
【题目】 Airplane Stories and Histories

Norman Currey www.xlibris.com

Hardback | Paperback | E-book $29.99 | $19.99 | $3.99

Airplane Stories and Histories records 200 years of aviation highlights. A bibliography is provided for enthusiasts to explore the subjects at greater depth.

Tips ’n Tales from the Trails

Vicki Evenson www.xlibris.com

Hardback | Paperback | E-book $29.99 | $19.99 | $3.99

Tips ’n Tales from the Trails offers information and advice for any horseperson considering interstate trail riding. It provides helpful insights when preparing and planning for expansion of the reader’s own adventures.

The Rhythm of My Life

Tuning into the Rocky Rhythm of Fire

Yvon Milien www.iuniverse.com

Hardback | Paperback | E-book $26.99 | $13.99 | $3.99

This autobiography shares the story of the author’s life and how he found the inner strength to overcome the challenges.

On The Healing Road Through The Eyes Of An Adoptee

The Poet Dena www.authorhouse.com

Paperback | E-book $13.99 | $3.99

Therapeutic poetry is what the Poet Dena offers. As you go along The Healing Road, you will find at least a few words to help lighten your own struggles.

The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears Searching for a Furry Friend

Donna Carr Roberts www.iuniverse.com

Hardback | Paperback | E-book $35.95 | $22.95 | $3.99

The story of a fuzzy little dog who searched for a friend in all the wrong places until…

The Girl from Copenhagen

Glenn Peterson www.xlibris.com

Hardback | Paperback | E-book $29.99 | $19.99 | $3.99

The Girl from Copenhagen is a autobiography about the life of author Glenn Peterson’s mother, from childhood to old age.

1If Tom likes reading poems, he might buy ___________.

A.Airplane Stories and HistoriesB.Tips ’n Tales from the Trails

C.On The Healing RoadD.The Rhythm of My Life

2We can learn from the text that _____________.

A.The Rhythm of My Life is about a musician’s life.

B.Airplane Stories and Histories is a book intended for pilots

C.The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears is about a dog searching for his master

D.Tips ’n Tales from the Trails gives suggestions on horse riding in the wild

3Which book is similar to The Girl from Copenhagen in style?

A.Airplane Stories and HistoriesB.On The Healing Road

C.The Rhythm of My LifeD.The Adventures of Mr. Fuzzy Ears







1细节理解题。根据On The Healing Road Through The Eyes Of An Adoptee部分的“Therapeutic poetry is what the Poet Dena offers.(诗人德娜提供的是治疗性诗歌。)”可知喜欢诗歌的人可能会买诗人德娜写的On The Healing Road这本书,故选C项。

2细节理解题。根据Tips’ n Tales from the Trails部分的“Tips’ n Tales from the Trails offers information and advice for any horseperson considering interstate trail riding.Tips’ n Tales from the Trails这本书为任何考虑去州际乡间小路骑行的骑马手提供信息和建议)”可知这本书为去野外骑马给出了建议,D项符合以上描述,故选D项。

3细节理解题。根据The Girl from Copenhagen 段中的“The Girl from Copenhagen is a autobiography......The Girl from Copenhagen是一本自传……)” 以及The Rhythm of My Life部分的“This autobiography shares the story of the author’s life and how he found the inner strength to overcome the challenges.(这本自传讲述了作者的生平,以及他如何找到克服挑战的内在力量。)”可知这两本书都是自传文体,故选C项。



Over the years, the term Wall Street has come to represent the world of high finance, but it’s also just a street! And before that, it was actually a wall--hence the name.

The wall used to protect New Yorkers from attacks by Native American Indians. But eventually, the English knocked the wall down. There are a number of important landmarks on Wall Street. Here are a few of them.


Trinity Church is located at the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway. The original church was destroyed in the Great New York City fire of 1776. The current church was built in 1846. These days, Trinity Church has several choirs, and offers free classical and contemporary music concerts.


Federal Hall was built in 1700 as New York’s City Hall. Later, it became the first capitol building of the United States of America. It was the place where George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States in 1789, and it is also where the United States Bill of Rights was drafted. These days, the building is run by the National Park Service as a museum commemorating the historic events.


The New York Stock Exchange is a neo-classical building located at 11 Wall Street. It is the world’s largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies. You can visit the building and watch from the third floor as traders buy and sell shares from companies around the world.


At 14 Wall Street you can find the Bankers Trust Company Building. It’s a 227-metre skyscraper that occupies an entire block. The building was originally the headquarters of Bankers Trust. These days, it serves as the American headquarters of Deutsche Bank.

1How did Wall Street acquire its name?

A.Local New Yorkers named it after a certain man.

B.Some Native American Indians gave it the name.

C.The street got its name due to the original architecture there.

D.The English adopted the name in memory of the original wall.

2Among the important landmarks, which used to stage certain political events?

A.Trinity Church.

B.Federal Hall National Memorial.

C.The New York Stock Exchange.

D.Bankers Trust Company Building.

【题目】 Teaches should assess every student's ability authentically. 1Its more important for students to develop the learning skills and habits of mind that are important in the class- room and the rest of their lives. Here are tips to help you use authentic assessments in yourschool.

Give cards a try. Cards are a great way to know where your students are in their learn- ing. Ask students to answer one or two questions on a card on the way into class as a warm- activity, on the way out of class, or as homework. 2The cards can reveal a lot of help. ful information to guide your instruction.

Use a variety of tracking tools. There are a variety of low-and high-tech tools that can

help you track your students' progress. Technology lovers use applications lik Easy Grade Pro to track Particular skills. Others prefer a more traditional approach. 3 Find whatworks for you and look at trackmg as part of the whole assessment process '

Do your own assessments. 4 Let them explain their process and approach to a certain skill as well as their opinions on the current unit ,text or concept .How they are thinking about the concept is as important as their ability to give a “right” answer.

5 Children are interested in so many things, which help them take ownership of and deepen their own learning. For example, students who enjoy art and creative writing create graphic novels. Kids who love video games study projectile motion in the online game World of Warcraft. So pay attention to their interests, you'll make an authentic assessment of them,

A.Take advantage of students' interests.

B.You can then quickly review the cards.

C.Try to learn many things as quickly as possible.

D.You don*t have to base assessments on your teaching standards.

E.This assessment goes beyond getting the “right" answers on tests.

F.They use pen and paper to track students' progress at any given time.

G.Set aside time for kids to reflect and write about their own progress.

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