防车,警车封道 jam是交通堵塞

4.A 语法分析。the instant一。。就。。充当连词引导时间状语从句

5.D  even though引导让步状语从句, 两人关系虽然不好, 邻居仍然帮助了她。now that既然;in case 以防万一

6.B 名词辨析。邻居不满是因为一件小事;affair风流韵事;incident 小事:deed 功绩;event 重要事件。


8.C 名词辨析。A/B建议C道歉D请求;这里是指接受我的道歉

9.B 邻居断然拒绝的态度让作者很伤心;amuse 令人愉悦amaze 惊叹

10.A  固定句式;it takes sb/sth to do 其中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式.

11.B 语法分析。本句考查非谓语用leaving表伴随,leave sb doing 使某人处于…状态之中。

12.D 上下文串联。A家B大厅C公寓D门口;站在门口 on the doorstep

13.A 名词词义辨析。kindness善举;routine是惯例,日常的;plain平的,清晰的;random acts of kindness无意间的善举。

14.B 副词辨析。anyway无论如何;somehow以某种方式;somewhat有点;感觉到那种恐惧,但是无论如何都要做好。

15.D 形容词辨析。A善良B安全C幸福D感激,感恩;对邻居表示感恩grateful。

16.C 介词辨析。Toward经常表示方向。本句是指把盘子递给邻居towards。

17.A 情态动词辨析。A可以B必须,一定;C会;D需要;表建议可以尝试一下。

18.C 连词辨析。A当…时;B什么;C如何,怎么样?D哪里。怎么样发现房子冒烟

19.C 动词辨析。A表演B学会C做;D玩耍。do a “happy dance” 开心的扭动几下

20.B 动词辨析。A收到B回应C反射D意识到;期待着人们用某种方式 进行回应。





According to Japanese media, about eight thousand people are dead and more than twelve thousand people are missing . More than 300-thousand people have been forced to leave their homes and more than 200 thousand are staying in public shelters.

According to Japan's nuclear safety agency up to 190 people may have been exposed to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power plant(核电站).

According to Kyodo News Agency, more than 34-hundred buildings have been destroyed and at least 200 fires have broken out in cities across the country.

In northeastern Japan, power has been cut off in at least 5.5 million households, a million families are without water, and gas supplies have been cut off in nearly half a million homes. It is expected to be about 2 weeks before normal daily supply can be resumed.

China delivered 10 tons of bottled drinking water to Japan's earthquake-hit areas on Thursday in the country's latest round of relief donations sent to assist Japan's rescue and recovery efforts. The water, packaged in 800 boxes, was air-lifted from China's northeastern city of Changchun, Jilin Province, to Niigata in northeastern Japan on Thursday before it was taken by road to devastated Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, said Duan Yingli, a foreign affairs official with Jilin provincial government.

Funds and other forms of aid have flowed from the Chinese government and the public after a 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit off Japan's northeast coast and triggered an array of disasters, including a massive tsunami, last Friday.

China sent a 15-member international rescue team to Japan, while the Ministry of Commerce said it is providing 30 million yuan worth of emergency humanitarian assistance.

The first relief package -- 2,000 blankets, 900 cotton tents and 200 emergency lights -- was delivered early this week.

On Wednesday, Beijing boosted aid to Japan by pledging 20,000 tons of fuel -- 10,000 tons of gasoline and 10,000 tons of diesel.

1.How many parts can be divided according to the main idea of the passage ?





2.How many people may have died in this disaster on March 11 ?

A.about 8000

B.more than 12000

C.about 20000

D.over 500,000

3.What kind of forms does China aid to Japan ?

A. Funds and a rescue team

B. 30million yuan , a team of scientists and many goods

C. Water , food ,package , gasoline and diesel


Trip 1 Black Bear Count

There have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of the National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them. The entire trip will last three hours. Booking necessary.

Cost: Free When: May 8

Trip 2 Garland Valley

Bring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is part of the National Park. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare birds. This is a great walk for bird-lovers. The trip lasts four hours. Bookings necessary.

Cost: £15.       When: May 8, May 15

Trip 3 Flashlight Adventure

Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see. Numbers are strictly limited on night trips, so be sure to book early. This walk lasts two and a half hours.

Cost: £ 12       When: May 8, May 15, May 22

Equipment to the needed:

* Please bring enough water and food for all walks.

* Wear good walking shoes ---no high heels.

* Wear a hat for day walks.

* Dress warmly for night walks.

* Children must be with an adult.

* Make sure you flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.

* Follow all instructions from guides during the walks.

The mountains is a dangerous place.


* Bookings for the above trips can be made by telephone (893-4847) or on the Internet at www.bluemountaintour.com.

1.Where are these trips?

A.In a large valley

B.In a park in the mountains.

C.In a special kind of zoo.

D.In three different countries.

2.On which trip might you see animals that sleep during the day?

A.Black Bear Count.

B.Garland Valley.

C.Flashlight Adventure.

D.None of the trips.

3.Which of the following is NOT necessary for the three trips?

A.Good walking shoes.

B.plenty of batteries.

C.Food and water.

D.A sleeping-bag.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Adventure Travel in America

B.Hunting around the Great Mountains

C.Interesting Trips in the East of the USA

D.Discovery Trips in the Blue Mountains


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