
It was lunchtime and I walked into a small branch office on the West Side. I had come to   36  a checking account. The only officer on   37  was a fortyish black man, standing   38  a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater. I think I was especially   39  of the boy because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a   40  in a West Side bank.
The boy continued to   41  my attention because of what happened next. He was holding an open savings-account book and   42  an expression of disappointment. “But I don’t understand. I opened the account myself, so why can’t I   43  any money?” the boy said, his voice breaking.
“I know it is, but those are the rules. I’ve already explained to you that a fourteen-year-old is not   44  to withdraw money without a letter from his parents,” the officer explained patiently.
Suddenly I noticed the account had a series of small deposits and withdraws. Then I questioned the officer, “How do you   45  that? Why did you let him withdraw money before, but not now?” He looked   46 . “Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. It’s really very   47 .” I turned to the boy with a shrug. “You’re really getting   48 ,” I said. “You ought to get your parents to come in here and   49 .” The boy looked destroyed.   50 , he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank.
The officer turned to me. “You know,” he said, “you really shouldn’t have got   51 .” I couldn’t believe what this idiot was saying. “We were   52  this morning that some neighborhood bully has been shaking down (敲诈) this boy for more than a month. The other guy was   53  him to take money out every week and hand it over. The poor kid was   54  too scared to tell anyone. Anyway, the police are on the case and they’ll probably make a(n)  55  today."
“You mean there is no rule about being too young to withdraw money from a savings account?”
“Not that I ever heard of. Now, sir, what can we do for you?”

A.onB.afterC.over D.across
A.argue B.explainC.answerD.declare
A.Excitedly B.SilentlyC.CheerfullyD.Nervously
A.askedB.discovered C.suggestedD.informed
A.arrestB.sentence C.apologyD.difference





1.Imagine a world without paper!________ ________ ________ no books, no newspapers, nothing ________ ________ ________ ________.

2.________ ________ some ceremonies in which they were used, oracle bones also record historical events, royal activities, information about natural phenomena and farming techniques.

3.People wrote by carving words on ________ strips known ________“inscribed bamboo”or“wooden strips”

4.In the Eastern Han Dynasty students and scholars ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ something cheaper and more convenient ________ ________ ________ ________.

5.In the year 105 AD, Cai Lun reported his accomplishment to the emperor and his method ________ soon ________ ________ all parts of the country.

6.The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably ________ invention of ________ primitive weapons and ________ discovery of ________ fire, although nobody knows when he acquired ________ use of ________ latter.(在必要的地方填入冠词)

7.The origin of language is also unclear.________ ________ it began very gradually.

8.Agriculture ________ ________ violent resistance from the people who lived a moving life on the grassland, but the agricultural way of life became popular in the end ________ ________ the physical comforts it provide.

9.There was progress…but neither of these can ________ ________ ________ in their revolutionary power to ________ things ________ speech and writing and agriculture.




1.What time does the woman usually have breakfast?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 10∶00.

C.At 7∶00.

2.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a bank.

C.At a shop.

3.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Shop assistant and customer.

B.Shop assistant and her manager.

C.Shop assistant and her father.

4.What did the girl do last Sunday?

A.She was iii at that time.

B.She left her mother alone.

C.She stayed with her mother at home.

5.What did the woman buy her brother for Christmas?

A.She bought him a watch.

B.She has not bought him a present yet.

C.She bought him a case for his coin collection.



6.What are they discussing?

A.What to have for lunch.

B.Where to go for lunch.

C.When to have lunch.

7.What can we learn about the man?

A.He usually doesn't eat fast food.

B.He often eats in a restaurant near his home.

C.He can't afford an expensive lunch that day.

8.Where are they probably going right after this conversation?

A.A supermarket.

B.A fast-food place.

C.A French restaurant.


9.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At an airport.

B.At the woman's home.

C.In the street.

10.Who has booked the ticket for Tom?

A.The woman.

B.Xiao Fang.

C.Tom himself.

11.When is Tom invited to dinner at the woman's?

A.this Friday.

B.This Saturday.

C.Nest Sunday.


12.What did Marco Polo see when he was in China?

A.Cai Lun invented paper.

B.The Chinese used paper money.

C.The Chinese saved paper.

13.When did people in western countries first use paper money?

A.In the 7th century.

B.In the 15th century.

C.In the 13th century.

14.How many trees should be cut down if you want to make 1,000 tons of paper?





15.Why didn't the woman go to the man's birthday party?

A.She forgot all abut it.

B.She didn't like the man.

C.She didn't know about it.

16.Who is the woman:

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's mother.

C.The man's sectary.

17.What does the woman want to do for the man's birthday?

A.Buy him a nice present.

B.Have lunch with him.

C.Send him an email.


18.Why did the animals come together?

A.To see who was the happiest.

B.To see who was the most beautiful.

C.To see who was the biggest.

19.When should the snake give the rooster the crown?

A.The next evening.

B.Late the next morning.

C.Early the next morning.

20.Why was the snake afraid to tell the rooster about the crown?

A.Because the snake fell into the pool and dropped his crown.

B.Because she did not know where he was.

C.Because she got up early.


  In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China.During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things.One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money.In western countries, people didn’t use the paper money until 15th century.However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.

  A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago.He took the wood from trees and made it into paper.He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book.

  Now paper still comes from trees.We use a lot of paper every day.If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth.If there are no trees, there will be no paper.Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city.It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper.This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day.Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now.

  So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes.We can use cotton handkerchiefs and not paper ones.When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags.If the shop assistant gives us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.

  Everyone can help to save paper.If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees.But we should do it now, before it is too late.


When he was in China, Marco Polo ________.

[  ]


discovered Cai Lun invented paper


learned to make paper


saw many wonderful things


read a lot of books


Which of the following is not a way of saving paper?

[  ]


To use both sides of every piece of paper


To use fewer paper bags when shopping


To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones


To grow more trees


Which of the following is not true?

[  ]


If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use one day.


The Chinese people used paper money much earlier than people in western countries.


About 48,000 trees can be used to make 2,800 tons of paper.


It is never too late to plant trees for paper.


Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Saving Paper


The History of Paper


Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again


Cai Lun, the Inventor

In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people didn’t use the paper money until 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.
A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book.
Now paper still comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city. It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now.
So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can use cotton handkerchiefs and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant gives us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.
Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. But we should do it now, before it is too late.
【小题1】 When he was in China, Marco Polo ____________.

A.discovered Cai Lun invented paperB.learned to make paper
C.saw many wonderful thingsD.read a lot of books
【小题2】 Which of the following is not a way of saving paper?
A.To use both sides of every piece of paper
B.To use fewer paper bags when shopping
C.To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones
D.To grow more trees
【小题3】 Which of the following is not true?
A.If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use one day.
B.The Chinese used paper money much earlier than people in western countries.
C.About 48,000 trees can be used to make 2,800 tons of paper.
D.It is never too late to plant trees for paper.
【小题4】 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Saving PaperB.The History of Paper
C.Cotton Handkerchiefs Back AgainD.Cai Lun, the Inventor

In the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people didn’t use the paper money until 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.

   A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made them into a book.

   Now paper still comes from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth. If there are no trees, there will be no paper. Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city. It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now.

   So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can use cotton handkerchiefs and not paper ones. When we go shopping, we can use fewer paper bags. If the shop assistant gives us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later.

   Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. But we should do it now, before it is too late.

1. When he was in China, Marco Polo ____________.

   A. discovered Cai Lun invented paper  B. learned to make paper

   C. saw many wonderful things        D. read a lot of books

2. Which of the following is not a way of saving paper?

   A. To use both sides of every piece of paper

   B. To use fewer paper bags when shopping

   C. To use cotton handkerchiefs instead of paper ones

   D. To grow more trees

3. Which of the following is not true?

   A. If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use one day.

   B. The Chinese used paper money much earlier than people in western countries.

   C. About 48,000 trees can be used to make 2,800 tons of paper.

   D. It is never too late to plant trees for paper.

4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

   A. Saving Paper                       B. The History of Paper

   C. Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again    D. Cai Lun, the Inventor


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