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3£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¿óÎïȼÁÏfossil fuels£»¶þÑõ»¯Ì¼carbon dioxide£»ÊÍ·Å£ºrelease
The diagram shows the weather changes in the global climate£®
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½â´ð The diagram shows the weather changes in the global climate£®It tells us that the global average temperature has increased by 0.8¡æfrom 17¡æin 1951 to 17.8¡æin 2001£®thus£¬we can come to a conclusion that our earth is getting warmer and warmer£®
As far as we know£¬the major reason for global warming is due to human activities£®Firstly£¬the use of fossil fuels by industry releases greenhouse gases£®Moreover£¬cutting down forests means that less carbon dioxide can be changed back into oxygen£®As a consequence of global warming£¬the sea level is rising£®And people are suffering more extreme weather of global warming£¬the sea level is rising£®And people are suffering more extreme weather£®The increase in temperature is also causing much damage to the balance of nature£®
It's high time that we should take measures to protect our earth£®Not only can we control the releasing of carbon dioxide£¬but also we can be encouraged to use new energy£¬such as solar energy£®
In a word£¬only in this way can we make our earth a better place for our human beings£®
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A£® | the£» a | B£® | ²»Ì the | C£® | the£»²»Ìî | D£® | a£» the |
-Oh£¬Martin!I ____ you£®I'm fine£®Let's have a drink£¬shall we£¿£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | don't recognize | B£® | didn't recognize | ||
C£® | can't recognize | D£® | haven't recognize |
Ö§³ÖÕߵĹ۵ã | ÓÐÀûÓÚ±£³ÖººÓïµÄ´¿½àÐÔ£¬ÓúºÓïÈ«³ÆÒ×ÓÚΪÆÕͨÈËËùÀí½â |
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2£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÓ¢ÎÄËõÂÔ´ÊEnglish abbreviations£®
A£® | search | B£® | searching | C£® | searched | D£® | to search |
A£® | improving | B£® | improve | C£® | be improving | D£® | having improved |
A£® | now that | B£® | so that | C£® | in case | D£® | even though |