
     Once upon a time, a king was on a tour with his Ministers(大臣). He was taking a __ 1__ in the shade of a mango tree with his team when suddenly a __ 2__hit him directly on the forehead. Immediately he
started __ 3__.
     The king had no idea who threw the stone at him, but he did know he was expecting an intolerable
__ 4__. The guard left right away to find who threw the stone. After __ 5_ they found only one old lady
there, and they asked if she had thrown any stones __ 6__.
     "Yes," she replied, "I threw a stone at the mango tree."
     They asked her, "Did you throw any stone at the king?" The woman's face showed how __ 7__ she
was, so the guard forcefully told her that she would be __ 8__. The woman was arrested and presented
before the king. She trembled with fear and __ 9__ they wouldn't kill her. After seeing the blood flow
down the king's face, she became more upset and felt __10__.
     The king asked her very calmly, "Did you throw the stone at me?"
     She replied __11__, "My child has been hungry for two days. I was collecting __12__ for him but
could not find any. I hope when I threw the stone at the tree, a mango would __13__ so that I could feed my son. However, by mistake the stone hit your forehead and that is my unknown mistake."
     The woman bowed down before the king begging pardon for her mistake. The king understood the
__14__ very clearly. He forgave her mistake and instead of punishment he decided to give her money,
food, and returned her __15__ to her home.
(     )1. A. calculation  
(     )2. A. monkey    
(     )3. A. walking   
(     )4. A. pain     
(     )5. A. blaming  
(     )6. A. successfully  
(     )7. A. bored      
(     )8. A. protected
(     )9. A. found    
(     )10. A. hopeless
(     )11. A. laughing
(     )12. A. information  
(     )13. A. break   
(     )14. A. determination
(     )15. A. unwillingly  
B. rest     
B. mango    
B. shaking   
B. failure  
B. battling
B. recently  
B. disappointed
B. cured   
B. prayed  
B. careless  
B. weeping   
B. juice    
B. function    
B. appreciation
B. personally
C. research  
C. branch   
C. bleeding
C. experiment
C. discussing  
C. frequently  
C. terrified
C. checked
C. realized  
C. useless   
C. shouting
C. food      
C. grow      
C. suggestion
C. safely    
D. photo        
D. stone        
D. smiling      
D. disease      
D. searching    
D. curiously    
D. amused      
D. punished    
D. believed    
D. restless    
D. swinging    
D. money        
D. fall        
D. situation    
D. forcefully  
1-5 BDCAD   6-10 BCDBA   11-15 BCDDC

Robby was 11 years old when his mother (a single mom) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby.   21  Robby said that it had always been his mother’s   22  to hear him play the piano. So I took him as a student.
Hard as Robby tried, he lacked the   23  of music. However, he persisted and at the end of each weekly   24  he’d always say, “My mom’s going to hear me play someday.” But it seemed   25 . I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her aged car to   26  him up. She always   27  and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby   28  coming to our lessons. He telephoned me and said his mother was   29 .
A few weeks after that, I was   30  my students for the upcoming recital when Robby came and asked me   31 he could be in the recital. “Miss Hondorf… I’ll just go to play!” he insisted.
The night for the recital came. The high school gym was   32 with parents, friends and relatives. The recital   33  well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was   34  when he announced that he had chosen Mozart’s Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I had heard   35  his fingers were light on the keys. They even   36  on the keys… He played so well that everyone was on their   37 in wild applause (鼓掌). In tears I ran up on stage. “Oh Robby! How   38  you do it?”
“Well Miss Hondorf… I   39 on practicing at home. Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well,   40  she had cancer and passed away this morning. She was born deaf so tonight was the first time she ever heard me play…”

A.went onB.turned onC.carried onD.kept on

完型填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
My mother attended college during the day while my sister was in school and I was in daycare.One day at daycare I   36  a tired mother attempt to   37  her daughter.The mother refused her little girl’s request to go to McDonalds for dinner and the daughter immediately  38 over the floor, kicking and screaming, "I want to go to McDonalds."_39_her mother tried stopped her crying.Finally her mother gave in, the girl stopped crying and they left.To say I was amazed would be   40  ,I was delighted that 41  I wanted could be got in the same way.
That day my mother picked me up early from daycare  42  we were collecting our - Christmas shopping.As we walked through the toy section, I saw a  43  I had to have.It was a white and red telephone whose bells   44  as it was pulled along on a string.
45  lovingly at my mother, I asked, "Mama,   46  I have that telephone?" She replied, "Not now, but if you are a good girl maybe Santa will bring it to you." As I insisted, her eyes narrowed and her hand 47  on mine.
By now we were standing in the long line, and I figured it was _48_.I lay down on the ground and began screaming."I want that telephone." Tired Christmas shoppers looked as my mother   49 said, "Becky, you ’d better get up by the count of three  50 ."
Nothing happened.So then she lay   51  me on the floor, and began kicking and screaming, "I want a new car, I want a new house, I want some jewelry, I want…" _52_ , I stood up.
"Mama, stop.Mama, get up," I   53  said.
She stood, and   54  herself off.At first astonished, the others waiting in line began to clap.And as they were leaving, they said with a smile, "Your mom got your good.I bet you’ll never try that again."
And I didn’t, because it left a lasting mental picture more effective than any   55 _ mark.

A.pick upB.hold upC.make upD.hang up
A.Looking upB.Holding upC.Carrying onD.Going through
A.more or less B.again and againC.now and thenD.now or never
A.at lengthB.and so onC.or somethingD.or else

完型填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
The sun didn’t come out. The 15 – year – old girl Razeena said goodbye to her mother and left for school. She was thinking about the coming Christmas and   21  the holiday lights at the nearby senior citizens’ apartment   22  she noticed some smoke through the door.
The building is on fire ! She looked around wildly,  23   not a soul was in   24    .
Razeena   25  .“Fire ! ” she yelled, running into the hallway and striking on every door she saw, “Everybody get   26  !” The building had two floors, she pulled herself   27  ,where the thick   28  was hanging just a few feet   29  the floor. She could see pairs of slippered feet——but no one was moving. She   30  they couldn’t see where to go ! “Down here ! and follow me !” she yelled.   31  a sleeve over her mouth, she led the elderly residents (居民) down the stairs.
So she pounded up and down the stairs, weaving through the smoke and heat to   32  more people. “ Take my arm,” she told the extremely   33  residents. Her eyes burned and flames were hissing louder. Finally, she led the last person out.   34  stood on the side walk, dazed and crying. “Thank you so much,” they told her over and over, “ Without you, we never would have   35 .”
When Razeena walked home, shaking and   36  with dirt, mother cried, “ What happened?!”
“ There was a fire…so many people … I think I   37  them all.” She burst into tears, “ I   38  my uniform. I thought you might be mad! ” Mother   39  her head, tears in her eyes, “Oh honey, I’m so   40  of you,” she whispered.

A.carried outB.made it C.gone aheadD.set free


     Five and a half years ago my father was suddenly rushed to the hospital for an operation.At the time,we had no idea that he was__1__ill.The operation did not go well and he remained__2__.Due to the laws of
our state,we were__3__to keep him on a ventilator (呼吸机) for 72 hours against his wish of stopping
medical treatment if he was too ill.
     At the end of day two,I was__4__in the waiting room and watching others walk their fathers around
who had had__5__.Typically,I am very happy for others that are__6__,but that evening,I guess I was a
little__7__because I finally realized I would__8__be able to hold my father's hand and walk down the hall again.
     I had to jump up and run down the hall to__9__everyone.This was not in my nature but I just had to be__10__.After running for what seemed like a long time,I went into a rest room.I sat in a stall (小隔间) and__11__for at least five minutes.
     When I came out of the stall there was a__12__by the sink.I went to__13__on the water to wash my
face and she came to hug me though I didn't know her.She held onto me__14__I finally stopped crying.
Then she grabbed a paper towel,wet it and__15__it to me.She looked at me and smiled and then left.She never spoke one word but she touched my__16__.
     She__17__me that you do not need to be a conversationalist to help__18__the hurt in others.Never
__19__to hug someone who may need it today.You can make a__20__in someone's life without ever
speaking one word.

(     )1. A. slightly  
(     )2. A. uncomfortable
(     )3. A. inspired  
(     )4. A. sitting  
(     )5. A. dinners  
(     )6. A. changing  
(     )7. A. angry     
(     )8. A. even    
(     )9. A. catch up with
(     )10. A. single  
(     )11. A. cried  
(     )12. A. doctor  
(     )13. A. turn  
(     )14. A. but    
(     )15. A. said  
(     )16. A. face  
(     )17. A. taught  
(     )18. A. see    
(     )19. A. lea rn  
(     )20. A. choice  
B. seriously  
B. uneasy    
B. trained  
B. playing  
B. doubts  
B. recovering
B. pleased  
B. still  
B. adapt to  
B. alone  
B. shouted  
B. manager  
B. put  
B. since  
B. handed  
B. hair  
B. promised  
B. remember  
B. hesitate  
B. mistake  
C. probably  
C. unfortunate  
C. forced    
C. chatting  
C. ideas  
C. returning  
C. curious  
C. never  
C. play jokes on
C. negative  
C. laughed  
C. stranger  
C. take  
C. when  
C. lent    
C. heart  
C. reminded  
C. describe  
C. continue  
C. difference  
D. simply        
D. unconscious    
D. forbidden      
D. reading        
D. operations    
D. leaving        
D. foolish        
D. always        
D. get away from  
D. impolite      
D. complained    
D. nurse          
D. try            
D. until          
D. sold          
D. leg            
D. introduced    
D. heal          
D. dream          
D. decision      

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